《Alethiology in Volterra (Volturi Kings/OC)》4
Chapter IV: The Gallery
Bella awakened the next day a few minutes past noon. Her head throbbed and her eyelids felt swollen. She groaned when the balcony curtains parted and blinded her with the onslaught of bright, midday light.
"Buongiorno, bella Bella," Bella lazily rolled over the bed and squinted her eyes at Altheia, who was drying her hair with a bath towel at the edge of her own bed. "Well technically it is afternoon, but you get my point. Also I ordered brunch."
"What time did you get up?" She grumbled as she sat up, her stomach rumbling at the mention of food. A folded set of clothes rested on the edge of her bed, consisting of dark slacks, a stylish, blue chiffon blouse, undergarments and a pair of black sandals. "Is that supposed to be mine?"
"Give or take an hour," Altheia plopped herself down beside Bella unceremoniously. "And Alice dropped those off for you ten minutes ago."
Bella nodded sleepily. "Hngh... What's the agenda today?"
"What, you don't have any other vampire boyfriends in need of saving today?" Altheia asked jokingly. Bella sent her a halfhearted glare. "Well, I saw this poster at the lobby earlier... There's a pretty interesting gallery-slash-forum happening at Palazzo Viti tonight. Us humans—" Bella snorted. "—could pass the time and go there later if you're up for it."
Bella contemplated on it for a moment, noting on the Italian woman's hopeful tone. "What's it about?
"Reclusive Renaissance paintings and alabaster pieces," Altheia responded immediately, eyes bright. Bella pretended to be disinterested until Altheia continued, "and supposedly there's going to be a discussion on Dante Alghieri's The Divine Comedy at the main hall."
"I keep forgetting that you're a professor." Bella mumbled as she stood and headed for the bathroom. "And that you genuinely like museums."
"I was a professor. I resigned," Altheia corrected. "And there's nothing wrong with liking museums, they're historically accurate and very educational," she added defensively. Bella rolled her eyes.
"Fine! I'll go with you later..." Bella closed the bathroom door and whispered to herself, "...nerd."
"Oh, and Bella?" Altheia called out indifferently.
"Alice said to call your dad as soon as you can?" Bella froze, her hand on the faucet. "You can use my phone — it's on the table."
"You should have started with that!" Altheia grinned as she heard Bella pull the bathroom door open and lunge clumsily across the room in panic. "Charlie's going to kill me! Ah, shit! I stubbed my tooooeee!"
»»—- ❈ —-««
Bella became suspicious of everything the moment the doorman took one look at her and her companion, and immediately opened the door, not bothering to collect for their entrance dues. She still thanked the doorman when he handed her a program brochure though.
"Maybe it's a sponsored gallery tonight?"
"Yes, that would explain why the twenty people in front of us paid a hundred dollars each," Bella replied sarcastically.
Altheia had shrugged it off as she started to ooh and aah at the ornate displays of the palace foyer.
Her sandals echoed as she tried to match her companion's excited pace. Altheia seemed to be in her element tonight — she had donned a knee-length form-fitting burgundy dress ruched at the sleeves. Although it was V-neck, it showed modest cleavage. Her brown hair was pinned into a classic French twist. She had also done Bella's makeup before they left their suite. Bella had blushed profusely when Altheia remarked that they could "pass off as sisters."
"A caval donato non si guarda in bocca." Altheia tutted at Bella, index finger wiggling in disapproval. "Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. And who doesn't like free stuff?"
"One of these days I'm going to hit you with an American proverb," Bella grumbled. "You just wait."
Bella had been absentmindedly following Altheia through the first hour of the tour. But she quickly became tired and could only watch helplessly as Altheia hopped from one piece to another with renewed, child-like enthusiasm. Although she could see the relevance, in the end, it was all just a bunch of breakable glass to her.
She had put her foot down when they passed the main hall for the third time. She took a vacant seat and decided to let a forum on the modern criticism of The Divine Comedy lull her to rest while Altheia was led away by a tour guide to the Renaissance wing.
"Lovely place, isn't it?" A voice suddenly greeted Bella from her right. She took one glance, sighed, and decided to close her eyes again.
"Alice. I should have known."
"Not all of us lived in disgusting opulence during the last three centuries, mind you," the vampire said conversationally. "but the Volturi always take the cake."
"Yes, I know, I can remember their castle almost like it was yesterday..." Bella deadpanned. "Oh wait. It actually was."
"Now, Bella, that's not nice," Emmett suddenly appeared to her left, like he had been lounging there the entire time. "She only meant that they actually own the place."
"They actually own...?" Bella's eyes snapped open. "The Volturi own Palazzo Viti? But the guide said this was the private residence of the Viti heirs..."
"Um, yes... of the Volturi." Alice crossed her arms impatiently. "Was that not clear yet?"
"Quiet down," Rosalie's voice hissed from in front of them. "Some of us are actually here for the program."
Bella didn't need Jasper to turn around for her to confirm that he was the blond sitting beside Rosalie. The rigid sitting posture was enough.
She sighed as she looked to Alice again. "How about you just tell me how this ends?"
"Of course. Excellent," Alice flashed her a smug grin. "You ditch us here and spend the whole night straightening things out with Edward. Who is, very, very coincidentally, waiting just outside the front door."
Coincidentally my ass. Bella blanched. Alice's gift was really not to be trifled with. I really shouldn't...
"And don't even worry about Altheia. She's going to be quite busy." Alice leaned back into her cushion seat and started picking at her nails. "Lots of... old things here tonight vying for her attention."
Maybe if she just closed her eyes and pretended they didn't exist, they would go away. . .
. . .
. .
"Hurry along now," Alice tapped at her wrist impatiently.
Bella harrumphed as she stood from her seat, defiant. It was not to her advantage when she decided to kick at Emmett's foot as she scooted past him.
Emmett laughed.
»»—- ❈ —-««
Meanwhile, Altheia Beneventi had been left to her own devices by the tour guide after he unlocked a chain stanchion to permit her entry into the Renaissance wing. She had taken a number of excited steps into the hall when she instinctively slowed, realizing that the wing was quite sparse from tourists and museum staff. In fact, it now seemed that she was the only person in the area. She turned to call for the guide, but even he had oddly disappeared from the doorway. With a resolute nod, she decided to further the wing and marvel at the pieces by herself.
As she entered an adjacent room, she breathed a sigh of relief. A familiar couple stood in front of one of the paintings.
"Mr and Mrs Cullen," Altheia called out politely. "I was wondering when I would see you again."
Carlisle's head tilted, not quite expecting her friendliness, but smiled just as Esme did. "Signora Beneventi."
"Before we start with anything else, I just wanted to apologize." Altheia began, looking into Carlisle's eyes, expression genuinely apologetic. "Last night, I mocked your lifestyle and—"
"It's not an issue, dear," Esme interjected hurriedly, placing a cold hand on top of hers. "We owe you our family."
"No, it is, believe me." Esme was taken aback by the sincerity in her voice. "I realize now that, while problematic in application, your intentions as non-human drinkers are honorable. Inspiring. Bella told me that Carlisle serves as a surgeon. You teach out-of-school youth, Mrs Cullen, and all of your adoptive children give community services."
Esme and Carlisle waited, as it looked like the woman was formulating on what to say next.
"Co-existence between humans and vampires was probably unthinkable to most of your kind. But your family challenged the notion of murder simply because you knew killing was inherently wrong. I should have commended you for choosing what was right, instead of what was easy. What was nature."
"It's not honorable to my kind, what we do," Carlisle agreed, looking at his wife fondly. Esme squeezed his hand in a silent gesture of support. "To them we are depraving ourselves. Suffering for sheep. But we try to make them understand."
"It took the night to realize this, but..." There was soft fondness in Altheia's eyes. "I feel glad that goodness still exists in the world of vampires."
Carlisle stared speechlessly at the woman, his undead heart swelling with warmth. Esme looked like she would burst with tears any moment. "We are far from perfect. We have had accidents like Jasper's in the past, but sometimes... we can't help what we are."
"What we can help, we do." Carlisle said emotionally. "Being vampires should not make us compulsive murderers."
Altheia felt her eyes moistening too, but she stopped herself by huffing and sending a teasing look towards Esme. "I'm sure you'd adopt me too if I said I needed a family."
"Oh, my dear, come here, you know I would!" Esme rejoiced, pulling the surprised woman into a motherly hug. Carlisle laughed. "Thank you for saving my family," she whispered into her ear.
"I didn't have a choice," Altheia supplied jokingly as she reciprocated the hug and pulled away. "But seriously. I'm sorry I offended you, Carlisle. Is there anything I can do?"
When Carlisle's demeanor changed and he nodded seriously, Altheia readied herself.
"What is it?"
"Esme and I have had a feeling since Edward's return," Carlisle began. "That it doesn't end here."
Carlisle and Esme started to lead her into a secluded area, voices low and whispering.
"It may be too much to ask, but we feel it necessary," Esme's voice was sad. "We fear that the Kings may not be as forgiving as they seem."
Altheia stiffened, memories of the grand throne room resurfacing. She nodded. "And?"
"Should they take you and Bella, I have no doubt Edward will follow. Just... keep safe." Carlisle exhaled, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "What we know is that the kings have an interest... to keep both of you. We've been warned by the guard not to interfere."
Altheia gulped. "Because I'm a 'shield'?"
Esme blinked twice. "Where did you hear that from?"
"Well, one of them... Marcus, I think. He said I was," she shrugged. "I understand that just as there are gifted vampires, there are gifted humans. Is that why they want me?"
"The Volturi are not what they seem," Carlisle's expression darkened. "They do not want humans. They want power."
"Just... please, keep safe. Remember who you are. Whatever happens." Esme advised ominously just as her phone rang. It was Alice, reminding her adoptive parents that they had a reservation to catch.
"I hate to keep you," Altheia kissed at their cheeks, sharing a smile as they parted. "But Rosso paintings await me."
»»—- ❈ —-««
As Altheia walked through the next three corridors, she noticed that the pieces were now distantly placed one after the other. They had no tags, no dates, no explanations, no artist names - just marble statues and large paintings presented as is. Which was curious because they looked like signature pieces.
Her brows furrowed as she turned at the corner and bravely led herself to a dimly lit dead-end room, where one artwork sat peacefully on the middle wall, antique torchlights barely but beautifully providing illumination from the sides. Her heels tapped against the stone floor as she neared the painting. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she gasped.
"This is impossible," she breathed, her fingers covering her mouth. "How on earth..."
Her steps wavered as she walked even closer to the mural. She lifted a hand towards the piece but wisely stopped an inch from it. Instead, she followed its masterful brushstrokes through the air with her index finger and could almost feel tears forming. She startled when a baritone voice echoed from behind her.
"School of Athens by Raphael. An iconic piece, yes. But not impossible."
Altheia placed a hand above her startled heart as she stepped away from the mural. Her eyes squinted at the figure emerging from the shadows. When the torch illuminated the face of Aro Volturi, who was now walking towards the mural, seemingly indifferent to her existence, her lips straightened into a thin line.
That was fast.
"Signore Volturi... buonanotte." Aro's head tilted very slightly to her direction in response, his attention wholly affixed onto Raphael's masterpiece. She shook her head at him as she gazed at the mural again. "No. Definitely not impossible. A reproduction then."
"This? A replica?" Aro echoed passively as his red eyes devoured the detailing from edge to edge. "Surely even your eyesight can discriminate between replica and original."
"Pope Julius II commissioned the School of Athens from Raphael Sanzio for the Apostolic Palace," Altheia replied warily. "The true 'School of Athens' rests in the Vatican. Anywhere else in the world, it would be a copy."
"Hmm... I wouldn't be so sure. This here in Palazzo Viti tonight could be the original commission and the rest anywhere else replicas for the public," Aro drawled with a dangerous but playful tone as his gaze wandered from the painting to the human woman who stood bravely an arm's length from him. "Burgundy suits you, my dear."
"Thank you." Altheia replied automatically, subconsciously fidgeting with the shoulder ruffles of her dress. She blushed when she realized that he donned a burgundy-colored suit as well, although darker, but just as matte.
"No compliments for me?" Aro joked dryly as he stepped towards Altheia. "You won't like me when I'm offended."
"One might think you wore a blood-colored suit to avoid crimson stains for whatever it is you planned tonight." She laughed nervously as she took a matching step backwards. "I'll reserve my compliments for friends, thank you very much."
"And there you go, offending me right when I've just warned you against it." Aro clucked his tongue disapprovingly at her. "I believe I have been friendly enough."
Altheia's eyes wandered for an escape route discreetly. Her lips pursed when she recognized cloaked guards now hindering the corner exit.
"Are you here to kill me?" Altheia asked as the ancient vampire cornered her into a cold wall. "Or drain me?"
His red eyes gazed curiously at her before he suddenly slammed both his palms on the stone wall beside the woman's frame, effectively caging her. Altheia flinched.
"Hmm... I would be lying if I say I am not considering both," he murmured against her cheek. She clenched her jaw as the tip of his nose grazed her ear and dipped towards her neck. "But it would be... in bad taste."
Altheia chose to stare at the wisp of black hair behind his ear. Aro smelled like white musk and pomegranates.
"Bad taste?" she whispered, lips just below his ear.
Suddenly the vampire was a few good feet away from her again.
"Yes, because we are friends." Aro emphasized. "And friends do not eat each other. Do they, Marcus?"
"Not in my book, at least." Another vampire king answered as he walked into the dim museum chamberhall, the two guards stationed at the arch parting silently to allow his entrance. Unlike Aro who wore a tailored suit and had his long hair tied back, Marcus simply wore a white dress shirt, with the first two buttons left open, tucked into gray slacks and allowed his brown hair to fall past his ears. His figure walked through the dim lighting before he settled in front of the mural, beside his brother. A bundle of cloak hung from one arm. "Good evening, signorina Beneventi. Have you settled into the city well?"
Altheia nodded dumbly.
Marcus looked oddly at her before shaking his head at his brother. "Has Aro made you unwelcome at our display tonight? You seem uneasy."
Altheia shook her head. "The gallery is wonderful. I simply should have known..." she trailed off.
"Ah, well," Marcus redirected his attention to the School of Athens, momentarily brushing his hand against Aro's as he passed him. "Once every millennium, my brothers and I share with our friends our collections and artworks. I am glad you like them."
Aro looked pointedly at Altheia as Marcus uttered the word 'friends'. She couldn't help but let out a small smile.
"So, Palazzo Viti belongs to the Volturi?" Altheia pushed herself away from the wall and settled for the antique bench on the opposite side of the room. She massaged at her fatigued legs which had been walking for nearly three hours around the gallery.
"Sulpicia — of the Volturi — is a descendant of the Viti family. So in a way, yes." Marcus answered openly. "She owns most of what you gawked at at the main floors."
Altheia blushed. "I wasn't gawking."
Marcus eyed at her knowingly. "If you say so."
"You and Caius would get along well," Aro mused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You are much like him when presented with an artifact. We went to Canaan once, brother, do you remember..." Altheia's face blanched at the mention of the third king. "...and even sunlight could not deter him."
"I've never been there," Altheia admitted shyly, and then in a more cautious tone, "Is... Is your other brother here?"
"Ah yes, Caius Volturi, famously referred to as the Other Brother," Aro remarked lightheartedly, sending a playful wink in the brunette's direction. Marcus chuckled. "I suppose you would not appreciate his presence here, and fortunately enough for you he retired earlier than usual tonight."
Altheia nodded slightly before letting the tense silence loom over the room. The cloaked guards blocking the exit hadn't moved, so she assumed she still wasn't allowed to go anywhere.
"Am I fortunate tonight?" she wondered as she watched Marcus Volturi turn from observing the painting to finally facing her fully. "Two vampires. Kings. Trapped at a dead end. You'd think I had the worst luck in the world."
"Quite fortunate, as we are here to offer a proposition, instead of peña di morte." Aro replied dryly.
Altheia immediately straightened in her seat but chose to stay silent.
"You see, it is our best interest that neither you nor Isabella Swan disclose our secrets, and should therefore remain in protective custody of the Volturi."
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