《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 9: A Tutor Is Needed
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The bell rang, student's footsteps and chatter immediately followed after.
I looked away from Sebastian to see the classroom doors all open simultaneously, students shoving to get out. Within seconds, the hallway was no longer quiet. It had turned into a sea of chaos and noise.
Before I stood up, I saw the familiar head of a dark-haired boy exit Mr. Jackson's class. Nolan smirked down at me but instantly scowled when he saw Sebastian sitting next to me.
Nolan stood where he was, students forced to move around him. Sebastian stood up, the earbud falling out of his ear. I watched as he was giving Nolan just as equal a scowl.
I took the earbud out of my ear, quickly grabbing my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and stood up next to Sebastian. He was actually a lot shorter than the other guys I'd met, but still taller than me.
I felt the massive tension between him and Nolan. Oh God, for all I know I could already be stuck in the middle of some school war. That would just add to the major pile of crap I'm already in.
So far Carson seems to dislike that boy from my Math class and he most definitely despises Reece. Theo is on the same side as Carson. Rowan and Zaylee don't seem to like Hadlee's company. And I'm not quite sure which side Waverly is on, but at the moment let's assume it's Reece's. Now Sebastian and Nolan don't like each other.
What the hell is going on? Somebody, please explain. This is so stressful that I'm certain it's not good for my health. Then again, being surrounded by mythical creatures doesn't sound too good for my health either.
Nolan gave me a grin before turning around and walking away, shoving students out of his way at that. I sighed in relief, glancing up at Sebastian. He gave me a small smile before wrapping his headphones around his iPod and putting them in his bag.
He slung his bag over his shoulder. "I'm assuming he was the asshole that got you in trouble?"
I nodded my head and pulled out my crumpled schedule. Sebastian looked over my shoulder to read it. I realized that he was really close to me and I instinctively took a step away. My face beginning to burn.
"I have History with Mrs. Neille. Any clue where her classroom is?" I answered before Sebastian could ask me what class I had next.
Obviously, I need help getting around the school. I wish I could be a princess trapped in a confusing palace. With my luck, I'm not surprised I ended up being a lobster trapped in a fishing cage.
Wait...that made no sense. You know what? Forget that whole analogy was ever mentioned. For starters, I don't even like seafood.
Sebastian grinned at me. He shook out his hair before quickly looping arms with me. "I know where that is."
My eyes widened and I looked at him before I realized he was speedily pulling me down the hallway. I stumbled a few times because of my slippery shoes. I saw students stare with shocked expressions as Sebastian pulled me along.
"Slow down! Sebastian!" I shrieked, fearing for my life. Where are all the teachers that yell at kids that run in the hallways?
Sebastian only let out a loud laugh as he turned a corner sharply. I was swung to side as he continued to pick up the pace. I saw he had a giant smile on his face.
Everything around us became a blur of color. It reminded me of a roller coaster. The speed, wind blowing in your face, and the adrenaline that pumped through your veins.
My terror disappeared almost instantly and a wide smile made it's way on to my face. I laughed, knowing how much we probably look like idiots. Sebastian glanced back at me.
That exhilarating moment ended abruptly when Sebastian suddenly screeched to a stop. I didn't know he was planning to stop and ended up flying out of his hold. I screamed, not sure if this should be fun or terrifying.
I squeezed my eyes shut and rammed into something solid. I felt arms wrap around me instantly. The person I landed into stumbled back a few steps with an 'oomph'.
There were a few moments of silence before I decided to peek open my eyes. I slowly tilted my head up to see who had caught me.
"Reece!" I squealed in surprise.
Reece smiled at me and I realized that his arms were still around me. My face burned with embarrassment, I was uncomfortably close to him. I pushed away from him and nervously laughed.
"Didn't anyone tell you it's dangerous to run in the hallways?" Reece laughed, running a hand through his short hair.
I felt myself blush even more, if possible. I looked away, afraid that he'll see. Unfortunately, I couldn't help but glance at him. A bright smile on his face.
"Shut up" I grumbled, trying to hide behind the wall my hair was creating.
I heard him laugh. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to the side to see Sebastian standing next to me. He had a dark look his face as he suddenly bent down next to my ear.
"Don't get mixed up with the wrong people." He whispered in my ear.
I stared at Sebastian confused as he backed away from me. He turned around and started walking away before I could ask him what he meant. He glanced back and gave me a smile and a wink.
What's that supposed to mean?
I looked back at Reece, he had a frown on his face. Don't tell me that he doesn't like Sebastian. I sighed, beginning to feel frustrated. This was all so messed up.
The bell rang and students fled to their next class. I looked around in a panic, relief washing over me when I spotted Mrs. Neille's name on a plate outside one of the classroom doors. Thank you, Sebastian!
I rushed over towards it and entered the small classroom, leaving Reece outside in the hallway. The room was almost filled with students as I stepped towards the teacher's desk where Mrs. Neille was supposed to be.
Towards the middle, there was a group of girls huddling around a desk. I mentally groaned when I recognized one of the girls glaring at me. I was really hoping Waverly wasn't going to be in any of my classes. Curse the universe.
"Saige!" I heard Zaylee squeal.
Before I could turn around, small arms hugged me from behind. I gasped and glanced over my shoulder to see Zaylee beaming at me.
"Zay! You're...hurting...me." I breathed out as she began to suffocate me.
Her amber eyes widened and she quickly let go, allowing me to breathe again. She smiled at me and I turned to face her.
"Looks like we have a class together after all." Zaylee chirped.
I nodded my head, smiling back at her. "Yeah."
Right as the bell rang again, Reece walked into the classroom with a grin on his face. He looked at me before walking and sitting at a desk next to Waverly, who was giving me a smug smile.
Go figure. I watched as Zaylee spun and gave me a wink before taking a seat in one of the desks. I stood there awkwardly waiting for Mrs. Neille to enter the classroom.
What would she be like? Old and grumpy? Young and eccentric? Middle-aged and depressed? The possibilities were endless. So far I haven't met any fun teachers.
The door closed and entered a tall woman with bright lipstick and heels. Her green eyes widened and she gave me a dazzling smile. Her auburn hair was braided to side.
"You must be Saige! I'm excited to finally meet you. Welcome to History, I'm Mrs. Neille. You can go ahead and take a seat anywhere and I'm sure one of these students will be glad to help you out with what we've learned." She said to me as she took a seat at the square desk at the front of the classroom.
I blinked and nodded, proceeding to an empty desk next to Zaylee. Whoa. I guess she's the young and eccentric type. Finally! Someone who's not old and grumpy.
Zaylee looked at me and gave me a small thumbs up. Hopefully, I'll be able to survive this class. Chemistry and Math aren't looking too good for me.
"Now, today I have an important announcement." Mrs. Neille said, silencing the whispers around the classroom. "Our class has been chosen to come up with an idea for Wintercrest Academy's annual Hallow's Eve celebration."
I raised my eyebrow in confusion while other students cheered, high-fiving each other and fist-bumping. Waverly had a giant smile on her face and Reece looked surprised.
"Settle down, I know it's exciting. Instead of lessons today, you'll be discussing ideas for the celebration." Mrs. Neille said with a smile, students cheered even more.
Zaylee turned towards me, she was practically glowing. She scooted her desk closer to mine. I watched as the other students moved desks around the classroom.
"How awesome is that? We get to come up with the celebration idea!" Zaylee squealed, but then frowned when she realized I wasn't jumping for joy. "Why aren't you happy?"
I shook my head and smiled at her. "No, I'm happy. But does Mrs. Neille mean Halloween?" I asked.
Zaylee raised her eyebrow at me. "Halloween? It's the same thing as Hallow's Eve. Just a different name than what the humans call it."
My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. Crap! Come on Saige, say something.
"Oh...yeah. Of course, I knew that." I said quickly, trying not to trip over my words.
Zaylee gave me a confused look before shaking her. She doesn't believe me, but she's dismissing it. Thankfully.
"Anyway, I was thinking we could do a Hallow's Eve themed café. How does that sound?" Zaylee said, raising her voice slightly to talk over all the other students.
I thought about it for a moment. It sounded like a good idea, but when I think of Halloween, I think of candy. Not coffee.
"It's a good idea, but maybe we could do a Hallow's Eve themed carnival?"
"Carnival? What's a carnival?" Zaylee gave me a confused look.
"Oh, it's something the humans do. It's basically a festive park where people interact with different types of activities." I said slowly. It's weird saying 'humans' when not referring to yourself.
Zaylee's eyes lit up. "That sounds wonderful! What kind of activities would there be?"
"You know. Dancing, eating, costume competition, going to a haunted house. Stuff like that."
Zaylee squealed and jumped out of her seat. I watched in horror as she skipped to Mrs. Neille. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but her mouth was moving quickly. Mrs. Neille eyes brightened and she stood up from her desk.
"Class, I just received a wonderful idea. This year we shall do a Hallow's Eve school Carnival."
Zaylee came back and sat down in her seat. 'You're welcome' she mouthed at me. I didn't think she liked the idea that much. Some of my old schools did that for Halloween. Kids would walk around in costumes playing games.
Students whispered, some excitedly and some confused. Waverly pouted in her seat and Reece had a smile on his face. He glanced at me and I turned away, embarrassed from getting caught.
"We'll split the class up into different groups of four. Each group will set up for the celebration in a different part of the school." Mrs. Neille said.
Zaylee looked at me, pointing at me and herself. Meaning she wants to be in a group with me. Across the room, Waverly clung onto Reece's arm. Claiming him.
"I'll pick your groups." Students groaned at Mrs. Neille's smirk. "Since Hallow's Eve is this Saturday, we'll spend Friday night after school preparing."
More groans. I even joined in. Who wants to spend their Friday night at school? At least it'll be fun, I hope. Nah, who am I kidding?
"Tomorrow, I'll tell you what the groups are and what you'll be setting up." Mrs. Neille said, fixing her colorful outfit.
I hope I don't have to set up the haunted house. I'm terrified of ghosts. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.
I slouched farther down in my desk chair, completely brain-dead after enduring complete torture. Math.
I sighed and rested my head on the desk. All the numbers beginning to become jumbled in my head. The bell had already rung for lunch.
"I'm in need of a tutor..." I mumbled to myself.
I probably didn't need one, but it would sure help my soon to be doomed grade. With me being too self-conscious to take notes, I'm not sure I'll be able to pass this class by the end of the semester.
"I'll tutor you."
I snapped my head up, not expecting someone hear me mumble to myself. The boy who looked like Hadlee stood at my desk, looking down at me with a smile.
"Oh...um..." I was unsure what to say. Do I accept it or not?
"It's no problem at all. We can meet at the school library." His blue eyes stared at me. They reminded me of Hadlee, the same comfort within them.
"Yeah, I would appreciate the help." I decided, looking down at the pencil marks on my desk.
I stood up and grabbed my backpack and started walking towards the classroom door. The teacher had already left.
"Cool. I'm Harley." The boy walked up next to me, our arms almost touching.
I smiled as we exited the classroom. Most of the students had already made it to the cafeteria, I internally shuddered thinking about what they drank.
"Saige," I said, introducing myself.
Wow, he was cute up close. Slightly curly light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was taller than me and had a bit of muscle. I'm glad I know his name now, instead of 'boy in my Math class'.
During class, Harley would smile at me and Carson would glare. It was my first time today seeing Carson, and no matter what, I still didn't have enough courage to give him back the necklace. Silly, I know.
I couldn't tell if it was because Carson intimidated me or if it was because I had started to grow attached to the necklace. I sighed, this stress was not healthy.
"So, I can meet during lunch tomorrow. That good with you?" Harley said, snapping me out of my Carson thoughts.
I frowned a bit. During lunch? Wouldn't it be easier to go after school? I mean, I wouldn't be able to Friday, but I could tomorrow and Thursday.
"Why not after school?" I asked, speaking my thoughts.
Harley shrugged. "I drive my sister home after school. If you can't do it—"
"No, meeting during lunch is fine." I smiled, feeling bad that I didn't consider he might have had other plans.
Harley only stared at me for a moment before nodding. I'll have to tell Rowan and Zaylee that I won't be sitting with them tomorrow. At least I won't have to see the blood they drink. It creeps me out.
We arrived in the busy cafeteria and I waved bye to Harley. It took me a minute, but I finally found where Zaylee and Rowan were sitting. I joined them and sat down, exhaling.
"Where were you?" Rowan asked.
"I saw her enter with the King boy. Picking up a date for the Hallow's Eve celebration without me?" Zaylee wiggled her eyebrows and I busted out laughing.
Both of them looked at me confused, Zaylee more so than Rowan. I set my bag down and pulled out my lunch.
"No, he's going to be my tutor in Math. I seriously need help." I mumbled.
Zaylee pouted, disappointed that he wasn't going to be my date. Rowan rolled her eyes and continued eating.
I looked around the cafeteria and noticed one of the larger tables was completely empty. If I remember correctly, that's where Theo and Carson sat. Speaking of them, I didn't see them when I entered.
"Hey, why is that table empty?" I turned back to Rowan and Zaylee, pointing behind me. They looked at each other before leaning in.
"That's Carson's table. His group most of the time don't show up for lunch. I was surprised when he was here yesterday." Rowan said.
Zaylee nodded. "Some people have seen his group meeting in classrooms or leaving the school. No one's quite sure what they do."
I stared and then glanced back at the empty table behind me. For some reason, I felt like I had to find out what they were doing.
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★ @within_days
★ : @within_days
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