《Stay with me》Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
The noise in the living room died down. Topal family fell silent and only listened in alarm to the voices in the hallway. Everybody remembered the engagement and what happened after it. Defne bit her lips nervously and did not take her eyes off her husband's back, which was visible in the doorway.
The grandfather looked expectantly at his grandson. Omer was silent. One second, two, three ... Hulusi Iplikci bowed his head and turned to leave. Omer grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house.
- Where are you going? he spoke finally. - Sorry, I did not expect to see you and was confused. Come into the house.
He took the box from his grandfather and asked:
- What is there?
"Gifts," he answered, not fully believing his happiness. - Housewarming after all.
"We also have a present for you from Italy." We will have dinner and will give them, - Omer said as if there had not been so many years of resentment and misunderstanding.
Defne exhaled and caught their gaze with a side vision.
Three pairs of waiting eyes stared at her.
- And-and? Nihan held out demandingly.
"There is one for you too," Defne reassured her, and at the same time her grandmother and Esra.
- And for me? - Serdar asked offended.
- And for you, and for both Iso. For everyone, there are, - Omer supported his wife. But all that later. First dinner. Defne must eat on time and well.
Mr. Hulusi, hearing the last words of his grandson, looked anxiously at Defne, and then at Omer:
- Defne got sick?
He opened his mouth to answer, but grandmother Turkan was ahead of him. Folding her hands like for prayer on her chest, she chanted:
"Ah, dear Mr. Hulusi!" Allah blessed our family, and you and I will soon be able to hold our great-grandson in our arms.
"Or great-granddaughter," Defne cheerfully supported her.
Grandfather in a silent question turned to his grandson. Omer smiled broadly and nodded his head. The old man's eyes sparkled suspiciously. Leaning on his walking stick, he went to his daughter-in-law and held out his hand in which she put her own.
"Daughter," he said excitedly, "how did you make the old man happy!" The best day of my life in ten years.
"From now on there will be many of them, Grandfather Hulusi," Defne assured him sincerely. - And now supper!
A large family sat at a table laden with mouth-watering dishes. Throughout the dinner, jokes and laughter did not subside in the room. Omer and Defne cooed with the baby Iso. He was held in the arms by the proud Serdar. The baby smiled with a toothless mouth and touched everyone except Esra. The girl was more interested in Italy and she asked dozens of questions to her sister. Defne answered in detail and enthusiastically. The little clever girl only sighed with admiration. Watching her, Omer promised that she and Defne would take her along with them next trip. The little Esra, which has always been favoring towards him, has now stated with absolute certainty that Brother Omer is the best person in the world and how lucky that he and Defne fell in love. It never occurred to anyone to protest.
After dinner, while Defne was whispering with her grandmother, Nihan and Esra quickly cleaned the table and washed the dishes. And only then Omer brought the gifts. Handing them, he sat down next to his wife and hugged her by the shoulders. Together, they enjoyed watching the enthusiasm of their relatives and their sincere joy. Grandmother tried on a cashmere cardigan and silk shawl, Esra examined beautiful dresses and blouses, Nihan's eyes widened at the sight of fashionable blouses and a heap of lovely children's clothes. She even forgot about her husband, who, opening his mouth in admiration, examined the limit of his dreams - an expensive reel for fishing. Exactly the same was intended for Iso. He could not come today, but Serdar promised tomorrow to bring him such a cool gift.
When the first emotions subsided, Iplikci's grandfather spoke. He stroked his warm, woolen blanket and elegant man's hat from Italian straw with a trembling palm, he said:
"I also have a present." Omer, my son, give me the box.
The grandson fulfilled the request. Grandfather opened the lid and took out a silver teapot. The light of the chandelier was reflected in the glossy round sides with ornate patterns.
Omer held his breath, and grandfather smiled and put the gift on the round table.
- This is your home. Your grandmother's favorite teapot, Omer. Let there always be a lot of joy in the house and the smell of tea.
"Thank you," Defne breathed, and spellbound, she traced a finger оn the intricate pattern. - It is very beautiful. We will кееp it and someday will give it to our grandchildren.
"Amen," the family unanimously supported her words.
"And now a present for you, daughter," Hulusi smiled affectionately at Defne. "A bird brought me a word that you and Omer are creating a jewelry company." Good idea, but it needs money.
"Grandfather, there is money," Omer assured him. Passionis invests an amount equal to the price of forty percent of the shares. This will be my share and Sinan's. I will contribute Defne's share from my own savings.
"And now listen to me," the elder Iplikci raised his index finger. "Your savings will be needed for your children." And mine was waiting for this very day. I invest money on behalf of Defne. And don't argue," he ordered as the grandson and his wife opened their mouths to resist.
- Defne brought light to my life. She returned my grandson, and you," he turned to Omer, "made me happy." This money is the least I can thank her. Therefore, I beg you - do not offend me. Do not refuse.
Omer and Defne looked at each other. Defne nodded slightly, Omer smiled and replied to his grandfather:
- Good. Thank you, grandfather.
- Well done! He praised the grandchildren. - Omer, if sixty percent of the shares will belong to you with Defne and Sinan, who will own the rest?
- Twenty gets Tranba, ten - Ahtem Minibaev. He is a jeweler and the owner of a workshop.
"And the other ten?"
- For the rest we are looking for an investor," Omer answered honestly.
"Then stop the search," the grandfather ordered. "You already have it." These ten percent will also belong to Defne. I want her voice to be decisive in the company.
- Oh-oh! She exclaimed fearfully. "I just wanted to draw jewelry and not to run a company." I don't know anything about it.
"But I know," objected Omer. - Grandpa is right. You can completely immerse yourself in creativity and not worry about routine. Other people will take control. But then you will have complete freedom and no stranger will be able to impose his will on you.
Defne smiled, but the smile faded almost instantly. She frowned thoughtfully and said:
"Mr. Necmi and Mrs. Neriman will be against it."
Grandfather gently patted her hand and reassured her:
"Don't let that bother you, daughter." My son and daughter-in-law will get what they deserve and not a coin more.
Defne answered him with a grateful smile and kissed his hand.
Topal, who during the conversation sat with their faces tense in amazement and open mouths, looked at each other and Nihan voiced what everyone thought about:
- Is that our hooligan Defne becoming the owner of a jewelry company?
- Exactly! - proudly acknowledged Omer.
Ahtem did not want to go home at all. What is there to do? Stupidly staring at the TV and drive away melancholy and memories? Therefore, he stayed until late in the workshop and worked. But when the stomach reminded him that it was time to fill it with at least some food, he got up and was about to go home. He dressed, hid the materials, and finished jewelry in the safe, turned on the alarm, and turned off the light. He went out into the street, breathing in full, cold, damp air, and turned to close the door.
- Ahtem...
Heart stopped. He would recognize that voice from millions of others. Gentle and clean, like the murmur of a stream ... the voice of his bitter torment and desperate love.
Wishing that it was only an illusion and at the same time mortally afraid of it, he slowly turned. No, not an illusion. The fruit of the imagination does not have such shiny hair, trembling pink lips, and piercing eyes. Ghosts cannot breathe deeply and often. Do not twist their hands and do not beg with their eyes.
Laura was waiting. Ahtem looked at her with wide eyes and а lump in his throat twitched every time he tried to inhale. The moment has turned into eternity, time, and space disappeared. The only reality was furious joy, lit up in black eyes. Laura sobbed and as if a switch clicked in Ahtem's head. His gaze went out and turned cold and indifferent.
"Countess Cesare," he said hoarsely. "I did not expect to see you here." What brought the sophisticated aristocrat and Catholic to Muslim Istanbul?
"Just Laura," she answered hoarsely. "Neither Cesare nor Rastrelli have anything to do with me anymore." Like Italy. I left forever. Now my home in Istanbul.
"And what are you going to do in this new home?" - forgetting that he had just addressed her with "you," Ahtem mockingly twisted his mouth. Praise be to Allah, it obeyed him. But not the eyes. They stuck their gaze to a beautiful face and did not at all want to submit to reason.
"Work," meanwhile Laura answered calmly. "An old friend and his wife offered me a good and interesting job here."
"Congratulations," he was still able to look away and move. He circumvented the thin figure and threw over his shoulder: - Good luck.
- Wait! She shouted into his back. - Let's have dinner somewhere and talk.
"I have no time," he snapped, and, without looking back, walked firmly along the street.
Laura pressed her hands to her face with force and dropped her hands just as sharply. She looked in the wake of the retreating man, and her poor heart was bleeding and sad. Ah, if she could turn back the clock and be back in that spring of Milan when she made the wrong choice and killed her soul. If she could fix it ... If she could...
Defne and Omer hugged in their king-sized bed. The guests left long ago and the house fell into sleepy silence. But the lovers could not sleep. Too many impressions brought today. Too many feelings and emotions. They wanted to share them and put them in the right place in the head and heart.
Omer spoke about the afternoon meeting and Defne burst into tears again with admiration for the kindness and generosity of her magnificent husband. And the husband wiped her tears, kissed the tip of her nose and, quite sincerely, without cunning at all, answered that he was proud of nothing. He just came up with a good idea.
"By the way, I forgot to say that on Saturday will be the presentation of the Passionis winter collection," Omer said.
"And why are you upset?" Asked Defne.
His sensitive girl! Captures the slightest fluctuations in his mood.
"Because you can't be there."
- Nothing to worry. Mentally, I will be with you and share every minute of your success, "she promised.
"But it's not the same when you are standing next to me."
Defne kissed his shoulder and stroked his cheek lightly.
"You have hundreds of presentations ahead." And on all subsequent I will stand next to you and turn up my nose with pride.
- Do you promise? - Omer got up on his elbow and looked into her face.
- I swear! She assured and threw back her head. Looking into his eyes, she slyly smiled: - I will never miss the opportunity to show off next to you in an awesome dress and jewelry from Sapphire. Free advertising, after all!
"My mercantile wife," Omer laughed and kissed the tip of her small nose. - But mind you, I will also stand next to you and swell with pride, like a peacock.
"Ok," Defne agreed cheerfully. "We'll make a cool couple of snobs."
Both laughed loudly and Omer laid his head back on the pillow. Calming down, Defne asked:
"You didn't take offense at me for inviting Mr. Hulusi?"
- No.
"Have you forgiven him?"
- Forgiven a long time ago. Even then, as I returned from Marseille. Everyone makes mistakes ... and everyone has the right to forgiveness. Moreover, "he gently stroked Defne's stomach," the Bead will need grandfather and grandmother. "
- You are reading my mind! I told myself exactly the same when I was going to call him.
- I know.
Defne smiled. Omer did not see her smile but felt her. And he smiled back exactly knowing - his wife will see her with her heart.
Deniz Tranba entered the office and stopped near the desk of his assistant. The girl sat upright under his gaze and reported:
- Good morning, Mr. Deniz! Your daily routine is ready. Now I'll make your coffee and come with a report.
- Thanks, Ruya. No report and coffee. Does Miss Iz come?
Not a single muscle wavered on the stone face of the secretary.
"Came, Mr. Deniz."
-Very well! Ask her to come to me. Immediately, "Tranba ordered and went to his office.
"All right, Mr. Deniz," sounded behind him.
He closed the door behind him and exhaled. He ran a hand across his face and cursed through his teeth. Yes, abstinence was not good for his composure. And the bride decided to test his patience for strength. She doesn't even allow him to be touched. And she does not want to speak on topics not related to work. He endured steadily for a week. He was as meek as a lamb. He sent flowers. Kindly smiled and agreed with her every word. And what's the point? Тhey trеad in the same place. Not a step forward. It's time to tie this up.
Behind him, the door quietly opened and slammed shut.
- Did you want to see me? - From the sound of a deep voice, goosebumps ran down his spine.
Turning fast, in two steps he reached Iz and covered her mouth with a kiss. She was only able to sob and raise her hands from surprise, which at the same moment were sealed to the body.
- Like this! - releasing her lips said, Deniz. - No more platonic feelings. Forget! I am not a boy to play these games.
Those words sobered Iz. The pleasure from his kiss flew into the air. She narrowed her eyes and asked again:
- Not a boy? In general, you are right, of course. Only my question is: who am I? Why I am needed in your life?
"I answered this question a thousand times!" He hissed.
- Yes? I don't remember anything. "She raised her chin stubbornly and crossed her arms over her chest.
- You have a short memory!
- This I have.
They stood in front of each other and looked into the eyes with a challenge. The air around sparked with electric charges of anger and irritation.
- I love you! Deniz hissed through his teeth. "I want to marry you." What else do you need?
- Do you like or want? - asked Iz openly.
- Both! How do you not understand? I'm a man! I can't help but want you!
- Exactly! - Iz poked him in the chest with a finger. "You are a man and you cannot help but want." You are even ready to marry me to get me into your bed. I'm flattered! But sorry, this is not for me. I deserve to be loved not for the sake of my body. And for my own sake.
- But I love!!! - Deniz growled.
- But I do not see this!!!
- Can't you see? Ok. You will see it!
The meeting regarding the presentation of the winter shoe collection was held as usual. Seda was just beginning to read out the report when Tranba stopped her with a gesture and carefully leaned towards Iz.
- Are you cold? Ruya could bring you tea.
Six pairs of eyes stared at him in mute amazement. Iz was no exception. Slamming her mouth shut, she shook her head and answered:
- No thanks.
Deniz smiled sweetly at her and nodded to Seda to continue. But before she could utter ten words, the boss stopped her again. This time he asked Iz if she was tired.
"Why would I get tired?" - she was surprised. - The day has just begun. Seda you go on.
Seda, holding back a laugh, continued the report, which was again interrupted in the middle.
"Isn't the chair very hard?" - anxiously looking into the face of the bride, asked Deniz.
Seda poked her hand. The rest of the workers heroically tried to restrain laughter. Iz angrily looked at Tranba, but answered with restraint:
- Not hard, it is Ok. Can we bring the meeting to its logical end?
"Yes, yes, of course," Denise meekly agreed.
When the meeting all the same ended, the caring boss picked up the folder from Iz and gently cooed in her ear:
- Let me carry it.
She gritted her teeth and exhaled through her nose.
In her office, closing the door tightly Iz turned to Deniz and asked:
- What are you doing? You act like an idiot! What did the employees think?
"That I take care of my bride," he replied with a honeyed smile. "Didn't you want that?"
"No, not that!" - cried out Iz. - How it's called? Decided to laugh at me?
- But why to laugh at you? - Deniz was indignant. - I can't understand! I want you - You do not like it. I care - You do not like it. I say, love - you do not believe. What else can I do?
- Do you call this show care?! - She closed her eyes, and when she opened her face took on a stern expression. - Deniz, go to your office. I need to work. You pay me a salary not for empty talk.
Gritting his teeth and measuring her with a fierce look, he went out and slammed the door shut behind him.
He managed to fall in love with the most stubborn woman in the world, who, moreover, was completely impossible to understand!
- Can I come in?
Omer looked up from the report folder. Tranba stood in the doorway. The look from under the eyebrows eloquently said that the man was preoccupied with something.
"Come in," Omer nodded to the chair on the other side of his desk. - Have a seat. Are you on business?
"Yes," sitting in the chair, Tranba nervously patted his cheek. - I wanted to say that Iz found a great place for the charity show.
Omer raised an eyebrow and grinned.
- What? - Deniz was indignant.
- Yes, I think, how long have you been re-trained as postmen?
- Did not believe it? - Tranba grinned wryly.
- No. Come on, lay out what kind of problem you have," Omer ordered.
Tranba nervously pulled his tail at the back of his head and blurted out:
"Tell me, how did you persuade Defne to marry you?"
Omer choked and coughed.
"Drink some water," Deniz slipped a glass bottle over him.
Omer took a few sips and set it aside.
"Now explain clearly," he asked the guest. "Although I guess." Iz?
"She," Tranba sighed heavily. "I don't understand her at all." She refuses to marry me until I prove that I love her. And I have no idea how to do this. Tell me how one proves love? And why prove it at all?
"Because the woman wants to be sure."
"But I want to marry her!" What other assurance does she need?
- Deniz, men get married for various reasons. Iz wants to be sure that your reason is correct.
- It is right, right! - said Tranba angrily.
"So prove it to her," Omer advised.
"And how did you prove to Defne?"
At the sound of her darling name, Omer's face subtly changed. It seemed to turn on the light in it. Smiling, he replied:
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