《Alethiology in Volterra (Volturi Kings/OC)》12.1
Chapter XII - I: Closer
Part I
When Carlisle stepped into the drawing room, the first thing that welcomed him was the sight of his eldest son alive. Utterly relieved, he greeted Edward with a firm embrace and looked over him twice before stepping away.
As the members of the Olympic coven filled into the room one by one, anxious silence settled with them, and the coven patriarch could not stop the thoughts plaguing his mind. How had the kings reacted to the happenings at Forks? What were the remaining options for his coven? What awaited them tonight?
"I don't know," Edward answered his thoughts with a grimace. "The kings are thinking in a language I don't understand. They're not telling the guards anything."
Carlisle sighed. He turned his attention to the rest of the room. He found Charlie and Bella sitting on a chaise lounge, and though both looked tired and sleepless, they were alive. Unhurt. Another welcome sight.
The chief met his gaze and gave a stiff nod.
It was too late to say anything now. Carlisle knew this. Whatever had happened happened. Whatever they felt in this situation was inconsequential. After all, how could he fault Charlie, when he had done it all for the lives that were lost, and the lives that could still be saved? Charlie had been unafraid to make the valiant, selfless sacrifice for his family and his home. Did Carlisle have the capacity to do the same?
For the first time in his life, Carlisle wasn't sure, and that bothered him.
Bella's eyes were unusually subdued when she regarded him. Hands folded in her lap, she looked as if she were praying. Hoping. Repentant.
"Bella," he told her softly. "This is not your fault."
"But it is, Carlisle," she answered. "None of this would have happened if I didn't—"
"Bella." Rosalie cut her off. "This is not the place."
Emmett nodded, tapping his ear twice with a finger deliberately. There are ears everywhere.
Bella dropped her gaze to her hands again. Esme sighed and wrapped a comforting arm around Alice, whose face remained inscrutable during the duration of the trip. Alice refused to divulge her visions to anyone still, and by the annoyed look on Edward's face, persisted with great effort.
A wave of calm washed over Carlisle, and he knew Jasper had unleashed the effect on his nerves. There was no way else for him to calm down in this situation. No words, no visions, and no thoughts could assure him the safety of his family. Not even his own.
Soon enough, the doors re-opened after them, and stepped in Jane and Alec. In the night, the Volturi twins chose to omit their cloaks. While Jane was clothed in a soft, white dress, Alec wore a beige, cotton tunic paired with trousers, the pallid color of their clothing a stark contrast against their scarlet gaze.
"Carlisle," Jane greeted him with a blank stare. "These days you return only to bring us sadness."
"There were times we were fonder of you," Alec supplied accusingly from her left.
With a solemn look, he acceded. "Jane, Alec. Have we been called to the court?"
"Only some," Alec replied with the slightest tilt of his head as he scanned the crowd. "The masters have specifically called for you, the seer, and Signore Swan. However, you have been allowed two more companions that are not the mindreader and Isabella Swan."
Carlisle considered his options carefully. Alice and Charlie were to go with him, but who else to take? Who would he leave with Edward and Bella? With Esme? Should things go south for any of them while separated, he definitely wouldn't want for either group to be so unprotected or disadvantaged...
Esme's fingers entwined between his own. "I will keep them safe," she assured him. "Have faith as I do."
Jane's eyes narrowed as she watched the couple. With a glare, she told Carlisle, "It is not our intention to separate your coven. This simply provides the best means for us to hear all sides. Peacefully. You know this."
And Carlisle had to agree. At their current state, Edward and Bella would be too emotional for trial, and it would be so easy for the Volturi to aggravate them in an excuse to use force later on.
When he decided, he relished at the feel of Esme's skin on his. "Take care of them," he said.
Esme looked up at him and smiled. "Of course. Hurry back to me."
Carlisle beckoned Charlie and Alice to him and faced the lingering crowd. Catching the attention of the two figures standing next to the hearth, he gestured to the door and motioned for them to follow his exit. Before Alice went, she took quick strides to wrap her arms around Jasper's neck. Just as swiftly, she left him in the room without another word.
Holding the door open, Alec said to Esme, "Ariana is at your disposal."
Esme and Bella winced at the same time, not missing his double meaning. Esme smiled weakly, "Thank you, Alec, but we're fine."
Alec smirked. "If you say so."
The edge of Jane's lip twitched upward. With a parting glance, she bid sweetly to those that remained, "Welcome back to Volterra."
The double doors closed behind them with a firm thud.
»»—- ❈ —-««
The monarchs waited for the newcomers to make their way through expanse of the dimly lit throne room. Tonight, there were no open windows in the great hall, and a single chandelier provided light for the entire space. The air was cold and haunting, and the vampires in the room could only fixate on the steady, beating sounds of human hearts.
Altheia stood silently beside Marcus, expression neutral.
"Carlisle," Aro greeted, unrising from his seat. His voice lacked the usual merriment.
The Olympic patriarch nodded solemnly. "Aro. Old friend."
Marcus was the one to reply to him, shaking his head as he said, "It seems we are only your friends when it is a convenience, Carlisle. When you have overstepped your bounds... misjudged your limits."
"And the seer," Caius regarded Alice's presence with a disdainful hiss. "What convenient lies have you prepared for us tonight?"
Alice flinched. She bowed her head. "Masters."
Aro sighed from his place. "No more of this. We are here to discuss the newborn army which has occupied your territory. Perhaps you should start by introducing those foul-smelling persons you've brought with you?"
Without missing a beat, the two persons in question stepped closer to the front of the hall, faces unveiled by the light hanging above them.
Jacob Black had bronzed, imposing features, and his broader, taller frame towered over the woman standing next to him. Face apprehensive, Leah Clearwater peered around the room, mouth twitching into a sneer at sight of cloaked vampires lurking around the dark corners of the hall. Compared to Jacob, Leah was smaller, slender, and her straight, ink hair curtained her facial features.
"My name is Jacob Black. With me is Leah Clearwater. We are from the Quileute tribe that protects the native reservation from red-eyed nomads," Jacob wrinkled his nose. "And believe me, you're just as foul-smelling to us."
Caius' snarl was immediate. Aro rose to his feet, voice dripping with cold fury as he peered down at Carlisle. "You brought werewolves into Volterra?"
"Not to disrespect, I assure you, Aro." Carlisle pleaded earnestly. "They came by their own volition. I implore you to hear them."
"We were told that the kings of vampires would hear the thoughts of the pack on the matter at hand. The alpha instructed us to present them." Leah explained, shooting a worried glance at Jacob. "We come with good intentions."
Altheia spoke after a moment of silence. "You could have informed us of them ahead of time, Carlisle."
Carlisle winced. "I apologize."
The black-haired monarch huffed at him, and then stared at Jacob and Leah suspiciously before speaking again. "I am Aro Volturi, and these are my brothers Marcus and Caius." His voice was curt, tense. "I do not know what the Cullens have told you, but the Volturi do not welcome the Children of the Moon."
"Good," Jacob shrugged. "Because we aren't 'Children of the Moon.'"
"The Moon doesn't control us. The pack exists to protect." Leah emphasized coldly. "And today we are here to understand what has transpired in the world of vampires, such that Washington has been crawling with crazed newborns. Hunting flagrantly. Lawlessly."
Aro hummed, continuing to eye at them as he descended the stairs. In the blink of an eye, Renata was right beside him, matching each step, expression wary.
"Well," Aro said slowly. "I won't take you word for it. Would you do me the honor?"
Jacob and Leah exchanged a look before placing their hands into the monarch's reach. Aro's eyes closed as thoughts poured into him, and the guard beside him waited apprehensively. When Aro opened his eyes minutes later, his gaze was less intense. Curious. Calculating.
"Fascinating," he breathed.
Caius frowned, leaning back onto his chair with a thoughtful look. "So it's true then."
"Yes. Unlike anything you've ever seen, Caius. Werewolves, yes, but not mindless." Aro confirmed. "It seems that we are not the only supernaturals who've legends of survival."
Then the telepathic monarch sighed. "And yet many queries remain unanswered. Who is behind the uprising? How many newborns have been amassed? Why?" Aro pondered out loud as he walked to where Alice stood, stopping three paces to her front. "You're shaking like a leaf, Alice." Aro tutted. "That won't do at all."
"The future changes with each decision, Aro." Alice whispered to him. "I don't have all the answers."
"But I'll bet you know enough." Aro stretched out his hand, red eyes unblinking. "Show me."
Shutting her eyes tight, Alice placed her hand into the telepath's waiting hold.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Why am I not surprised?" Aro drawled derisively when he dropped Alice's hand after a period of quiet. He explained to his brothers, "A year ago, the Cullens killed a nomad in protection of Isabella Swan. And now the nomad's mate – Victoria – has a personal vendetta against them. Alice has seen her direct involvement with the emergence of newborns in Washington."
Marcus sighed deeply. "Do you not understand still, old friend, why we have laws? Your intentions may be good, but are they what you will whisper to the ashes and corpses that will pile before you?"
Aro returned to his seat. Two fingers against his temple, his scarlet gaze centered on Charlie. Each word spoken like a crisp staccato, "And what to do... with you?"
Altheia tensed. Carlisle immediately appeared next to Charlie. "Aro, please... He's a good man. His blood need not be shed."
Aro scowled at him. "Must you always vilify us, Carlisle? We have spared his daughter once, your coven twice, and still you expect us to resort to violence?"
"Enough with the theatrics, Aro." Caius nipped. "Deliver our ruling."
"Very well. You see, initially, we considered simply tieing up loose ends..." Aro began casually, and Charlie couldn't resist the shudder that crawled upon his skin. "But alas, someone vouched for Chief Swan." Aro paused thoughtfully. "I'm starting to think swans are birds of good fortune."
Altheia watched curiously as Aro retrieved a folded letter from his chest pocket. He tipped the letter towards the scholar and instructed her to read it aloud. "This letter was sent to us two hours ago."
Unfolding the thick parchment, Altheia's eyes widened when she recognized the haphazard script. With a tremulous voice, she began to read.
To The Masters Volturi
I am beyond thankful for the leniency and hospitality the coven has shown me since I arrived in Volterra. You have kept me safe, protected, and unwanting during my stay. The opportunity to serve the Coven – even as its interim secretary – allowed me to show my gratitude for the consideration that was given to me.
It is to my understanding that my father arrived in Volterra and asked for your intervention for an incident in Washington. How he came to know about the Volturi, I do not know. I divulged nothing.
What I ask of may sound like the pleas of a desperate daughter, but... My father is an innocent, honorable man. Please, spare him, just as you did with me. In exchange, I am prepared to pledge my life and service to the Coven.
Devoutly yours in service,
Isabella Marie Swan
Trailing off, Altheia stared speechlessly at the letter in her hands.
"Isabella Swan has decided to join the Volturi." Aro announced. "We accept her pledge."
"As is our obligation, we will dispatch the guard to assist in securing the Olympic territory." Caius said sternly as he raked his gaze over the audience. "As for the human... While we acknowledge that keeping him alive is counterintuitive to upholding the law of secrecy, his disappearance would only elicit unwarranted attention from human authorities. Having proven to be an upstanding man, he will be allowed to return to his beloved home... However, there is a price for benevolence."
Charlie released the breath he was holding. "A price?"
"You will return to Forks and mislead the police. Someone has to make sure the humans turn a blind eye to our presence in Washington, no?" Aro chuckled. "We allowed this simply because someone has volunteered to keep an eye on you."
Charlie's throat felt dry when he swallowed. "What do you mean?"
The doors quietly reopened, and a figure slipped through. After the shrouded figure made its way to the front of the hall, pale hands emerged from the sleeves and pulled down the cloak's hood, revealing a kind, familiar face. Altheia gasped.
"Hello. We meet again." Sulpicia said quietly to Charlie, whose eyes lit up in recognition. "From what I hear, your little town isn't the safest of places lately. If it's alright with you, I've offered to watch over you until the newborns are dealt with."
Charlie nodded hesitantly. "And after?"
Sulpicia paused, sharing a look with the kings. "Like Isabella," Sulpicia said, her tone soft but resolute. "You will have to be changed. I'm sorry."
Charlie breathed in shakily, shook his head and then said to her, "Don't be. If it's because of you that I can go home – even just for a goodbye – I'm thankful." Their gazes met briefly. "Thank you."
Brightening considerably at his words, Sulpicia smiled widely. Altheia looked between them, wide-eyed, and then tapped Marcus' arm hurriedly. He smirked at her.
No way, she mouthed, shaking her head at him in disbelief.
He humored her. Yes way.
Caius scowled at the both of them. "Take your charge away, Sulpicia. Before I change my mind."
"Of course." She beamed again at Charlie. "Come on then. Let's tell your daughter the news."
"Oh! Is it alright if I take Charlie to the kitchens instead?" Altheia offered, catching Sulpicia's gaze meaningfully. "He hasn't eaten since he arrived here, I think."
"Let me get Isabella then." Sulpicia winked. "I'll leave you humans to it."
Altheia descended the steps and gestured for Charlie to follow her exit. Before she could get too far, Aro called out to her in a low voice, "We'll see you after this, merendina. Don't forget."
"I wouldn't dare," she replied goodnaturedly. She heard Caius start to address the werewolves and the guard with talk of border patrol and territorial limits. "Don't put our guests through the wringer for too long, you hear me?"
Aro waved her away with a roll of his eyes. "I hear you."
She didn't miss the grateful look Carlisle sent her way before she left.
»»—- ❈ —-««
Altheia couldn't help but laugh at image that greeted her and Charlie when they stepped out into the lobby. Ariana was standing next to the receptionist's table – her back ramrod straight, wide-eyed and blatant panic in her features – cleaning equipment clutched so tightly in her hands that her knuckles had turned white.
"You won't be needing your mop tonight, Ariana." Altheia said amicably. "Everyone's fine."
Instantaneously, Ariana relaxed, leaning back onto her table with a long sigh of relief. After some calming breaths, she shook her head at Charlie in disapproval. "Signore, next time you wish to see the kings, schedule with me first. You know how many meetings I had to move because of you?" She continued to ramble as she stowed the mop away and returned to her desk. Reaching over her table to offer Charlie a business card, "Of course, I am glad you are alive, signore Swan, but keep in mind it's my head on a platter when things don't happen according to schedule. I like my head attached. Quite. Don't you agree?"
Charlie took the card with a sheepish wince. "Er... sorry."
"We wouldn't know what to do without you, Ariana." Altheia bid appreciatively as she nudged Charlie to the direction of the west wing.
When they reached the kitchens, Altheia didn't waste any time and started to prepare dinner. Charlie had passed out on the dining table the second he rested his head on it, and she really couldn't blame him. On their way to the kitchens, Charlie had told her the story of how he ended up a thousand miles away from home. To her understanding, Charlie hadn't really been thinking (no, really, not at all). He had come straight to Italy after the Cullens had admitted everything to him. He'd gathered his bags and his files – and despite having fresh stitches on the side of his face and his leg, travelled recklessly to a city thousands of miles away from home. He was lost for hours, scouting every alleyway he found until he'd chanced upon the scholar. After meeting that week, Altheia helped Charlie clear his mind before guiding him to the kings. But evidently, Aro was right – nothing happened in Volterra without the Volturi knowing about it. She may have tiptoed around the city in order to meet with Charlie in secret, but all the while, Altheia had a guard assigned to her. Not only that – Bella definitely inherited her propensity for supernatural trouble from her father, who had bumped into Sulpicia on his first night in Italy.
By the time Bella skidded breathlessly into the kitchens, obviously having run all the way from where she'd come, Altheia was already sitting across Charlie, sipping on her fourth glass of red wine. She saw Bella's eyes zero in onto her father's sleeping form, and the distraught look in her eyes was replaced with instant relief.
"He's okay." Bella said slowly as she approached. "Right?"
Altheia nodded. "Thanks to you."
"And Sulpicia, apparently." Bella muttered, quietly walking into the room and taking a seat next to her father, eyes still on him as if committing him to memory. She took a quick breath and muttered, "About Sulpicia..."
"Charlie will be fine." Altheia said simply. "You should worry about yourself."
Bella stared at her hands, biting her lip.
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