《Words Like Wind ᚠ Thorin Oakenshield》twєlvє: thє єlvєnkíng αnd híѕ вαrrєlѕ
was led away from the company but Arethusa trailed alongside the blond elf. "Legolas?" He looked down at the small woman who had spoken his name, "Legolas Greenleaf!" She smiled and while the dwarves were being led to the dungeons the elf and fairy had stopped. "I have not seen you since you were this high," the fairy held her hand up to where her shoulder was, "Causing trouble for your father and running off into the woods."
He looked at her skeptically, "Who are you?"
For a brief second, the fairy did a slight curtsy, "I am Arethusa of Númenórë. I knew your grandfather and I know your father." Legolas could not remember ever being in the company of such a short creature, yet her mannerisms amused him. She had the bearing of nobility despite her appearance and the company she kept. "How do I know you are not lying?" She almost laughed at his uncertainty.
"On your right calf, you have a scar there from when you were young. It was I who healed it. Your mother, Ithilwen, birthed you on a spring evening. Lord Elrond sent me with two short fighting blades as a gift for the young elven prince. Galion was who first taught you to hold a bow properly when your father was too busy to show you. Would you like me to continue?" The fairy was still smiling, it grew tenfold when she noticed the pale wooden hilts of two blades strapped to his back, alas he had grown into Elrond's gift.
Legolas shook his head, there was a part of him that was shocked to hear his mother's name spoken aloud. Since her death, no one had dared speak her name aloud within the stone halls for fear of risking the wrath of Thranduil. "No, what is it you wish?" A strange fondness had already formed within him.
"Allow me to speak to your father. There are dark forces at work in this world that he must know of." The same dark forces that she had not seen since the last time Sauron held dominion over Middle Earth. The elf prince nodded, "Very well." She followed him back up the winding paths and as she approached the raised platform where the throne sat Thorin was being drugged away by two guards. Arethusa looked on, her face a strange mask of emotion.
Thranduil's baritone voice echoed off stone pillars, "Long has it been since a fairy was present within these halls. What are you doing traveling with dwarves, Arethusa?" Despite the anger lurking within him from his encounter with the dwarf king, he remained suspiciously calm.
"If their cause was not noble I would not have joined them, but I did not wish to speak to you of dwarves." He raised a single prominent eyebrow and sat back in his throne, from there she looked nothing more than a small child, insignificant. "When is the last time you ventured out of these stone halls, Thranduil? Do you even realize what has become of the Greenwood? You have even allowed Ithilwen's statue to be disgraced by evil." It pained her just to think that her friend's memory had been tainted.
Thranduil stood from his throne, hands pulled into fists, his face was a mask of both anger and pain. "Do not speak her name!"
Arethusa stepped back at his outburst, clearly affected but her composure returned. Violet eyes looked up, her own rage was bubbling within. "You sit within these halls and do nothing, have you no care for other lands?" Her voice cracked, seeing the Greenwood in such a state had truly hurt.
For the moment, he seemed calm again, poised as he sat in his throne once more. "Other lands are not my concern, fairy." The Elvenking snapped, his eyes cold as ice.
"Thranduil, what would your father think of you? Tell me, honestly. You act as if when Ithilwen perished that the world outside your halls became nonexistent. You think those gems in Erebor are all she left you! Would she have you value gems over the son she gave you? Do you forget that without my healing Legolas would have died?" She remembered receiving word that Legolas had been rendered inept from an infection that had festered from a cut on his leg. Arethusa had rushed to the healing rooms, laid bare her soul and withdrew the poison from the young prince. It had oozed from the wound as a sap would from a tree.
"Speak again and will send you back into that forest for the spiders." His voice was too calm for her liking but she could tell he was being merciful in his own cruel way.
"I ask that only my mother's necklace and healer's bag are returned to me. You may place me within the dungeons with the company of Thorin Oakenshield, it is with them I belong." She had made up her mind the moment she had healed Thorin on the Carrock, she belonged with the company, she belonged protecting Fili and Kili and at Thorin's side.
Thranduil nodded, accepting her request if it meant she would not question his authority and decisions. "I used to think more of you, Arethusa. Take her." Funny, I used to think higher of you as well, Thranduil Oropherion. The Elvenking nodded to the lone elf that stood near, she had been with the troop that had captured them, she was the one to save Kili.
Arethusa went without a fight, there was no use. She learned the elf that was escorting her to the dungeon was a friend of Legolas, her hair was auburn and pulled back into a braid, her name was Tauriel. Arethusa looked up at the elf, she barely came to her natural waist. "You saved Kili today, why?" She was grateful for the deed.
The elf stopped and turned before the first of the cells came into view. "I do not know." Arethusa left the answer at that, Tauriel unlocked a cell door and looked down at the fairy. "I will return with your requested belongings." She nodded in gratitude.
"Thank you." Arethusa calmly stepped into the cell that had been opened and turned back as the elf maiden locked the iron-barred door and walked away. Thorin had stood from the corner. Her smile was weak at best, away from the eyes of the other members of the company Thorin took the fairy into his arms. "I'm sorry, Thorin," the apology was murmured, only he could not imagine what she was apologizing for. The subtle clearing of a throat was what broke them apart. Tauriel had returned, in her hands were the items Arethusa wished to have.
She took them through the bars and returned to the corner where the dwarf had gone, from her bag she took the silver necklace and draped it over her head, the light of the gem illuminated the cell until she dropped it back under her tunic. Sighing, she sat next to Thorin and mindlessly took one of his hands into both of hers. The majority of the company had settled down, some were even snoring from within their cells. "Arethusa." She released his hand at the soft sound of her name and looked over.
Arethusa had never really taken time to look over his features, she had looked over his straight nose that was nothing less than a testament to his nobility. His eyes were always a different shade of blue, not only because of the lighting but they were a reflection of his mood. His lips were thin, but she knew them to be soft and warm. The fairy leaned over, placing her hands on either side of his face, for the first time she was the one to kiss him without hesitance.
There was no uncertainty or doubt, only a burning ember of something that had been kindled within her chest. Thorin's hands became lost in her hair until they slipped down and rested on her shoulders. She pulled back, allowing her forehead to rest on his, their noses still touched, and with a look of contentment he had not seen since the years after Smaug, she stroked his cheek and found every place where there had once been cuts and scabs. "You should know that I would choose this company and you over woodland elves any day."
Thorin almost managed to laugh, his tone was lighter. "I am pleased to hear it." Arethusa slipped down, her head coming to rest on his shoulder, she smiled as his hand began threading through her hair, lingering on the single that was kept in place. "Tell me, truly, what plagued you in the forest? Even now you look livelier than just hours ago."
"It's because I am. I was dying, Thorin, the sickness that laid over the forest had come over me." Her voice had started to tremble before she whispered words that he now wished to never hear. "I was fading."
Unspoken anguish crossed his face, "Why did you not tell me?" Her chin was within his grasp and when she looked into his storm blue eyes she could not look away.
"Because then you would have insisted we find another way that would have resulted in the waste of precious time or being run down by Orcs." The fairy leaned forward, her words whispered next to his lips. "I am fine now; I promise." Arethusa laid her hands upon the dip in Thorin's tunic that revealed a sliver of his chest. "See? Even my touch is warmer now."
Arethusa watched as he lifted his hands and traced the silver chain that had come to rest on her neck again. The gem was pulled from her tunic, the light of the Silmarils illuminated his face and cast dark shadows on her own. "What is it really?"
She gently shook her head and took the stone back, dropping it down the neck of her shirt. "A story that I promise to tell you, but not right now for I am weary and wish to rest." Thorin nodded and retrieved his outer coat from the corner of the cell to drape over his fairy's small figure. He went and sat by the iron bar of the cell door, looking out into the vast entanglement of halls and trees. For the first night of the quest, they were perhaps truly safe, even if was in the depth of Thranduil's prisons.
"There is no use in keeping guard, Thorin, lie with me. You, too, are tired." He looked at her for what seemed to be endless minutes before standing and coming to sit at her side, it was near impossible to ignore such a sweetly spoken command. Arethusa sat up, pressing her hand on his shoulder until he laid back.
The fairy rested her head on his chest, mindful of any areas that could still be sore and tender, Thorin's hand was at the small of her back. They spoke of nothing else and somehow rest was possible.
"Pssst." The small noise did not budge the two sleeping figures, "Thorin, Arthie!" The hobbit was whispering as loud as he could and they both stirred. Arethusa was on her feet first as he produced a set of keys and unlocked the cell door. Both the fairy and the dwarf stepped out, only before Bilbo could continue about unlocking the other's doors Arethusa had pulled the hobbit into her arms though he tried to resist and pull away. In truth, resisting Arethusa was near impossible.
"Have you any mind how worried I was!?" She scolded as the hobbit pulled away from her embrace and unlocked Balin's door. Arethusa trailed behind him as if to not let him from her sight again. Thorin near smiled at their interactions and how their luck had been greatly improved, but the fact that they were still within the woodland realm was enough to spur his mood into a downward spiral.
Dwalin and Ori turned in the direction they had come when escorted by guards only Bilbo waved his hands about, "Not that way, down here. Follow me." The company moved surprisingly quiet through the winding halls and paths, descending further into the large cavern. Bilbo came to a brief stop at the opening of a room, the cellars, where at a table two elves were sprawled out from excessive wine consumption. "This way." The hobbit waved the company to follow.
"I don't believe it; we're in the cellars!" Kili's voice rose with disbelief, one of the elves snorted loudly and the company stilled, growing impeccably quiet despite being disgruntled at where Bilbo had led them.
Bofur glanced at the hobbit and around to the surroundings. "You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Grumbles of agreement passed through the company of dwarves.
"I know what I'm doing!" Bilbo's voice broke from a whisper into a quiet shout.
One of the elven guards lifted his head for a brief second before returning to sleep. "Shhh!" Bofur reprimanded.
Arethusa placed her hand on the hobbit's shoulder and despite his frustrations he calmed and nodded to the area past the sleeping guards, blocked off by a tall shelf of wine, "This way." Bilbo motioned to a stack of barrels, fourteen in total. "Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" No one moved.
"Are you mad?! They'll find us!" Dwalin exclaimed, a look of ridicule coming over his face when he looked to Thorin and back to the hobbit, the company murmured their agreement.
"No, no, they won't, I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!" The company milled about doubtfully, trying to decide if the hobbit's plan stood a fool's chance of working. A commotion of noise drew their silence to the entrance of the cellars and up the winding path which they had come. Thorin cast a quick glance to the fairy, seeing her approval of the plan he nodded and turned to the dwarves. "Do as he says!"
With a boost from Fili, the fairy climbed into the top barrel, her hands fighting to find a place to grip the smooth wooden surface. She looked out the barrel as the hobbit moved to a lever in the floor, "Hold your breath," then they were all falling and sliding down an incline into the river below. The water was frigid as it toppled into the bobbing barrel. Arethusa's barrel was next to Fili's, the young dwarf looked over to her. The fairy's violet eye were wide as she scanned the river for the hobbit.
Bilbo tumbled into the water from above, coming to surface spluttering out the cold water, "Well done, Master Baggins." He waved off the comment from Thorin and gripped onto the side of Nori's barrel. Before she could haul Bilbo into her own barrel, as there was more than enough space, they were moving and quite rapidly at that. Worst of it was the waterfall, Arethusa fell from her barrel and could not manage to grasp it again, she reached out gripping onto Fili's arm; half drowned as the empty barrel floated ahead.
Rounding the river bend, there was an elven guard post, three elves stood and sprung into actions at the sound of a horn. The sluice gate closed when one of the elves pulled down on a level and the barrels knocked into each other, going no further. "No!" Thorin gripped the iron forged gates, tugging on them in only they would not budge. Fili urged the fairy to move up to his uncle's barrel, it was under the guard post and out of the range of arrows.
Arethusa was sure she had never been so thoroughly soaked in her life, her hair clung to her face and her clothing seemed to be dragging her under. The current of the river pulled her forward though before she could make herself slow she was slammed into the iron gate, Thorin looked at her, shocked and reached out, pulling her up and into his barrel. There was hardly room for her, yet somehow she made due. She jerked around in shock at a large splash, the body of one of the elven guards had fallen into the river, a black arrow in his back. Orcs.
Thorin slammed his fists into the gate again, what appeared to be a legion of orcs was descending upon the elves and dwarves. They had no weapons, save for Bilbo who clutched his small blade in hand, the fairy watched as Kili managed to climb from his barrel and onto the post. She would have shouted at the young dwarf if not the arrow that had been nocked and released at them. Arethusa wrapped her arms around Thorin's neck in a split second and tugged his head down. The black arrow hit the stone and fell into the river.
The dwarf looked at the fairy in shock but his gaze was drawn back to the rest of the barrels and company at a single grief-stricken cry, "Kili!" The youngest son of Durin was no longer in his barrel but out of Thorin and Arethusa's sight, they only heard Fili's shout.
"Kili, no." Moments later the iron gate had opened and the barrels were tumbling down the incline, Arethusa looked back to see the dark haired dwarf fall back into a barrel, the shaft of a black arrow breaking off. The orcs swarmed down the river on the banks, elves followed, firing arrows and slicing down the disfigured bodies. Arrows flew through the air, some whizzed past her ears, others embedded in the barrels.
Several times they completely dipped below the water's surface and bobbed back up, gasping for air. It had been many ages since Arethusa had flexed her magic but she raised her hands out, chanting quietly until her palms had a faint light coming from them. Thorin had managed to come upon an orcish blade but he was transfixed by the magic that he could feel surrounding him. She lowered her hands the feeling did not leave the dwarf, nor did it fade from the rest of the company.
Thorin drew the fairy into his chest with one arm and swung the dark blade, she could hardly move within the barrel but from the corner of her violet eyes, she saw a flash of blond hair. Legolas was still pursuing them and shooting down orcs. They maneuvered to be back to back, and orc lunged forward though when Arethusa extended her hand the vile creature disintegrated. It was a tiresome form of magic, but powerful and effective. "Legolas," she breathed the elf's name and from behind her Thorin threw an ax, it killed the orc that had been approaching the elf from behind.
She couldn't be sure why he had saved Thranduil's son, but she was grateful. The orcs still followed but with the river's current, they were nothing but fading figures running into the forest. Arethusa slumped down in the barrel and let down her magical guards, every member of the company could feel the difference though they did not know it stemmed from their fairy. Water logged and exhausted the fairy looked around to see all the dwarves and Bilbo.
The river had calmed and with her insistence she waded alongside the barrels. "Anything behind us?" There was nothing, though come the next hours the pack would have gained back the distance as the current had been lost. "Make for the shore! Come on, let's go!" They all paddled to the shore, wringing out their wet shirts and dumping water from their boots. Arethusa shivered as the air hit her skin but her attention was drawn to Kili.
He had fallen on the rock, Bofur looked down at the dwarf with concern. "I'm fine, it's nothing." He tried to hide the wound from Arethusa's keen eyes though it had been bound with a strip of cloth she could almost sense the poison lurking within the wound. She had knelt down next to him when Thorin commanded everyone to stand.
"Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding." Fili looked down at his brother. The fairy dug around in her soaked satchel, pulling out a bunch of witch-hazel. It was far from an ideal treatment but she unbound the bloodied cloth strip and squashed the herb to a pulp before placing it over the open wound, redoing the bandage. She stood and turned to Fili, grabbing the dwarf by the sleeve of The his tunic.
"Keep an eye out for Asëa Aranion, you will know it as kingsfoil. I will need it to heal your brother." He nodded but the two were struck silent at the sound of a bow creaking, from the rock above stood a man with a longbow drawn and pointed at Ori.
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