《Alethiology in Volterra (Volturi Kings/OC)》6.1
Chapter VI - I: A Nobody in Volterra
Part I
A granite boulder crashed onto the chamber wall, barely missing the doorways. Chunks of stone broke upon impact and the booming crash that followed echoed through the lower corridors of the castle, startling the servants attending to the wing.
Aro paused from exiting the chambers, a brow twitching. "Cease with the dramatics, Caius." Aro said in a cautionary tone. "I will not tolerate this a second time."
"Have you lost your mind?" The ivory-haired king's voice seethed, dripping with fury. "You have humiliated us the first time they walked free, and now you expect us to school humans? What has Volterra become?"
"Think of it as amassing power," Aro suggested with a wave of a hand.
"Then turn the human and get it over with!" Caius snarled. His burning gaze turned to the other royal draped on a chesterfield sofa on the far side of the room, as disinterested as ever. "And you! Millennia of being the castle sloth, only to emerge as a deviant! You should be ashamed!"
Marcus shrugged. "I anticipate the joys to come from teaching, that is all."
"'Joys'?" Caius' head was throbbing, and his hands were itching for necks to wring. "We have burnt friends and family for less — the law of secrecy applies just as strictly to us!"
Marcus looked pointedly in Aro's direction. That was true.
Aro sighed before leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms. "Perhaps it is time to discuss the visions young Alice has seen of Altheia's immortality?" Marcus rose slowly from the chesterfield couch and walked towards the doorway. "The moment Altheia Beneventi stepped into Volterra, her fate was sealed."
"That psychic has been the bane of my life," Caius muttered disdainfully. "And there you go again with Fate. Nonsense!"
"As I have to confess, my brothers," Marcus murmured, an arm reaching out to Aro as he passed the boulder Caius had hurled in rage. "My intentions aren't exactly pure..."
Caius' brows furrowed together as his brothers held hands in silence. As the reading ended, Marcus looked almost guilty but Aro's face betrayed nothing. Aro remained unusually quiet for a time.
"If I were to convince you, brother," Aro started to say to Caius slowly after the pause. "That accepting a student meant having a companion, would you agree?"
Caius was taken aback by the unexpected turn of inquiry but clenched his jaw stubbornly as Aro advanced towards him. He sent a glare towards Marcus' direction. "In case my brothers have conveniently forgotten, Athenodora exists."
"And yet," Aro blinked owlishly as he stopped just in front of Caius. "You are more desolate than you have ever been."
Caius opened his mouth to retort, but stepped back, surprised and defensive when Aro lifted his hands to him.
"Come on then, brother," Aro taunted, both palms were offered up to Caius. "Take a hand and prove me wrong."
Both brothers stared each other down silently before Caius folded, his lips curled in distaste. His brothers never forced his judgment, but he knew when he was outnumbered. And most importantly, he always knew when Aro was scheming.
He avoided Aro's hands, sidestepping him. "Take a pet should you like," he hissed low as he passed his brothers. "But becoming a student of mine must be earned." Caius paused when he reached doorway, leveling Aro with a glare. "You have always been a schemer, Aro. But there will be no more compromises. The law is the law."
"Of course, Caius." Aro acquiesced softly. "I will turn the human myself at your slightest inconvenience."
"Then why not just...?" Caius' brows furrowed in frustration.
"As I said, the future shows promi-"
"Ah forget it! That nonsense again!" Caius grumbled in exasperation as he marched out of the chambers before Aro could finish his sentence.
"A human in a castle of vampires, what could possibly go wrong?" Marcus sneered as he passed the doorways, following Caius' exit. "I wonder what it is you have planned in that mind of yours..."
Aro huffed and chose to remain in the chamber, this time lounging himself on the chesterfield sofa as he waited for Heidi's return.
Barely a quarter of the hour had passed since the start of their argument and it ended as soon as it began. He had expected more revulsion and rage from Caius, but he knew better than to rest it on luck that Caius withdrew quickly from debating the matter further.
Ever since that little woman's arrival, the air in Volterra became... unsettling. Not just to him, but his brothers as well. Caius' agitation had tested even his own patience as of late. Marcus, who had barely raised his voice in the past decade, was restless enough to be scouring nearby provincial grounds for his own meals. He knew something was changing. He knew it, he felt it, and his mind couldn't resist it. Why else would he have orchestrated anything less than securing the Volturi Kings' newest fascination? But more than that, he wanted to understand why there was a dangerous curiosity that always seemed to follow the Cullen congrega and their human pets. A quick observation of the two humans showed that they had a common lack of fear and self-preservation with a strong sense of redemption. A truly dangerous combination. He would have ordered them dead if it weren't for the promise of their immortality.
I-sa-bella and Al-thei-a. Precious human oddities.
Their fear wasn't from death, no, but from something beyond it. Isabella feared losing her sense of self rooted in the ones she loved. A very human thing to keep. Very foolish. For what Altheia feared he couldn't pinpoint yet, as there weren't many minds to read to criticize her by. He simply needed more time to scrutinize that woman. Ultimately, both were immensely gifted and had no concrete loyalties yet, if Marcus' gift was to be believed.
What ever was a power magnate like him to do? There was simply no other option.
Aro's mouth began to pool with venom just by remembering the scent of the Italian woman the night before. Closing his eyes, he could reimagine the mixture of sweat and cotton and that little tinge of sweet nectarine. A warm room never really hid the scent of blood and fear twined together.
What curious — delicious — things these newcomers were.
He shuddered. Heidi should be arriving with a feast soon... Would he be satiated?
Aro frowned. Probably not. Not since the air in Volterra had changed.
In the quiet darkness of the chambers, Aro was alone. For the first time in a long time, he felt uncertain... but not powerless. No, definitely not. Although he had thrown Caius into a corner he had barely wanted to acknowledge himself.
What Marcus had revealed to him earlier were unexpected, but undoubtedly real.
The bonds are young and imperfect, Marcus had warned through his thoughts.
Marcus' memories of the night before replayed into his mind like a hazy recording. In the hidden galleries of Palazzo Viti, he stood alongside the woman and his brother. The exhibit had been illuminated by torch flames, but their faces were unreadable. He allowed a little banter of cat and mouse before finally offering the woman a place in his castle. Marcus attended simply to witness his latest curiosity, but in his surprise, luminescent bonds almost like harp strings unveiled slowly from their forms and crept towards the woman as the night progressed. Bonds were entwining into each other upon contact, with muted hues of silver diffusing through...
But the reality is these bonds exist. What they may mean for us is unknowable now...
Aro closed his eyes as he sifted through Marcus' thoughts.
Aro... I always wondered what immortality was for without Didyme.
Aro's eyes snapped open. History and fate always came back with a vengeance for him. And the thought of his dead sister always left a bitter taste in his mouth.
When he had obtained Caius' indulgence almost too easily, a churning feeling began to disturb Aro, rising inch by inch from his insides. Everything was going his way for now. The chess pieces were still predictable. He could barely restrain the twitching in his fingers now that his brothers had left the room to him. A sputtered sound of merriment escaped from his mouth, and next thing he knew, he was laughing uncontrollably in the darkness, arms clutching at his sides.
Aro, have you not been wondering as well? Why we never had what others seemed to find so effortlessly?
Were you never jealous?
Aro's laughter did not stop.
Aro, we are monsters.
The Italian woman smelled so good the air in Volterra became lacking.
But are we finally worthy?
Absolutely delicious.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"A scholar?" A soft, feminine voice flowed across the room. "Is that what Aro likes to call his playthings these days?"
"Athenodora!" A chiming voice scolded mildly. "I do believe you could do with some company in the library."
"That is true," Athenodora agreed as she rose from the red cabriole sofa, pacing the room thoughtfully. Her index finger tapped lightly against her lip. "And young Edward will stay in the castle with his singer?"
"Who is also still human," Sulpicia confirmed, whispering conspiratorially. "I wonder what my king has planned. You know his games never end well," she said nervously, a hand darting out to pull at Athenodora's skirt. Athenodora stopped her pacing and sat beside Sulpicia again. "...I have a bad feeling, sorella."
"Perhaps... she is an interest for Marcus?" Athenodora suggested weakly. "An entertainment."
"Ah, you've felt it as well, haven't you?" Sulpicia smiled sadly, gaze following her toes that traced the gold trimmings of the rough, emerald-threaded carpet. "The pull between you and Caius is weakening too, isn't it?"
Athenodora's hand paused from comforting her sister. She looked away before swallowing thickly. "It has not been as strong as before," she admitted.
"Sometimes I wonder," Sulpicia's tone was low, almost guilty. "What Didyme would say if she were still..."
The queens sat in silence, one just as hesitant in comforting the other.
A knock sounded through the door.
"You may enter, Corin." Sulpicia rose, her greeting hopeful. "Have the kings called us for court?"
"The masters request the ladies' presence immediately," Corin affirmed. "Additions to the castle shall be introduced today."
Athenodora stood, too fast and too stiff. "Of course. Sulpicia and I will follow shortly." Her tone was clipped.
Suplicia sent the messenger a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you, Corin."
As the queensguard exited and footsteps disappeared from hearing range, Athenodora turned to send her sister a cold look. "We must prepare, sorella. You know what will become of us."
Sulpicia sighed and lowered herself onto the cabriole couch again. She held her sister's gaze for a moment before distracting herself with her red-painted toes, retracing the gold trimmings of the carpet. Her slender hands started to feel at the embroidered couch, fingertips tracing the hemmings of royal blue silk.
She would miss being queen, but... it was very lonely lately.
A small mischievous smile formed from her lips. "I think Didyme would have told us not to give them the pleasure of a quick good-bye."
The queens shared a dark, meaningful glance.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Benvenuto, young friends! Welcome back to Volterra!"
Aro rose from his throne as the visiting coven walked through the doors. Caius and Marcus remained seated. Aro descended from the steps and embraced the coven leader briefly. "Carlisle, buon fratello, it has been such a long time! What has taken so long for your visit?"
"Aro, Caius, Marcus. I must admit I have been remiss," Carlisle paid respect to each king before he returned to Esme's side. "But I bring my family today. Both in greeting and, as I understand, invitation as well."
Aro was obviously delighted. "With all your children! Isabella, too! What an occasion!"
"They are obviously here to send off their spawns," Caius drawled. His eyes zoned in on the only vampire-human pairing in the room. "Edward, since I am informed you will be staying, I must remind you that improper decorum warrants decapitation, yes?"
Edward nodded stiffly. "I will abide, Master Caius."
Caius said nothing else as he regarded Edward. Instead, he rose from his throne to lead the Olympic coven to the drawing room, where the queens and the castleguard awaited introduction. Caius' expression turned sour when he realized his brothers had not led alongside him immediately and instead diverted their attention to the so-called human scholar at the end of the group.
"Caius." Carlisle greeted amicably as he fell into step beside him. "How are you, old friend?"
Caius glanced sideways at his friend and former court advisor from a long time ago, before noting that his eyes were still the same shade of the sun. "Hn. Still sane despite your choice of diet, Carlisle?"
Carlisle shook his head before letting out a soft chuckle. "I see time has not moved for you."
Caius frowned. He didn't seem to like what that meant.
When they reached the entryway, he cleared his throat before opening the doors and speaking, "Carlisle and coven, you must remember my wife, Athenodora, and our sister Sulpicia..."
»»—- ❈ —-««
Meanwhile, situated at the end of the group, Altheia allowed Aro to kiss her hand, but looked at him oddly when he held on for a moment longer.
"Just checking," Aro almost sighed. "You and Isabella remain quiet to me, it seems."
"I already told you, signore," Altheia's eyes crinkled as she grinned at him. "Anything you want to know, you only have to ask for."
Aro regarded her silently, almost fondly, before turning his attention to Marcus, who was standing beside him.
"Signore Marcus, thank you for allowing me to stay as well." Altheia bowed. "And for letting me use the main entrance."
Marcus hummed. "Hmm, how could I not? Felix said you refused to leave your accommodations without assurance."
"Erm... yes." The woman flushed under his gaze, embarrassed. Marcus noted that her eyes were warily darting to the ivory-haired king at the forefront. "He doesn't approve of this, does he?" she whispered nervously.
Aro sighed. "My brother, despite appearances, does enjoy seeing old friends."
"But I am not an old friend," Altheia replied, biting her lip.
Marcus looked away. "You are here to learn. Becoming family will come naturally."
"That is true," Altheia consoled herself. "How difficult could it be? I am still in Italy after all."
He and Aro said nothing before ushering her to the front.
»»—- ❈ —-««
"Carlisle and coven, you must remember my wife, Athenodora, and our sister, Sulpicia." Caius introduced as his brothers made their way to his side. At the center of the room were the queens, distinguished by their black cloaks lined with intricate emerald markings, seated on an antique sofa. Standing behind them were the Royal Guard, grey cloaks draped on their statures, creating a stark contrast against the white pearl and smoke marble-accented drawing room.
Athenodora Volturi was a tall, slender woman with fair hair. Like the rest of her coven, her red eyes contrasted against powdery skin. Her face displayed no obvious softness despite her femininity. She looked perpetually displeased with her calculating gaze, small pointed nose, and thin, unsmiling lips. With her demeanor, it was no surprise to the usual audience that the woman was compatible with her husband of choice.
Unlike her coven sister, Sulpicia was the epitome of beautiful warmth and softness. She was a medium-sized woman having a small, kind face, framed by long, dark brown hair that draped past her chest in waves. Her eyes, although red, were warm and attentive. Her full lips were ready to curve at the slightest joke.
"I am happy to see you after so long, Carlisle, Esme," Sulpicia was first to rise and speak. "It is a shame you will not be staying with your children, but the castle is happy to receive them all the same."
Athenodora rose slightly to reach for Esme. "It has been too long, caro."
"Oh sorelle. I return with many stories for you both," Esme said softly as she stepped forward to kiss at their cheeks. "But I should introduce to you my children first. You must call for me at once, should they give you any trouble," the Olympic coven matriarch smiled as she gestured to them one by one. "You must remember Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward. But it is Alice and Jasper who are new to the family."
Sulpicia beckoned Rosalie to her. "Bellisima. Please tell us you will be staying as well?"
Rosalie's eyes widened, slightly panicked. Emmett laughed at the expression on his mate's face. She shot him a look before replying, "Sorry, no. Edward, Bella, and Altheia will be the ones staying."
Sulpicia pasted a friendly smile on her lips as she turned her head to meet the three in question. Her gaze found Edward standing protectively beside the two new faces. She blinked, slightly surprised, as her red eyes discerned between them. "Hello," she said in a welcoming voice. "You must be Bella and Altheia."
"Yes, I'm Bella Swan." Bella said lamely as fidgeted with herself, unsure of whether she would need to bow. "Please take care of me."
Altheia met Sulpicia's gaze before bowing. "My name is Altheia Beneventi. Thank you for receiving us."
"You've returned so soon?" Athenodora's voice chimed out as she regarded them slowly. "It is very curious to us that you have chosen to... reside in our castle. Not many humans willingly do so because of the, ah, obvious concerns. Not that we mind," Caius' wife added.
Bella bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. "Volterra is beautiful," Bella said honestly after a moment. "So I guess that's why I didn't want to leave Italy."
Sulpicia let out an amused laugh before gesturing between Bella and Altheia. "It is also curious to me that you are not sisters. Both of you... smell similar."
Bella and Altheia straightened as they shared wide-eyed looks.
"It's probably the lotion, soap, and shampoo," Bella said decidedly.
Altheia nodded sagely. "We shared toiletries the whole week."
The room burst into snickers and chuckling. Carlisle coughed, hiding a laugh behind a fist.
"I apologize. I meant to say that your, ah, blood. They smell similar. Both of you look similar as well," Sulpicia's teasing smile was bright. "I'm happy to receive the both of you."
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