《Stay with me》Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
The gray cat jumped down from the chair and quietly stepping along the wooden floorboards with shaggy paws came up to Fikret. She bent to pick it up, but it hissed angrily and arched its back. Fikret grinned wryly and spoke to the cat:
"Are you still so independent?" You don't need anyone, isn't attached to anyone?
"Like its mistress," came a rustling voice behind. Fikret looked around. At the door stood an old woman, skinny and straight as a stick, with her head covered in a black scarf. She looked at the guest with condemnation with sharp eyes hidden in deep wrinkles and did not even try to hide her dislike.
"Hello, grandmother," Fikret greeted but did not budge. So she remained standing in the middle of the room.
The old woman, too, was in no hurry to open her arms to her. She strictly asked:
- For how long?
"Forever," Fikret answered coldly.
Grandma laughed a croaking laugh.
- So what? Or didn't you find what you were looking for? You have moved away from us, but has not nailed to the other side? You didn't even say goodbye to your father.
"Did he need this goodbye?" - on the face of Fikret appeared a sarcastic smile that did not touch the eyes.
"You are his only daughter!" - the old woman screamed at the granddaughter by poking with a finger her chest and stamped her foot.
- Unloved daughter !!! - Fikret shouted in response. - My father always did not care if I was alive or not. And you too! I just answered you in return.
And again, dry laughter as a crow croaking echoed through the house.
- So what? Found someone who could love you? The old woman asked with an evil mockery.
Fikret wanted to hit her. Cling to the throat and shake until the soul leaves the frail body. But she restrained herself. She clenched her fists and coldly informed the only blood relative, but completely alien in essence person:
"I'll take my old room." I hope there is at least some food in the kitchen? I'm hungry.
- There is fish soup. Help yourself, " her grandmother ordered and left the room.
A minute later, in the back of the house, a thud of a door against a jamb was heard. Fikret flinched and closed her eyes. It burned mercilessly in his chest. Resentment and hatred did not allow her to breathe.
Nothing has changed.
She is a stranger here. And even the fact that the house now belongs to her did not change things. They don't love her. Her father did not like her, the grandmother does not like her, and Omer did not like her either.
Well, if she is not worthy of love, then let nothing be expected from her but hatred.
Something soft touched her legs. Fikret looked down. The gray cat, arching its back, rubbed against her calves. The girl crouched, stroked the smoky hair and asked in a choked voice:
"What should I do, Gree?"
The light was turned off in the room. Ink darkness emphasized the brightness of the stars looking at the window and the thin sickle of the young moon.
- Heaven is favorable to us? - Defne asked quietly recalling the words spoken earlier by Omer.
"Always," he answered in a hoarse whisper.
Interlocking their fingers, they lay on the bed and watched at the starry sky. They did not need to speak to hear each other. The subconscious, or maybe souls, have become the voice heard only by the two of them.
"Stars promise us infinity ... Really?"
"What if it's just an illusion? Suddenly, the word "End" is already written in our book, and we will disappear? It's like we weren't ... our love wasn't ... "
"Do not disappear ... we become stars ... I will love you forever ..."
"And I ... forever ..."
"Sleep, my love ... Tomorrow will be a new day. The best of our days."
"With you, every new day is the best ..."
Omer pulled Defne to him and kissed her temple. He pulled the blanket from the floor, wrapped himself and her in a cocoon, and whispered in her ear:
- Sleep...
Defne smiled and closed her eyes.
She dreamed of stars, and the thin crescent of the moon, and the black eyes of Omer shining with love.
She was awakened by the sweet smell of pastries, which was mixed with the aroma of coffee. Without opening her eyes, Defoe smiled. How she wants something, it is unknown what smells so good now. Jumping out of bed, she threw the first thing that fell under her hands, or rather Omer's blue shirt, jumped a few minutes into the bathroom, and ran down.
Omer barefoot, in one, low-seated on the hips, jeans, was making tea. The table was already set. Delicious smelling "unknown what" turned out to be fresh, still hot cornetto.
- Where is this from? - surprised Defne. She went to her husband, hugged his waist, and pressed her cheek to the cool back. - Good morning!
Omer turned around and kissed the soft pink and warm cheek after sleep.
- Good morning, my dear. How on time you woke up. The pastry was brought a few minutes ago. And the tea is ready. We will have breakfast.
He led her to the table and sat her on a chair carefully covered with a soft wrap. Having stroked a thin shoulder, he went for tea.
"Omer," Defne called him. He looked around. She looked guilty. "I don't want tea."
Omer blinked and shook his head. Wonders! Defne does not want tea.
- And what do you want?
- Coffee. With milk. Do we have milk?
She asked it as sweetly and touchingly as a child. And at that moment she was like a girl. Disheveled hair. A clean, untouched face. The fragile collarbone shows white in the open collar of his shirt. Thin arms peek out from beneath rolled-up sleeves. Omer's heart sank sweetly. Allah, how much he loves such a Defne. Natural and lovely.
Which looks at him with wide eyes and patiently awaits an answer.
Omer remembered breathing. Breathing out, shrugged, and answered:
- Unfortunately, there is no milk. But there is coffee cream.
- Hooray! - exclaimed Defne. "I want with cream."
"I'll do it now," he laughed and headed for the coffee machine.
While Omer was making coffee, Defne could not resist and broke off a piece from the rosy cornetto.
- Mmm! With strawberries," she breathed enthusiastically.
- Do you want strawberries? - Omer set a cup of coffee in front of her and added sugar and cream to it.
- Yeah, very. But now is not the season.
"Silly," Omer gently snapped her nose. - There is always a season.
"But from the hothouse are tasteless," Defne frowned the nose it had just been so dismissive of.
- I promise the most delicious and sweet. Like your lips.
Omer looked down at her red mouth and his eyes lit up with fire. Defne touched her lower lip with her tongue and grimaced incredulously.
- You cheat. Lips, like lips ...
The words drowned in a kiss. Omer's tongue, as if trying to taste, slowly walked along the upper lip, then along the lower ... Defne felt herself taking off and soaring above the ground ... and it was all over. Omer pulled back and ordered:
- Eat! We are having a walk along the lake. We will fish.
- To fish?
- Yes. Can you?
- No. But you will teach me!
Omer winked slyly and smiled a wry, seductive smile.
- With pleasure!
Having pulled on jeans, white, large-knitted sweaters, and waterproof windbreakers, they went outside. The weather was again favorable to them. The lake was completely calm and its surface, smooth as a mirror, sparkled in the sun. A small motor yacht awaited its guests at the pier. Omer helped his wife get down to it and confidently headed for the helm.
- Do you know how to drive a yacht? - surprised Defne. She followed him and stopped, examining the levers and signal lights on the control panel.
-I learned during the summer holidays. Even in college. I worked part-time here.
Omer started the yacht and set sail from the pier. Gently swaying, it headed for the middle of the lake.
"How much I don't know about you yet," Defne remarked, exposing her face to the light breeze.
- Like I about you. But we will catch up! We learn all the secrets of each other.
"I wouldn't be so sure," she objected. "I don't want you to know all my secrets."
- Even so! And what are you hiding, beautiful lady, "Omer asked laughing.
Defne cunningly turned her eyes and he had an irresistible desire to grab her in a hug and kiss her until she lost consciousness.
He did so. In the middle of the lake, turning off the engine and dropping the anchor, laid Defne on the sun-heated deck boards and covered her with himself. They kissed for a long time and slowly. Until breathing stops. Till shivering. Reveling in each other and the freedom to do what they want at the moment.
They wanted to kiss. Wading their greedy hands through layers of clothing to bare skin and enjoy its velvety softness. Bliss from the sun shining through the eyelashes and the soft, lulling rocking of the yacht.
And they kissed, touched, enjoyed ... and then they caught fish. Defne was lucky. She was the first to fetch a greenish-silver lake bass and rejoiced like a child. Following her, Omer caught a big trout. He skilfully cleaned the fish and cut it into pieces. Together, they fried it in a closed grill, and right on the deck, spreading a large blue rug on it, make a picnic. Omer brought from the cabin a basket full of food, and the second with dishes. Not one-time, but the real earthenware, and shining glass cups. To the surprised look of Defne replied that such a service is provided to all yacht renters.
In the fresh air, appetite always flares up. Defne smiled and began to sort the food basket. There was a bottle of white wine, fresh bread, cheese, olives, cherry tomatoes, and ... strawberries. Large, dark red, and fragrant. As she dreamed. And also a box with tiny, for one bite, cakes. So airy and appetizing in appearance that Defne's mouth instantly filled with saliva. She put one in her mouth, second - a strawberry and squinted at Omer - didn't he notice her actions. But at that moment he was busy shifting fish from the grill to plates and missed the moment of disturbing the lunch order. And when he returned, his wife sat with an innocent look. Sniffing the air with her nose, she dreamily said:
- How delicious it smells!
Omer set the plates on an impromptu table and ordered:
- Come on eat!
Defne, having tasted the fish, gasped enthusiastically:
- Wow! Is it magical? I never ate tastier fish.
"No wonder," Omer answered in his piece. "We caught it."
He splashed a little white wine into the glasses and touched his to the edge of Defne's glass.
"For the fish," he proclaimed with comical earnestness. - Let it always come to our hook. I'll also teach you to catch from the pier near the house, and at the Istanbul embankment, and in the mountain stream, which is not far from my mother's house.
- It is great! - exclaimed Defne. - I catch for your word. You know me - I won't fall behind.
"Keep up," Omer looked into her eyes. - Never fall behind. Always be by my side and I don't need anything else.
- So nothing? - Defne slyly squinted her laughing eyes. - But what about the bachelor parties, the games of basketball, business, and other men's fun?
Omer moved closer and hugged her, pressing her back to his chest.
"Nowhere to get from them," he answered. "But I will hurry home each time to you." And look forward to our evenings and nights. And every time I will realize - I am the happiest person in the world.
Defne drank a small sip of wine and pressed the back of her head to Omer's chest. Looking at the stunning view of the autumn mountains framing the lake, she smiled dreamily and spoke:
"And I will wait for you every time." And when I hear the turn of the key in the lock, I will fly towards you. To kiss you... and say that I miss you and love ...
Omer, drunk either from wine or from an excess of feelings, kissed the top of her silky hair and pressed the fragile figure closer to him.
"We will have a wonderful life ..." he said quietly, and his heart was beating more often when Defne objected:
- We already have it. Beautiful, like a blessing from heaven ...
"I love you," he breathed hoarsely in her red-gold hair.
Defne said nothing. She only covered Omer's hand on her stomach and smiled a wide happy smile.
Deniz got out of the car and looked at the windows of the second floor. Iz did not want him to go up to her apartment and asked to wait for her downstairs. Surprising himself, he agreed. This girl is the only one in the world who twisted him around her small finger, and he happily allowed her to do this. Because he could not be without her and was ready for anything if only she would smile at him with her sparkling and impudent smile.
The light went out in the windows, and soon the slender figure quickly fluttered out of the porch. Deniz opened his arms and after a moment she was in his arms.
- At last! He grumbled.
"You mean you missed me?" The girl asked arrogantly.
"Aren't you?" - he answered her in tone.
- What kind of person? - She outraged. - One might think you will break if you admit that you love me and miss me.
"I love you and miss you," Tranba admitted. - And now I'm still angry. Are you going to stop me again and not let me in your bed?
Iz freed herself from his embrace and stepped back a step. Crossing her arms over her chest, she raised an eyebrow questioningly and asked:
- What bed? We are not married yet!
- So what? - Deniz again came close and looked into her mocking eyes. "Is this a reason to deny yourself pleasure?"
He ran his knuckles over her neck, collarbone, chest. And the look, impudent, imperious, did not take his eyes off her and demanded that she obey. All his previous passions would have done so. With dazed gaze fall into his arms. But it was Iz. She grabbed his hand, defiantly removed it and, firmly stressing every word, said:
- Only. After. Wedding.
Deniz groaned and doomed asked?
"And from whom am I to ask for you?"
"My parents," there was a clear answer.
"Where can I find them?"
- In Side.
"Do your parents live in Side?" - surprised Deniz.
"For ten years now." When I left to study in Italy, they sold the house here and bought one there. They opened their own restaurant serving local cuisine and live a happy life.
"Then warn them that I will go to see them on Saturday," the authority returned to his voice.
- On Saturday?!! This week?! - to Iz surprise, there was no limit.
- Well, of course! What to wait? And in two weeks we'll play a wedding.
- Are you kidding?
- I am serious as never before.
Iz eyebrow arched and shook her head thoughtfully. And then she asked a question, from which Deniz was taken aback:
- How many lovers did you have? It's scary to even think.
- What are you talking about?
"If you are so afraid of abstinence, but you were not in a hurry to marry, I can imagine how many women went through your bed."
Deniz was confused and for a moment even speechless. And this stinging little thing stood with her arms crossed on her chest and bowed her head to her shoulder and waited for his explanation. He hesitated at the first word, which was also her name:
- I-I-Iz! Should we talk about this now? Get in the car, we go for dinner and discuss our wedding.
Deniz wanted to take her hand, but she pulled her hands back and stepped back a couple of steps.
- Iz! Well, why are you making a mountain out of a molehill? He spoke conciliatory again. - A thing of the past. Lived and forgotten. After all, I want to marry you - this is the most important thing.
Iz defiantly clapped her hands.
- Bravo! What а favor! - Her face stretched out. From a meek sheep, she instantly turned into an angry tigress. Flashing her eyes, she poked her index finger into his chest and said: "Keep it to yourself!" There will be no engagement and wedding!
- Why? - the failed groom could only ask.
"Because you only need them to sleep with me!" And I want something different! That's when you understand what, then we'll talk!
She spun on her heels and like a fury rushed to the house.
- Iz - Shouted dumbfounded by her words Deniz and held out his hand. - Well, what ... I love you!
But she seemed not to hear. Swung open the door and flew into the porch. A minute later, a light came on in her apartment. The man ruffled his hair and struck the Porsche's hood with his fist. What kind of folly?! Did she want a ring and a proposal? He made it and put emerald on her finger! Don't want sex before the wedding? Well, he agrees to get married immediately! What else does she need?! So that he erased his past? So this is not possible. He is not a magician and not the Almighty. Climbing into the car and slammed the door so that the powerful Porsche flinched, Deniz took out the phone and for a minute hesitating who to call, Omer or Sinan chose the latter. Let Iplikci enjoy his honeymoon ... damn lucky guy!
Sinan answered after the third beep:
- Deniz? Hello! Something urgent?
- No! - blurted out he. - More precisely, yes! Tomorrow, if Iz asked to return to Passionis - do not accept! For nothing, do not accept and do not succumb to any persuasion!
- Wait! Do not scream. Take it easy. Did you quarrel?
"Mademoiselle does not want an engagement or an early wedding!" And she doesn't want to sleep with me either! And what she wants, kill me, I don't understand!
- Where are you now?
- In front of her home.
- I'm coming back from Seda. Today, Nisa was released home, and Mrs. Meriem arranged a gala dinner.
"Congratulations," Deniz muttered.
- Do not interrupt! Drive up to the bar near your house. I'll be there in ten minutes. We'll talk there.
The bar was not crowded and rather quiet. Weekday did not contribute to the influx of customers and dancing, so the music played quietly. The men took a table in the corner and ordered themselves whiskey.
"Tell me," Sinan ordered.
Deniz retold the entire recent conversation with the bride and in the end asked:
"Well, what, tell me what I did wrong?"
"You showed that her body is more important to you than her soul," Sinan looked into his eyes and from the simplicity of his words, Deniz broke off inside. Awareness came instantly as if the invisible gateways had opened and what had been closed from him before flowed into the brain.
- And what should I do now? He asked hoarsely.
"Show her the opposite," Sinan answered and bared all thirty-two teeth in a mocking smile: "How I want to see this!" The performance will be cooler than Shakespeare's.
"Yeah, the Taming of the Shrew in a modern Turkish manner," Tranba agreed with sad irony and drained the glass with one gulp. Allah himself ordered him to get drunk today. That's but in bed, his unconscious body will put only the housekeeper. And he would like to be... Iz.
The Iplikci were playing cards.
The fire burned in the fireplace and illuminated the room with its soft light. Omer and Defne sat on soft sheep's skins and excitedly threw cardboard rectangles onto the floor.
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