《Words Like Wind ᚠ Thorin Oakenshield》ѕєvєntєєn: α hєαlєr'ѕ dutч
room was dark and cold, the only light came from the burning embers in the fireplace. Arethusa looked around the room to see that she was alone, her heart twisted and a cold weight settled against her chest startling her until she realized it was the key to the mountain. The tunic scratched at her skin, spun from wool and dyed a deep blue when she stood from the bed it fell to her knees. She looked at her reflection, noting that color had returned to her face and the scabbed cut on her cheek was fading into a light scar. "Arthie?" The door had opened only a fraction and from the shortened version of her name, she already knew who it would be. Arethusa turned with a smile and motioned for her friend to enter. A pile of clothes was held in his arms. "I was asked to bring you these. They might not fit the best but it's all we could find."
She shuffled through the clothing, pulling out the smallest pair of breeches and what looked to be the warmest coat, it was a deep green with grey fur sewn around the edges. The pants were a perfect fit, around her waist she tied a silver cord to hold up the long blue tunic. "Where's Thorin?" Bilbo frowned at the question and she seemed to understand his silence, he was with his gold.
"I'm sorry, Arthie." He debated on whether or not it would be appropriate to comfort the fairy, rather hesitantly he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Never mind it, would you like to explore with me?" She looked up at Bilbo as she tightened the laces and straps of her boots, a false smile coming to her lips. The tall brown leather riding boots had seen better days, yet she could not let them go so easily as there were many memories and adventures that the worn soles could speak of. From Ered Lithui to the Northern Waste where the Forodwaith lived and all the patches of stone, ice, and grass between. They moved near silently through the great stone halls, descending further into the mountain with nothing more than a flickering torch for light. Arethusa had never imagined such a place could exist, the labyrinth of halls seemed never ending.
The open area the duo had come to was shocking, the ceiling was high above them, the stone was covered with a thick layer of dust and webs. Tables were overturned and small trinkets were strung about. "What do you think this place was?" Bilbo's question had shocked her from thought, taking the torch she placed it in a large brazier, and watched as charred wood and coal sprung up in flames. Shadows cast were long and dark, each sound echoed.
Arethusa ran her hand along the runic carvings in the stone and stooped down to pick up a charred wooden doll. It took a moment for the individual stalls to become apparent. "A market." She breathed, picking up another wooden toy with a crank. It was in the shape of a bird, she passed it to Bilbo and he spun the small crank, the wings of the bird began to move, flapping around. Her exploration continued, the braziers she came to were soon alight, and the chill was gone from the vast hall and the shadows defeated. A glint of metal caught her attention, it was the buckle on a leather belt, the entire piece had intricate designs pressed into metal and leather, sapphires and emeralds adorned the silver buckle. "Look at how peculiar their designs are. People always used to tell me that dwarves were a simple, dirty race who craved battle, but it's not true."
Bilbo could see that much, the mountain itself was a wonder, the vast stone walkways with nothing supporting them, yet they did not collapse under their weight, not even the weight of a dragon, the funny balance between the chaos that was present throughout the mountain was enough to prove that trope wrong. Arethusa was continuing on, she had stopped again to pick up a book, the pages blank, it had been a journal. "Balin tells stories in such detail that I feel as if I am there. Thorin plays the harp. Bifur is a toymaker and Ori a scribe and artist, and that's not even the entire company." She almost sung the words, Bilbo tottered behind her.
"You have come to love them like family." The words stopped her curious mood, just the mention made her heart drop. She sat aside the empty jar that had been in her hands and picked up an unfinished sketch.
The fairy did not turn back when she spoke, her attention remained on the drawing in her hands. "I have, and you should know that I since we met I have loved you like a brother, Bilbo." Only then did she turned to face the hobbit, there was a wistful smile on his lips and she knew he was missing home again.
"Yes, and you a sister." A smile lit up her face at the words, it had felt like weeks since the hobbit had seen a genuine smile on her face. "And what of Thorin?" At the mention her eyes darted back down to the sketch, the likeness to the stubborn and kind dwarf she knew now was uncanny. Only the drawing made him look years younger, his beard had been long enough to braid and wear a bead, the hair was black as ink.
Bilbo grew curious as to what she was looking at and took the picture from her hands, it was then he understood her hesitance to answer. Bilbo knew she loved Thorin, and he knew that Thorin loved her. There was not a doubt in his mind. "I –I. It's like the Valar put him in front of me to cause me nothing but pain. I love him, truly I do, but nothing would work. I feel as if we fight more than we carry on a civil conversation. He's mortal, I don't think I can bear to do this to myself." Bilbo watched as her eyes darted around, pooling with tears, her fingers itched at her neck until she pulled the key from her tunic to the hobbit's surprise.
A knowing smile crossed over his face as he realized it was truly the key to the mountain, in a way Thorin had given her the key to his heart. "Looks like you have already made the choice whether you are happy with it or not. Fili and Kili are convinced he loves you." As am I, but he dared not speak those words aloud.
"Yes, they have nagged me about it since Thorin gifted me with one of his beads." The two brother's pestering questions almost made her laugh, but the conversation that had shared in Laketown sobered her smile, they had been more observant than she would have ever imagined, or maybe they only looked to stir up trouble and laughs.
For once Bilbo felt older and wiser than the fairy, he smiled at Arethusa and shrugged, "They had a good reason, for dwarves it's a sign of courtship." Her cheeks flushed a vivid shade of red and instantly she touched the silver bead, rolling it between her fingers. "I did not know that." She kept the drawing in hand, come one day it would be the only way she would be able to see his handsome face.
The hobbit followed Arethusa as she lead them out of the market and back into the vast system of halls, "He's making them search for the Arkenstone. It's going to drive him mad."
"They'll have to find it eventually." She mused, not understanding the ramifications that lay ahead should Thorin actually have possession of the stone.
Bilbo shook his head, 'No, they won't," Arethusa eyed him curiously until he motioned her into a darker crevice of one of the halls. He reached into his interior coat pocket and pulled out a stone that illuminated the small space much like her necklace would have done. "I spoke to Balin, he says that even if Thorin were to find the stone it would not help. He would only become sicker."
She took care to cover the white jewel with Bilbo's spare hand. "Keep it secret, keep it safe. Now, shall we continue exploring?" He nodded, tucking the Arkenstone back within his coat, a certain weight was lifted from his shoulders from being able to confide in someone. The two continued their exploration, this time, they had chosen a different hall to walk in. Great stone statues lined the hall, for a moment Arethusa and Bilbo had stopped to peer up at the stone dwarves, wielding their Labrys with stern expressions.
"Arethusa!" She jumped at the sound of her name echoing, the fairy was running, meeting the dwarf that had called her half way. "Fili!" He was breathing heavily, worry etched in his young features.
"Please, come with me, quick. Maybe you can talk to him." Fili wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her along, Bilbo followed after them.
Arethusa stumbled along, struggling to keep up with Fili's strides, they were quite long in comparison to hers. "What is happening?" She gritted out.
"Thorin, the people from Laketown are entering Dale, he thinks they will try to rob us." She frowned, "He's barricading us in," Fili explained further as they neared one of the halls that would lead them to the others. Kili heaved large stones into a cart, Dwalin had begun stacking large pieces.
Arethusa looked up at the main entrance that had been destroyed, large pieces of stone lay scattered, and the company was left to haul them to the front gate while Thorin barked his commands. She approached the dwarf king slowly, her brows riddled in confusion. "Thorin, why are you doing this?" She knew the people of Laketown would not seek gold right away, not if they were gifted with items to help those that had survived.
"I would not expect you to understand." He hardly gave the fairy a second glance, her skin crawled at the similarities in this conversation and all the others that had led to their bickering.
Arethusa moved to stand in front of him, she stepped up onto a boulder and looked Thorin in the eye. "Then help me understand! The people of Laketown have nothing, they will not wish for gold! They need clothing, medicine, blankets, and there is plenty to be spared within this mountain." Many of the dwarves had stopped to witness the exchange, they had long noticed on the quest that Thorin rarely denied the fairy of her requests, but he had never been as stern as he was now. The fairy extended her hand so it rested upon his cheek. "What of your word? The promise you made to me?"
Thorin shook his head and turned, Arethusa's hand fell back to her side. "I do not wish to fight with you." His voice had grown softer than it had been, Arethusa stepped from the boulder and to the floor below. When Thorin turned to face her she was looking up at him.
"Nor I with you, but you must see the reasoning." Her chin was held high, her features seemed all the more noble, and Thorin saw her for a queen, his queen. "You are king now Thorin, act like one. Aid those that are less fortunate, let an alliance exist between dwarves and men. Do not make these people your enemy." Do not forsake them when you know what is like to face dragonfire.
There was a smile playing at his lips when he placed his hand beneath her chin, offering the most delicate of touches. "Spoken like a queen."
Arethusa's face darkened. "Don't call me that." She was not a queen, not to the people in Middle Earth. She was a lowly healer, wandering from town to town, but maybe that made her all the better for the position.
"Everything I've done, I've done for them and now comes the time when I must defend this home." The fairy curled her hands around Thorin's, a single tear had escaped her eye. She felt as if she was being pulled apart from within, her heart and mind were caught in a fierce battle. Arethusa brought his rough knuckles to her lips for a brief second while despair consumed her, though when she spoke her voice was placid. "Then remain here in your stone halls and allow me to leave to go to Bard and offer my services to help his people."
Thorin shook his head, "I cannot allow that." Her brows settled into a deep furrow, she frantically searched his face for a reason, something logical that she could comprehend yet it was all rooted in emotions. When he raised his hands to cradle her unearthly face he feared she would pull away and at first she did not, though her eyes fluttered shut. Thorin found he would rather look upon her violet eyes than see the frown coming to her lips.
"Why?" It was the only question she could muster yet it set them apart. Thorin dropped his hands to his sides and stepped back as if he had been wounded by the single word. Arethusa did not understand why this all had to happen to her. She felt sick when he turned his back yet it faded when he spun and took her face into his hands almost forcefully, she had to fight to remember how to breathe when his lips pressed to hers. And so she kissed him back, with an endless amount of hatred and love.
Thorin stepped away from her, his face red with anger. "Because! I love you, Arethusa! I will not be parted with you again!" Her heart was beating rapidly and loudly, she swallowed the lump in her throat and looked in his clear blue eyes, for only a moment the sickness had released him. This was the real Thorin speaking to her. The entire company had fallen silent. She lifted her hand to his chest, only the feel of his heartbeat was muted by the layers of clothing and mail. "I will return to you, Thorin, my heart lies with you."
When she turned to the gate Thorin did not stop her, the hush that had fallen over the company still persisted. He followed her steps to the bridge and then reached for her, fingers brushing over the fur lining of the old coat, yet he could not find it within himself to force her to stay. "Will you stay?"
Arethusa turned, "Upon my return, should you wish it, I will." Thorin found that he was pleased with the response. For a moment her eyes were downcast, but she looked up at him with a slight smile before stretching up on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek. They said nothing else. The fairy turned towards Dale, the sun was close to setting, pulling the coat around her she set off, leaving Erebor behind.
Fires had sprouted up among the charred ruins of the city. The night was dark, naught even the moon could manage enough light to chase away the dark shadows. She came upon the bridge to Dale and only then did she spare a glance back to the mountain, already the cobbled wall had grown since her departure. There were murmurings among those that were left awake, sitting watch outside of buildings. Her pale skin nearly glowed as she walked through the ruins, stepping over fallen bricks and the limbs that remained of trees. She thought it to be the opposite of the ruins of Númenórë. Dale had succumbed to dragonfire, Númenórë was claimed by the sea.
"Arethusa!" The voice that called her name belonged to Tilda, the girl rushed into the streets and threw her arms around the fairy. She and Tilda were of the same height, perhaps in another time, they could have been sisters. "Why have you come back?" The girl asked, eyes shining with hope, Bard was looking down at her, a kindness within his dark eyes.
"To help," she said to Tilda, but then her gaze turned upwards to the bargeman, "Lead me to your wounded." The determination in her eyes was frightening. Bard could see that nothing he could say would sway her opinion. They walked in silence towards the Great Hall where the majority of those who were too injured to move properly resided. The bargeman left her, he could see that whatever she was to do it was something she had to do alone. Children and women looked at her curiously, the elders had an expression that told her they had long accepted their fate. Arethusa sat on the floor, in the midst of all the people who had been rendered homeless.
She had no reason to believe she could manage a feat such as this but by the Valar she would try her hardest, even should it mean her death. Arethusa laid her hands before her, lowering her head, she chanted the oldest and most powerful of all the healing spells she knew. The people within the room could not understand what was being done, all they could comprehend was that the fair little woman had begun to glow, and the white light expanded outwards, curling around them all like tendrils yet they were not frightened.
A warmth surrounded all those within the hall, it was pure raw energy that she was giving up. Cuts mended, burns ceased their hurt, and bones cracked and mended themselves. People were weeping, crying out. Arethusa sustained the bond for as long as she could manage. Sweat clung to her brow, blood dripped from her nose to the floor. All those in the hall stood, children clung to their mother's legs; all they knew was that the pain was gone. When she stood it was on unsteady feet, it took long seconds for her head to balance out and her stance to become taller and more certain.
The man nearest her stepped forward and knelt, "Bless you." Arethusa looked around to see that the people who had once been too injured to even sit properly were bending their knees to her. It was a sight she could not bear to see, she stepped forward, pulling a man and a woman to their feet. "Please! Do not bow! You owe me nothing. Rise. All of you rise!" When she stepped forward they parted, forming an aisle that she could walk down.
"Who are you?" Her hand rested on the splintered door when the question was asked, a flash of a smile crossed her lips before she turned. "I am Arethusa Luna Orendottir, Queen Regnant of Fairies, and Daughter of Númenórë." Gasps of shock and awe spread through the old hall. Arethusa pushed the door open and ventured away into the night in solitude. On the outskirts of the city, near the bridge that would take her back to Erebor, her knees gave way. The cold air seeped into her skin and bones, snowflakes clung to her hair and skin, there was not enough warmth left within her to melt it. Only rest could restore her.
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