《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 11: The Ghost Outside
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I felt my body shaking and I wasn't quite sure if it was from the cold or if it was because I was terrified right now.
"Mother?" I asked again, doubting that it had been my mother who slammed my door shut.
It couldn't have been the wind, my windows were closed. I crept towards the door, waiting for anything. A noise or something to tell me I'm wasn't going insane.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I slowly made it closer to my door. I reached out my hand and grabbed the knob. I stared at it intently before throwing the door open.
I instinctively squeezed my eyes closed, expecting the worst. When nothing happened, I peeked opened my eyes one at a time. What the?
There was nothing. Confused, I looked left down the dark hallway and then right. It must just be my imagination. At least, that's what I thought before I heard a familiar whimper below me.
I blinked and looked down at my feet to see big brown eyes looking at me. I felt relieved and exhaled loudly. I went down on my knees and was greeted by slobbery kisses.
"God, you scared me, Oscar." I breathed out, still shaking from my scrambled emotions.
I ran my fingers through his soft fluffy fur and scratched behind his left ear. I smiled at him as he continued to grin at me. Well, the way he's looking reminds me of a grin.
Sometimes I wish he could talk to me. But I have a good idea about what he could say to me if he could talk. His expressions give it away most of the time.
I stood up and turned to go back to my room. I heard him follow me in by the sound of his nails clicking against the floor.
The rain was still pouring outside and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. This storm suddenly appearing didn't seem very logical. Usually, the weather people can predict the forecast.
Then again, this whole town has become a real mystery to me. I'm not so sure if I want to dig for answers. I could really get killed this time.
Oscar brushed up against my leg and trotted towards my window. He put his paws up on the windowsill allowing him to see the raging storm outside.
He unexpectedly barked and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Slowly, I walked towards him until I was facing the window.
The trees were shaking roughly against the fast wind. The rain pelting the glass made it difficult to see clearly outside.
With no clue about what Oscar was barking at, I was about to turn away from my window to head downstairs with my blanket.
Something had caught my eye. Oscar wagged his tail and was panting against the glass, creating fog. I frowned, trying to figure out what the thing was outside.
It looked like a person was standing on my front lawn in the middle of the storm. I could see the shape of the figure, it looked like a guy. A guy who seemed familiar.
I tilted my head and pressed my face closer to the glass. Although I know it wouldn't help me see any better, I squinted my eyes. Who was this person? Am I imagining things?
Something about the outline of this person just all too familiar. It looked like the person was facing the house, but it seemed they were wearing a black hoodie.
I watched and stared in shock as the person removed their hood, being attacked by the rain. I took a step back and dropped my blanket to the floor. My mouth hung open agape.
"No...it can't be..." I mumbled and peeked out the glass again to confirm my suspicions.
I whirled around and raced out of my room. Oscar barked from behind me and I rushed down the hallway. I came thundering down the stairs, panting heavily already.
It can't be him! It has to be my imagination, but what am I doing? Am I just going to race outside to see?
I slipped on the last step, but it didn't stop me for long. My hair was trying to blind me. I reached for the front door at the same time I heard my mother call from the kitchen.
"I found the flashlights- Saige? Why are you running?"
I wasn't thinking straight. I had only one goal in mind: get outside. I turned the knob a bit too roughly that it made a slight cracking sound. I pulled open the door and was instantly hit with the full sight of the storm.
"Saige? Where are you going?" My mother called, I heard her small footsteps enter the hallway behind me.
Without a second thought, I jumped outside and was hit with the downpour of rain. I really should care that I'm still wearing my school uniform, but I didn't. I was soaked within a few seconds.
"Carson?" I called out, trying to see through the rain.
That's who I believe was standing outside on my lawn. The moment the figure pulled their hood down, I saw the blonde hair. It had to be him, that's why the outline of the shape looked familiar.
"Carson?" I doubt anyone would be able to hear me calling out in the rain.
I ran down the steps, my shoes squishing with each step I took. I looked around frantically, trying to find where he was standing a few seconds ago. Why was I so desperate to find him?
My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was ragged. I don't know if it was from running downstairs or because I was standing outside in a storm.
"Saige? What are you doing?" My mother yelled at me from the front door.
Water ran down my face and my hair was sticking to my skin. I hurriedly walked to the grass, puddles already had formed.
He wasn't here. It had to be my imagination. I put my hands on my face, trying to block out the thundering noises. My hands were cold and I shivered.
"Saige! Get back inside!" I barely heard my mother through all the noise.
What was I doing? Surely I had gone crazy. Everything was so messed up. I fell to my knees, right in a puddle. I hugged myself and let my wet hair fall around my face.
A few tears mixed with the rain that streamed down my face. I tilted my head up and looked towards the stormy sky. Lightning flashed across the dark clouds.
"Saige! Get in here now!" My mother's voice rang out again. I could tell she was hesitant to come out and get me.
I looked back behind me and saw her giving me a mix of worried and angry look. She stood at the door frame, ushering me to come inside.
I want to live.
I pushed myself up, chilled to the bone. Once I was up, I jogged over to her and up the porch steps. Only slipping a bit from the wet ground.
Once I made it to the door frame, my mother grabbed my shoulders and pulled me inside. She reached behind me and closed the door quickly.
I stared into her brown eyes and looked down at my feet. A puddle already forming on the hardwood floor. What was I thinking?
"What on earth were you thinking?" My mother voiced my thoughts and scolded me before sighing while I continued to look at my shoes, "I'll go get a towel."
I watched as she turned and headed down the hallway. I looked up, water streaming down my face. I blew out a breath of cold air. That was not smart.
My mother returned with a peach-colored towel. She reached up and put it on top of my wet head. She rubbed the towel, drying my hair.
"Sorry," I mumbled, unable to look her in the eyes.
She continues to dry my hair. This reminded me of the times she would do this when I was younger. It would be just after I had a bath.
"I'm just glad you're okay." I heard her whisper, "You need to change out of your uniform so I can dry it."
I only nodded my head in shame. The image of Carson standing soaked on my front lawn keeps repeating in my mind. Was it just my imagination? I felt so sure it wasn't.
"God, you're shivering Saige. Quickly go change before you get a cold." My mother pulled the towel off my slightly drier hair before heading towards the kitchen.
I glanced behind my shoulder to look at the door. Part of me wanted to go back outside and search for Carson. But my other side- the rational part- decided it would better to give up.
I walked towards the stairs and took it a step at a time, leaving a water trail. My clothes feeling uncomfortable with each movement. The cold feeling already making its way inside.
Thinking about tomorrow's school day has already given me a headache. I'll probably feel terrible while still having to deal with Nolan in Science class.
The only thing that could put a smile on my face would be when the time comes for Harley to tutor me during our lunch period.
I stopped when I reached the top, my good thought turning into a dreadful one. Harley's a vampire. I'll be alone in the library with a vampire.
"What is that smell?" Zaylee asked as she caught up with my irritated pace.
I sighed and gave her an annoyed look. I was in no mood to be messed with anymore this morning. She sniffed the air once more before giving me a disgusted look.
"Yeah, it's me." I gave in.
We were walking down the school hallway towards our History class. Science with Nolan, the asshole, had been absolute hell. It's bad enough I feel terribly sick after going outside in the storm like I had predicted.
"Let me guess, Nolan?" Zaylee gave me a sympathetic smile.
I raised my eyebrow at her. "How'd you know?"
"Rowan explained what happened yesterday with him. Kind of figured the same thing happened today."
I took a deep breath in and nodded my head. Nolan- during the entire class- had pretty much tortured me. He messed with my hair, hid my pencils and gotten me in trouble with Mr. Jackson multiple times. It's not like he already has a bad impression of me.
"Well, the good news is that Mrs. Neille is announcing our groups for the preparation of the Hallow's Eve carnival." Zaylee gave me a bright smile as we made it to the History classroom.
I somewhat cheered up at that thought. Yeah, that could make my day ten times better. Probably not that much, but it should help my mood at least.
Suddenly, I sneezed and Zaylee gave me a weird look. I smiled at her while I rubbed my irritated nose. I sniffled as we entered the lively classroom.
The first person I spotted was Reece. He was sitting relaxed in his seat, Waverly talking with other students in the seat next to his. I stood next to Zaylee as Reece gave me a bright smile once he noticed me.
I gave a small smile back before the overwhelming feeling to sneeze again came back. I couldn't help it, but I scrunched up my nose and sneezed. Reece gave a laugh as I rubbed my nose in embarrassment.
Waverly gave me a scowl, which Reece didn't see. She tried to gain his attention again, ignoring the girls behind her. He turned back to her, only giving a glance back at me.
I followed Zaylee to the seats we sat in yesterday. As we both sat down simultaneously, the bell rang and students scattered to their seats.
Zaylee leaned over to me and held out a bottle. "Here. Use it in the bathroom before lunch, it'll help with the smell."
I slowly took the small bottle from her palm as Mrs. Neille came in. I observed the bottle that was half empty. It was perfume. I mouthed a 'thank you' to Zaylee who returned it with a wink.
I put the small bottle in my backpack which was resting on the arm of my seat. At least I won't smell bad before I see Harley. Wait, why do I care?
"I have put together a list of the groups for the preparation. No complaining. You need to learn to get along with each other." Mrs. Neille announced, earning some grumbles from students.
Why did this sound like I was paired up with a bad group? My thoughts went immediately to Waverly. From the corner of my eye, I could see her as she clung on possessively to Reece's arm. I glanced at Zaylee who smiled at me.
Mrs. Neille pulled out a paper and began listing off a few groups of students who I'd never heard of. Then again, I only really know about three people in this class.
"Group Five will be Saige Morris, Zaylee Butler," Zaylee and I high-fived each other, but the celebration was short-lived. "Reece Campbell and Waverly Adams."
I grumbled softly. It just had to be Waverly. Of all the thirty people in this class, I was stuck with the one girl who'd been a bitch to me. I'd rather have a complete stranger in my group.
Zaylee's smiled faltered into a frown, probably mimicking my upset expression. I know I probably shouldn't feel that way, but I couldn't help it. I'll just stick close to Zaylee when we have to prepare Friday night.
Now I sound like a desperate child wanting to stay with her mother at all times. But I was desperate. Desperate to stay away from Waverly.
Reece only smiled as Waverly hugged him even tighter. I could see her mouth running as she talked with the group of girls around her excitedly. She stopped momentarily to give me a scowl behind Reece's back.
I gulped and turned away from her evil expression. I sneezed in the sleeve of my blazer and rubbed my nose. I swear if I get a cold I'll...
"Now for the remainder of class, I want you to all get together in your groups to discuss the event you'll be preparing. I have a bucket full of events to choose from. Send one representative to get it." Mrs. Neille said, waving around a red bucket.
Students began their chatter immediately, getting up from their seats to form their groups. I reluctantly got up from mine at the same time Zaylee did.
We both gave each other a disappointed smile as we walked towards Waverly and Reece. Reece smiled at the two of us as Waverly frowned. She wrinkled her nose up in disgust.
"Ew, what's that smell?" She complained, looking around us.
My shoulders sagged in defeat as I looked away from her judging eyes. Zaylee shrugged her shoulders, avoiding eye contact.
"So, who wants to go get the event?" Reece asked, changing the subject. He gave me a sympathetic smile.
Thank you, Reece! I looked at our group of four. Zaylee glanced away, I could tell she didn't want anything to do with them. Some students were already going up and choosing papers from the bucket already.
Waverly pouted and poked his arm, ushering him to go up and get it. Reece only shook his head and glanced at me, his brown eyes shining.
I sighed. "Fine, I'll go get it."
I walked towards Mrs. Neille before Waverly could object. I felt her intense gaze on my back as I approached my eccentric teacher. Mrs. Neille smiled at me and held out the almost empty bucket.
I hesitantly reached my hand inside and moved some of the papers around before I grabbed one without looking. I pulled out the piece I grabbed and turned to walk back towards my group.
When I finally reached them after having to move around desks and students, I looked at the paper. Damn it.
"What's it say?" Reece's question snapping me out of my trance.
I looked up and faced everyone's curious glances. I slowly turned the piece of paper around so they could all see the writing.
"Sweets and candy preparation," I answered.
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