《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》Girls Do Talk


Author's Note: Hello everyone! I'm still alive! So here's the thing that's the problem as to why chapters weren't coming out so fast as before. It's not that I'm having writers block, it's due to me thinking really hard on what should go where. I don't want to have the problem where if I update and I find out that a certain chapter would've been good to submit after certain events or before. If that makes ANY sense at all haha. Thank you EVERYONE for all the comments, favorites, votes and follows! They all made me very happy and I'm happy that you guys are enjoying this story!

Here's my goal in mind: I'm hoping to get another chapter out before my birthday, which is next week...Tuesday I think it is. So everyone cross your fingers and hope I can reach my goal. At least to be able to upload it early early Tuesday or late Monday!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Any references and characters you notice belong to them, I only own Bellethiel, her family, and the elves that are under her command. Any grammar errors that you find that I have overlooked I hope that you forgive me and I hope that it is still easy to read! I will look it over once I get some sleep!

Thank you Fanfic_OTP_Nerd (aka supergirlz45) for mentioning me in her story The Randír! You should go check out her story (A Hobbit Fanfic as well) when you get the chance! I just feel incredibly truly honored when someone feels like my story is worth mentioning! So thank you mellon nín (my friend)!

Update: Thank you Otaku_Bambi! She commented on the past chapter about having a conversation between two people (you shall see as you read), and originally it was going to go that way in this chapter, but I didn't know how to add it in that way. But I remember, after seeing their comment that it really pushed me to try hard to make it work. So, thank you again Otaku_Bambi and sorry I didn't mention it before! Your notification suddenly made me remember that comment!!

IMPORTANT READ: There is possibly a story that I have been thinking about for quite some time now (probably came about while I was writing The Rebel)! Once this "filler" story is over with I will be posting a preview at the very end! It is going to be about Thorin and Bellethiel, and The Hobbit though what it is I will not post about it until after this is finished. If a lot of people is interested in it when I post the preview then I will be uploading it, but if not many are interested then I will only be sending it to the few who are. So keep an eye out for that! Anyway! Sorry for the LONG author's note! Enjoy!

"What happened to them...?" I questioned sadly, looking back and forth between my nephews.

I was standing right between the two beds, my shoulders were sagging and I evaluated how badly my nephews looked. Balamaethor had layers of bandages wrapped around his head while Beriohtarion had bandages all over his body.

"They..." Thenidiel mumbled. "they were found by the Great Eagles. According to one of the Eagles, Balamaethor was unconscious and Beriohtarion was sitting close to his brother, he wouldn't let any of the Eagles get close until he fainted as well."

"When they went over the side of the cliff, Balamaethor knocked his head hard when they hit the ground below. Beriohtarion protected his brother from Bolg...if it wasn't for Legolas...well..." Tirananniel mumbled from behind me. "They probably would've been in a much worse condition then you see now."


"This is my fault...Tirananniel..." I stated as I knelt to the ground and placed my hands on either side of the beds that held my nephews.

"Now, don't go saying that." Tirananniel said trying to console me.

"I was willing to take the consequences for saving Thorin, Fili, and Kili. I would have gladly greeted death..." I mumbled as I felt tears leaking from the corner of my eye. "The Valar...can be so cruel..."

"If you had known your nephews would be in this situation when you were set on saving Thorin and his nephews...would you have chosen differently? Would you have chosen a different path to take and let Thorin die." Tirananniel asked.

"Tirananniel!" Thenidiel called out as I tensed up and stood back up, rounding on Tirananniel.

"You cannot possibly ask me that!" I growled out, glaring at the elf who remained stoic. "It...it is something I would not be able to choose between..."

"It was a simple question Bellethiel." Tirananniel stated.

I glared and took a threatening step toward the elf in front of me only to be stopped by Thenidiel who ran to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You need to take it easy Nana; you could reopen your wound." Thenidiel cautioned.

I looked to my niece and sighed before glancing between the two elves in this room.

"Tell me what I have missed while I was unconscious." I stated. "Inform me of everything that has been happening so far."

"I took over giving orders out to the elves that stayed in the kingdom, with counseling from Mellimeldisiel and Tirananniel of course. Thranduil returned to Mirkwood after he received his jewels from Thorin. Bard is restoring Dale with the help from our kin, Dáin and Thranduil providing provisions to help. Dwarves are slowly beginning to trickle into the mountain in large masses. Thorin has been meeting with Thranduil, Bard, and Dáin to make sure their alliances are mended." Thenidiel informed.

"Has there been any complication in the last three weeks?" I questioned as I slowly eased myself into a chair that was placed between the two beds.

"One." Tirananniel stated. "And it's the biggest problem we'll be facing."

"What is it?" I questioned curiously.

"The dwarves returning to the mountain have a problem with our presence in Erebor." Tirananniel stated. "I've heard that they want us out. Thorin and his company, and those that know of our deeds are the only ones fighting to keep us here."

"I've ordered any elves to stay out of the way of the dwarves in mountain and just go about their business." Thenidiel stated.

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose, thinking of the problems we must be causing Thorin due to us just being here.

"Can you see if they will wake up...?" I questioned looking expectantly to Tirananniel, but she only shook her head.

"I couldn't even see when you would wake up...or even if you would wake up..." Tirananniel said sadly.

I nodded in understanding as I slumped lower into my chair and glanced between my two nephews, reaching out and brushing stray strands of hair out of Balamaethor's face.

"I am going for a walk..." I said sadly, slowly getting to my feet. I went over to Beriohtarion, placing a kiss to his forehead before doing the same to Balamaethor.

"Nana, you should rest." Thenidiel advised as she looked at me with concern.


I looked back to my niece and went over to her, pulling her close to me.

"I will be fine..." I mumbled. "If I feel unwell I will return to my room...thank you for taking over in my absence. I am so proud of you."

"Nana..." Thenidiel mumbled looking up at me.

I smiled to the two before leaving the room, where I was going though I didn't know for sure.

'Thorin...' I thought suddenly as I smiled just a bit remembering what happened just this morning.


How I ended up outside the kingdom...I can't seem to recall. I remember opening my eyes and only one word escaped my lips, one word that crossed my mind.


After, everything was just a blur. There was no pain...nothing. I felt like I needed to look around to make sure that Thorin was okay. My memory was sort of fuzzy...and I panicked for some odd reason and thought that Thorin was possibly in trouble. That was possibly the reason why I ended up outside of the kingdom staring out into the open space where the war had taken place.

I remember feeling frantic...and when I looked toward Raven Hill I felt my chest constrict. I had no memory of what happened after Raven Hill, was I too late to save him?

I suddenly leaned against the pillar that was beside me when I felt the dread of having failed...and the thought that I had lost my King. I winced and bought my hand up to cradle my abdomen area, feeling a sudden jolt of pain. How long had I been asleep? What had I missed?


I stiffened where I stood, that voice...that deep, low rumbling voice that shook me to the very core. Hearing that voice was like having a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and made my heart thump wildly in my chest. It was a voice I had gotten so used to over the past two years...that voice that I've come to care so much about...a voice I thought I would never hear again.

I slowly turned around toward where the voice was and at the entrance of the Kingdom staring my way I saw a lot of people standing around. The company, my niece, Thranduil, Bard, Dáin, and standing at the very front slowly inching his way toward me was Thorin. His eyes were wide in shock and I'm sure my expression mirrored his own.

"Thorin..." I said barely above a whisper, my voice a little scratchy as I pushed myself off the pillar and attempted to make my way toward him. "Thorin."

I moved away from the pillar, but the moment I was a decent distance away from what I was leaning on I felt my legs give out from under me.

I was falling, my body was exhausted and I knew I was going to hit the ground. But I didn't feel the hard floor; I didn't collide with the dirt floor. I did collide with something solid though, under my hand I felt soft fabric and fur. I smelt an earthy tobacco scent and I nuzzled closer to the person that caught me.

I felt arms wrapping around me, one placed around my shoulder and the other was holding the back of my head...securing me to him. His fingers were tangled in my hair and I began to cry as my body began to shake and I tightened my grip on Thorin.

"Bellethiel...you're okay..." Thorin mumbled his voice cracking as I felt him bury his face close to my own. "you came back to me..."

I pulled away as much as I could and looked right into Thorin's eyes. There were bags under his eyes and stress lines as well...he looked exhausted. Was that because of me?

I leaned forward and placed my lips upon his own; he didn't respond for a second...his body was tense before he finally responded back. His lips and my own moved together in sync, fitting together and I felt whole once more.

Thorin was the first to break our kiss and he held his forehead against my own, our breathing mingling together and I saw him smile in relief.

"What in Mahal's name are you doing out here Bellethiel...you gave us all a scare..." Thorin breathed out quietly. "Come. Let's get you back into the mountain..."

I nodded my head and Thorin carefully assisted me back to my feet, letting me lean on him for support as he wrapped his arm around my waist to steady me and the two of us made our way back to the entrance of the kingdom.

When we got close enough the company smiled and began to close in around us, greeting me and smiling happily up at me, some with tears in their eyes.

"Nana..." Thenidiel said as I looked to my niece who had tears in her eyes.

"Thenidiel." I breathed out as I carefully pushed off from Thorin and slowly made my way to my niece.

My niece closed the gap between us and encircled her arms around me as she began to cry and I held her close before looking around the group for two faces I didn't see.

"Where are my nephews?"

(End Flashback)

I stopped moving and looked around, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Where am I...?" I questioned out loud. 'This isn't a part of the kingdom I've been to before..."

"Bellethiel...right?" A female voice called from behind me.

I turned around to where the voice came from and saw a woman who looked vaguely familiar. She was wearing an off the shoulder dress that was lined with fur, her hair was black and pulled back with braids on either side of her face. There was light sideburns on either side of her face that went down and lined her jaw and when I saw her eyes I knew who this person was.

"My name is Dís, I'm..."

"Thorin's sister." I said, bowing to her. "I thought you looked familiar."

"Don't bow to me Bellethiel." Dís said cheerfully. "After all you've done for my family and my kin...you shouldn't be bowing to anyone."

"A lowly elf should always bow to royalty." I stated as I stood straight up and smiled down at the female dwarf. "It is an honor to meet you. Fili and Kili have told me much about you as did Thorin."

"The same could be said to you as well Bellethiel." Dís said with a smile. "Would you happen to be lost?"

"I have never been to this part of the kingdom." I mumbled honestly, looking away embarrassingly.

"You shouldn't be walking around with your injury." Dís advised. "You could've made your condition much worse."

"I just needed to take a walk and think." I sighed sadly.

"Let's take a walk then shall we?" Dís offered. "I know this kingdom like the back of my hand."

I nodded my head as I began to follow Dís, walking beside her in silence.

"I wanted to thank you personally." Dís finally said as we began walking through the halls, passing by dwarves and elves going about their business and moving rubble out of the kingdom. "Fili and Kili told me what you did for them...what you did for Thorin."

"Lady Dís, there is no need to thank me." I mumbled, glancing to my side to Dís.

"There is much to thank you for." Dís said with a shake of her head. "They're the only family I have left in this world. My husband, my father, grandfather, and my youngest brother are dead...there's no one else I would've had. If my sons and my brother were to perish in the war then..."

I could hear her voice cracking as she continued to talk and I reached out to place a hand on her shoulder.

"Lady Dís...please do not be upset." I comforted. "They are alive and well...they will not be leaving you any time soon."

"You almost gave your life for them...thank you." Dís said smiling up at me. "I am eternally grateful to you and your family. Please, no formalities. Dís is just fine."

I nodded my head and smiled down at Dís as we continued to walk, but she had walked in a different direction and I followed her as she led me to a balcony area that overlooked the other side of the kingdom.

"I came here often with my brothers; we would come here when we just wanted an escape from our everyday lives." Dís said as the two of us just stood side by side. "You know, I've never seen my brother so happy in all my life."

"What do you mean?" I questioned curiously.

"Even when my father and grandfather were alive he was happy sure, but I've never seen him as happy as when he was with you." Dís commented. "Who would've thought that my brother would find love on his journey to reclaim our homeland?"

"To be honest with you, I did not think anything would happen through this journey. He did not particularly like my company when I entered the doors of Bag End back in the Shire." I said with a smile.

"Elves were never in good standings with us ever since the dragon attacked the mountain." Dís commented. "I was even surprised when Fili said my brother fell in love with an elf."

"I was a little surprised he would return my feelings. With him being a King I am sure there were many other suitable suitors he could choose from." I said. "But...I am happy he did."

"Not sure if the rest of the kingdom would agree to such a reunion, but you have the support from those that matter." Dís commented as I saw her turn to look up at me. "You know, my brothers were always the ones to get in trouble with father."

"Really?" I questioned with a slight smirk. "I always assumed he was the serious one out of you three."

"Oh Mahal no. When we were little kids Frerin would always lure Thorin into all the mischief they got into. Even when Thorin would say no, Frerin would always say something that would peak Thorin's curiosity, coaxing Thorin to join in the trouble he was going to cause." Dís laughed.

"I am curious to know what Thorin was like when he was little." I commented fondly with a smile. "I will say that I was never this way when I was little."

"And they said you wouldn't be the gossiping type." Dís said with a chuckle.

"Do they not know all girls talk? Eru knows me and my sister would speak about anything and everything she would go through in her everyday life, not to mention the rumors that would circle around Thranduil's kingdom." I stated. "Though...some stories I wish she would never have told me..."

I thought back to the many fond memories I had with my siblings and thought I would share it with Dís.

"My sister and my brother were always the one that got me in trouble, but...it was all fun in the end." I mumbled fondly as I suddenly laughed. "There was a time when my brother got in trouble for flirting with an elven woman. Though, unbeknownst to him the woman already had a suitor for a man came up to me and began yelling at me for flirting with his woman. Did not even know that my brother came from a family of triplets, boy was it a surprise for him when my sister came looking for me. He was deeply embarrassed and apologized...though my brother got in trouble from me when I found him." I shook my head. "He only laughed at me for being mistaken as a guy."

Dís laughed for a bit and I continued to tell some of the funny yet embarrassing stories that my siblings had gotten me involved in, the two of us going back and forth, reminiscing about our own sibling moments.

"Frerin wanted to play hide and seek with Thorin, but Thorin didn't want to play with Frerin that day so Frerin kept on bugging Thorin for a very long time until finally Thorin agreed to play." Dís said. "Frerin went to hide while Thorin counted and after a couple of hours Frerin came up to me fuming mad. I had asked him what was wrong and he angrily said that he was playing hide and seek with Thorin. He went to hide and for hours he waited until he got out of his hiding place and went looking for Thorin only to find him in the same spot that he had been before Frerin had asked him to play. When he asked Thorin why he didn't look for him, Thorin simply replied that he didn't want to play and just agreed with Frerin to get him to stop bothering him."

I couldn't help but laugh and feel bad for their little brother since he was hiding for hours.

"My siblings never did that with me." I said with a shake of my head. "Though I do remember threatening to chop off my brothers hair when he was about to pour freezing cold water over my head while I was studying."

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