《Stay with me》Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
- Why? Asked Defne.
She clasped his head in her hands and looked into the dark eyes. There was so much desire, frustration, а torment in them that it ached in her chest. Defne from the past screamed:
"Submit! Surrender to him. After all, you know - his hands and lips will lift you into the sky..."
"And then you fall to the ground," recalled the current one.
Defne spoke. Hoarse, feverish.
"I want to be sure." Do you understand? To be sure that this is forever. That after a night in heaven we won't part away again. As it always happened before. I want solid ground under my feet. When it is unsteady ... the love of bodies does not solve problems.
Omer repeated her gesture. Likewise, he wrapped his big hands around her face. His voice echoed her voice:
- Tell me! Explain what to do or tell for you to believe?
- I do not know! - a tear rolled down her cheek and hid under Omer's palm. She lowered her hands, and they hung limply along by their bodies. - I want to believe it! More than anything, I want to believe you!
With all his strength, he pressed her head with her ear to his chest.
- Listen! If you do not believe my words, believe my heart. It beats only for you. Defne - in you is my whole world. Passionis, my home, the comfortable life — I don't need anything without you — his hands became soft, careful. They slid affectionately over the head and shoulders of Defne. - You know, once I was able to survive the death of my parents. But if you leave me ...if you will not forgive me ... if you give up on me ... That I cannot survive. I can't do it without you!
Omer felt the t-shirt on his chest soaking in hot moisture. Defne's tears poisoned his soul. But at the same time, instilled hope. His girl got out of the ice shell. Again she opened her heart to feelings and desires. And that means ... that means she will understand him. Believe and come back. And they can finally breathe deeply and start living.
He raised her face to himself, carefully wiped away the tears, and stepped back a step. Corrected the disheveled red strands and, not hiding in his voice love and tenderness, said:
"I want you so that everything is trembling inside me." Not just the body. I want you all. I want your thoughts and desires. I want to talk to you, laugh. Breakfast and dinner. Walk in the evenings along the promenade. Paint. Fall asleep and wake up in the same bed. Waking up, the first to see your face and kiss your warm shoulders - his fingers stroked the fragile collarbones and thin hands of Defne. A shiver ran through her body. "I won't put pressure on you now." I'll step back ... Go back to your apartment, look around and think - is this the life you want? Living in the gloom, without joy and happiness just because you are afraid of a new possible pain? Or take a chance, and return happiness to yourself ... and to me.
Thoughts were confused in her head. Omer's voice sounded in her temples like hammer blows. Each word was repeated with multiple echoes and turned the soul. Defne, as in a dream, went to the sofa, put her feet in her shoes, threw the handbag strap on her shoulder and went to Omer, who had not moved. He stood motionless and only his black eyes blazed wildly. She raised herself on tiptoe, kissed his cheek and silently left.
Omer came out next. He leaned on the railing of the balcony and tensely caught all the sounds that were so clearly heard in the night. When a door slammed down below and heard a key turning in a lock, he closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath of fresh night air and returned to his room.
The night promised to be too long...
In the morning, Оmer thought he was getting a deja vu. Again he hit his head on the showerhead. Again, with difficulty, he found the right clothes and poured disgusting coffee into the sink. Again Defne refused to have breakfast with him and as soon as he went out to the Mercedes waiting at the door, Sabrina appeared. With the only difference being that instead of a tray with burek, in her hands was a jug with a brownish-green liquid, from the one look of which Omer got sick. Again Defne laughed playfully at his attempts to get rid of the annoying girl and her treats, and then she kicked her heels to the taxi, and an evil Omer sat alone in the back seat of his car. Once again, the local gossipers laughed at Sabrina's unsuccessful attempts to get the new neighbor.
But there was another difference this morning. At the corner, with his hands in the pockets of his stretched sports trousers, stood the formidable guy from yesterday. Omer looked indifferently from the car window at his square figure and reddish from rage face, and immediately threw thoughts of him out of his head.
"So the collection is ready?" Well, guys, you give! I am delighted! Straight energizers!
Sinan, sitting at a table in his office, tapped the victory march with the fingers of one hand on the countertop, and his broad smile shone like a powerful spotlight. Omer sat in a chair on the other side of the table. He looked calm and collected. Crossing his legs, he stroked the stubble on his chin and squinted at his friend, trying not to miss the first reaction from viewing the models he had drawn. And it was enthusiastic. Sinan, examining the drawings, shone like a polished copper pot and scattered sincere compliments. A sketch of red open shoes appeared in his hands.
- Oh! He breathed. - Omer, this is a masterpiece! This model will break all sales records. International contracts are guaranteed to us. Bellagino's new owners will still bite their elbows and scold themselves for being so short-sighted.
Omer only grinned stingily. Sinan picked up the following drawing when looking at which his eyebrows climbed to his forehead. He looked incredulously at the author of the model and again stared at the sketch.
- What is it? He asked in shock.
- What do you see? - Omer asked ironically.
"But that cannot be!" - Sinan exclaimed in disbelief.
- As you can see, it can.
Sinan pulled out the last sketch from below and laid down next to the one that so surprised him. He gazed from one to the other, and his face slowly lit up with an ecstatic smile.
- Loafers? Omer, I can't believe it! After all, you flatly refused to draw and produce low-heeled shoes. What made you change your mind?
"Not what, but who," Omer answered mysteriously smiling.
- Defne! - guessed Sinan. He, lifting his face and raising his hands in a prayer gesture, shouted: - Hallelujah !!! How many years have I tried to convince you? I used everything, - he began to take turns bending his fingers on his hand, - statistics, economic calculations, surveys among women. But you, like a mule, remained adamant. Stilettos and hairpins! Nothing else is worthy of the ideal woman who was drawn by the imagination of the genius Omer Iplikci. And what happened? How did this fragile girl manage to convince you?
"She said that after fifteen minutes of walking on high heels, the calf was starting to cramp," Omer said.
- Amazing! - Sinan spread his hands. "And when the other women did tell you this, did you not hear?"
"No," he answered honestly. "They're not Defne ..."
Sinan fell silent. He just looked at his friend with joy, slight envy and, quite a bit, with sadness. And Omer pulled the drawings to himself, trimmed them and put them in a folder. Then he looked seriously at his partner and spoke:
"I have one more conversation with you." Very important.
Sinan leaned forward and leaned on the table.
"Speak," he ordered Omer.
- It's about Seda Berensel.
- Seda? Sinan asked, and his face had subtly changed. A blissful, dreamy expression appeared on him that made Omer inwardly smile.
"Seda," he answered. - She has a younger sister, Nisa. She is soon eighteen and has leukemia.
Sinan turned white. His fingers tightly clung to the edge of the countertop.
- Leukemia? - He asked at once, his lips turned bloodless.
"Yes," Omer confirmed. - A terrible diagnosis, but there are chances. The first is bone marrow transplantation. Here the girl is lucky - Seda can be a donor. Operation in a week. Tranba gave a loan to Seda, but most likely this money will not be enough for a full course of treatment and rehabilitation. I think we should help.
"Аbsolutely, no other options," Sinan firmly agreed. - Today I will find out the personal account and order the accounting department to transfer the money.
- Thank you, brother. I had no doubt that you would answer that way, "Omer relaxed inwardly. He felt relieved. Sinan is and remains what he has always been - his friend and brother.
- We are sending money and let Seda and her family at least not be tormented by the financial issue. But I still have an idea. After all, Nisa is not the only one with such a diagnosis. In the ward with her are two more girls. They are doing no better. What if we organize a charity event and transfer the proceeds to the treatment of girls and other cancer patients.
Sinan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
- The idea is great. We can attract other partners. Designers of clothes, jewelry. Famous actors and singers, the press. This, of course, is a huge field of work, but the result is worth it.
"We'll start now to develop the idea, and after the festival, we'll work closely," Omer suggested.
"But the press needs to be connected now." That charity event has to be large-scale and powerful, - Sinan rightly noted.
"You're right," Omer put a hand on his nape and ruffled his hair. He bit his lower lip and frowned intently. Then he sighed and added in a displeased tone:
"I have to call Feryal." Better than her, no one will cope with this task.
Sinan laughed.
"There is nothing funny," Omer reacted to his laughter, offended. "I'll look at you when your wife is biased in responding to your ex."
"Is it Feryal your ex?" -the friend continued to choke on laughter.
"No," stinging notes appeared in Omer's voice. "But thanks to some joker and his hints, Defne thinks so." Okay, I'm going to call Feryal, and then I'll go to Tranba. We will finish the collection with Defne and fully prepare it for tomorrow's meeting.
"Go, go," Sinan said after him.
Clasping his hands in front of him, he rested his head against the back of his chair and thought. The girl who excited his thoughts and made his heartbeat harder has trouble. More than anything, he wanted to help her deal with it and become happy. And maybe then his happiness will cease to be a ghostly mirage.
Feryal answered after the second call. As usual, ignoring Omer's business tone, she called him her sweet boy and claimed that he had completely forgotten about her existence. Omer did the same - ignored her words and immediately went to the heart of the matter. Feryal liked the idea. Even more. And she suggested discussing the details at the meeting immediately. Tonight in Mano r-t. Omer had no choice but to accept the offer.
Finishing the call, he thoughtfully tapped his phone on the forehead.
A meeting with the editor-in-chief of Turkey's best glossy magazine is, of course, excellent. But how to tell Defne about it? What if she would consider this dinner something more than a business meeting, and again fence off with an ice wall. And then everything that he has achieved in recent days will fly into the abyss. But keeping silent will be even worse. Defne undoubtedly will regard this as another lie and certainly will not let him come to a step closer to her.
Tormented by doubts, Omer entered her office. She sat at the table and studied something on the laptop screen. The turquoise jacket was thrown over the back of the chair and Defne was in a white blouse with a round neck and sleeveless. Her hands were thin and graceful, and her skin was snow-white, like expensive porcelain. Omer involuntarily stopped at the door and admired his wife.
Feeling his eyes, she raised her head and smiled. His heart warmed. Unable to deny himself the pleasure, he went up to her, kissed her temple, and in response felt a cool hand gently touch his cheek. At the next moment, his whole being was already in the clouds and did not return to the sinful earth until the very end of the work.
For all three hours, while they were finishing the collection, Omer simply stuck to Defne. He sat with his shoulder pressed against her shoulder. He looked into her radiant eyes. He smiled. He stroked her thin fingers and imperceptibly touched her hair. But the most important thing, from which his head was dizzy and chest were bursting with delight, Defne didn't move away, did not push him away, did not close herself in cold alienation. Mocked at his male chauvinism, and laughed when he resentfully responded. She smiled at his jokes, she was warm and real. She was herself.
She was, until the moment when he nevertheless gained courage and said that he was having dinner with Feryal in the evening.
In a moment, the light was turned off in Defne. The look was gone and the corners of her mouth sank sadly. She silently went to the shelves by the opposite wall and pretended to be looking for something very important.
- Defne, just don't invent yourself what's not to be. It's a business dinner and that's it," Omer said.
- Me to invent? She asked calmly. - Well, what are you talking about? Do I have right? You are a free man and you can meet and dine with anyone you see fit ...
"Defne, you're talking nonsense," Omer interrupted her angrily and walked over to her.
- Well. This is my fate. To speak nonsense. But you don't pay attention. Go on a date with the beautiful Feryal...
Omer jerked her around and closed hеr mouth with а kiss. She pressed her lips together, but he stubbornly made his way through them with his tongue, and when they opened under his onslaught, he kissed warmly and sweetly. And then he pulled back and triumphantly declared:
- Тhat's it! Now listen to me. I did not get out and did not lie when I said that a meeting with Feryal was necessary for an important matter. I spoke with Seda about her little sister. Don't look so angry! I want to help. Not only Nise but also to others. So the thought came to me - to arrange a charity show and send the proceeds to the treatment of cancer patients - Defne looked up at him. Her eyes reflected admiration. Omer perked up. - And here we need serious support from the press. That's why I'm meeting Feryal today. This is work and only work. If you want, let's go to a meeting together.
Defne turned back to the shelves. "I have things to do in the evening," she said monotonously.
She lied. She had nothing to do. But to go with Omer for dinner, and then all evening to watch how the well-mannered socialite Feryal will make eyes to Omer! No, thank you! Such representations are not for her.
- What things? - asked Omer.
He stood behind her. Close, almost touching her back and his hot breath burned her neck and woke butterflies in her stomach. Defne swallowed and answered:
- Usual things. Shopping, cleaning, ironing.
"And just that?" I will tell Zehra and she will do everything.
He touched her wrists with his fingertips and, barely touching her fair skin, led up to her shoulders...
- Not! - Defne walked away from the shelf. "Zehra already has enough work." I will deal with my affairs myself. By the way, you have to go. And me too. Forty minutes later I have to introduce the boss to the finished collection.
- Talat? Omer asked in a changing voice.
- Not. Mr. Tranba. He signed an order that from today in work I submit only to him.
Omer raised an eyebrow in an incredulous grimace. Wow! Denise did not lie. Removed Talat away from Defne. The act, of course, is worthy of respect, but Omer knew that until Defne returned to Passionis and was under his own, total protection, he would not be able to sleep peacefully. Before the festival in Milan, he will tolerate, and then he will raise the question with an edge - Passionis and the point. But now, albeit unwillingly, he acknowledged the merit of Tranba:
"There is at least one good news between these walls," he muttered sarcastically, and then he caught Defne's hand and pulled her to him. He kissed her forehead and answered her reproachful glance with raised hands and the condition: - Good! Don't look like that. I'm leaving. But with an agreement - in the evening you will let me visit you.
"You are incorrigible," Defne shook her head smiling.
Iz which was connected to work on the planned show, categorically declared that she was going to the meeting with Omer. This decision didn't please him at all. With his mind, he understood that the presence of the creative director was justified and necessary, but the fear that Defne would regard him as something completely different, it sat inside like a nail and made his heart go cold. Therefore, when Sinan and Koray also asked to come with him, he easily agreed. What was their surprise when Denise Tranba and Seda Berensel joined them in the restaurant. They, as it turned out, were invited by Feryal herself. The pragmatic woman decided - since it is necessary to cover the upcoming shoe fashion festival in the right way, it is time to conclude a truce even with a long-standing enemy. And what could be the best excuse, like working together in a charity show? In addition, this charity directly relates to the creative director of the company of Tranba.
As a result, a rather large company gathered at the table, in which, unfortunately for Omer, the most important person for him - Defne was missing. He carefully asked Seda why Tranba had not taken her with him. She replied that Feryal called quite late and that Defne was no longer at work. She left early because her sister-in-law was discharged from the hospital today and she wanted to be with her family at that moment. Omer felt wounded - Defne again left him outside of an important event for herself. But it seemed to him that this stage was behind and he was back in the Topal family.
Frustrated, he sat silently listening to the lively conversation, which, admittedly, was very constructive. Ideas poured like ripe pears from a tree. Koray occasionally drifted, but Sinan quickly returned him to the right track, while managing to nicely care for Seda, who took this courtship with a sparkling smile and warmth in her eyes.
Tranba didn't get tired of bickering with Iz, but those present had the feeling that both were enjoying their skirmishes immensely. They looked at each other mockingly, but from the sparks that skipped between them, it was possible to light a fire.
Feryal, desperate to get Omer's attention, completely focused on business. During the meeting, she made dozens of calls and the media wheel spun, turning the idea into a very real event.
The meeting went on for a long time, but the results pleased everyone. Even for the upset by the absence of Defne Omer. He saw that his idea was turned into life, and he felt satisfaction.
When the company was about to go home, Seda approached him. She looked intently into his eyes, smiled touchingly and said a single word:
- Thanks.
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