《Our Little Moon》Chapter 36 - stay with me
"You know that you don't have to do this right?" I told her as I looked at her green eyes that's full of life eversince she came to our life—- specially to my life.
After a year, three important person came and came back to our life—— my life; my babysister, my father and my future half, and I couldn't ask for more than to say thank you even I was an asshole and heartless to everyone.
"It's nothing Ares, you know I can't live without doing nothing so calm yourself." Delilah replied before fixing her eyes on the dirty dishes at the sink. I know she won't listen to me so I just shut up my mouth and hugged her from behind.
"Ok, I will just say goodnight to my sister and once you're done here, come to my office alright?" I told her before I kiss her neck.
"Okay." She replied before I turned my back but looked at her again before getting out from the door. She didn't turn her head but I could sense that she's smiling so I know that she's messing with me. With smile on my face, I move my feet fast towards my sister's room and to my astonishment—— all my brothers and my father are there and surrounded her like a queen.
"What did I miss?" I asked with a raised brow before approaching my sister but I guess I need to remove one of my brother to get closer to her—— and I choose Eros since he's the youngest, but I was so wrong.....
"Hey, where is the fairness and equality in this family? Just because I'm the youngest here you could do that to me—- right Dad?" Eros whined and looked at our father for support.
"I guess he's right Ares, you cannot do that just because you're the eldest. And because I'm the father you could take my mine instead." My father said before getting up and motioned for me to sit on his place, and I felt so guilty but before I could open my mouth, the old man told me that she will sleep in his room anyway so he's still the victorious from all of us.
Well he's our father so expect some cleverness in every action that he does. When I make myself comfortable sitting beside my sister, I could see how happy she is and I'm so curious to know why.
"Why you looked so happy Bambina?"
"Hmmm, nothing. No reason aside from being happy because all my love ones are here in my room, though Jade isn't here but I know she's just doing something downstairs. So that's the reason why I'm happy." She replied like a fudging 20 years old and not 6.
"Well she's so stubborn and I couldn't force her to stop whatever she likes to do. And I'm so happy because you came to our life, my baby sister. Everything is perfect because we have you." I told her and I was stunned when the little munchkin gave me kiss on my chin, the one I noticed she likes to do when she's so happy or want to calm us down.
"Don't grow fast Bambina please?" I said in begging tone because I really want her to be this age—- innocent and pure soul but I know it won't happen, for that I let out a deep sigh.
"Silly Ari, I cannot stay as little one. I need to grow to have boyfriend." She said innocently that quickly send me on edge—not only me but all of us. And I don't know whose to blame.
"You will never have a boyfriend until you're 30 Selene." Hades said while his hands were on his hips.
The twins just shook their heads while Eros was fuming because he knew how the boy behave towards to girl. Ofcourse they knew these because that's what they do—-
specially me.
That's why I need to know where she got that idea, but my father beats me first.
"And who told you that sweetheart?" He asked in soft tone.
"Jade—- but don't blame her. I'm just wondering why you want me to stay away from boys. And she explained to me that there is nothing wrong to be friend with a boy because a boyfriend is very much different from a boy that is friend only. And I asked what does it mean. And she gave me an example, She told me that a boyfriend is like you and her, a man that will love you that you might end up spending your life forever, while a friend is same but in different level." She explained and I am telling you that I think my whole world stop spinning from what she just said.
Like how a 6 year old could retain those words and delivered to us perfectly. That even it was correct I would still stand that to "no boys" rule.
But I don't know for how long. And when I look around, all my brothers' eyes were shooting at me, like what the hell did I do?
Are they blaming me?
"Don't look at me like that, blame father for creating our babysister having a genius mind." I muttered while turning my eyes again at my sister who's staring at me with frown face.
"I didn't say anything bambina, I just said that you're such a smart kid for your age." I said before kissing her forehead. We tried to change the subject by asking how's her school and Isabelle and I notice how her face lift up upon hearing her bestfriend's name. She's really happy having a friend and I know that in the future the 'no boys rule' will definitely not applicable because she's growing and becoming so beautiful and I know that no boy could resists her, for that I just wish that the pile of dead boys body will never be so high for her sake.
When I turned my gaze at my father, I saw the smirk on his face and I know what it means. So after few minutes, I gave my babysister a goodnight kiss before walking out from his room without turning my head at the boys who I know were looking at me. While walking towards my office, I just shook my head because I think someone needs punishment.
I'm currently reading some emails on my laptop when someone knocks on my door.
"Come in." And Delilah get inside with steaming hot coffee on her hands. She knew that I like her coffee but she has no idea that she will receive some punishment today.
"Hi." She greeted before placing the mug of black coffee to my desk. She's so beautiful the way she smile to me and I could stop myself to keep my hands off from her. When she's about to go I quickly grabbed her waist to stop her from getting away.
"Where you're going Tesoro?" I asked softly while placing her on my lap. She gains some weight and now she became more gorgeous to my eyes. Her face glows like ray of sunshine that I couldn't resists not to stare at every single time of my life being with her.
"I just need to see Luna. Did you need anything?" She asked while playing with my hair. She's so innocent and now I realized that I am the man of patience because since I met her, I never with a woman and I didn't ask her for anything that she's not comfortable.
And all I know is, I love her and I can see my future with her.
"But you did something and I need to punish you." She raised her eyebrow at me like telling me 'what did I do?'
And then I told her what exactly Luna told us in her room, and her eyes widened while her cheeks turned so red.
Does she feels so shy about it?
"I'm sorry but I think it's unfair for her. She's just a child and having a boy as a child isn't a problem. It's your job to guide her and teach her what to do when she became a lady but not when she's still child." She explained while taking the coffee and take a sip before giving it to me.
"Hmmmm, I really love your coffee tesoro, anyway stay with me tonight, I really missed you." I said while caressing her red cheeks. She's so fucking beautiful, like a goddess but I know that I cannot make everything in fast pace. I could marry her right now, but she needs to explore first her world because she's been in closed environment for 20 years and I cannot change the past.
"I missed you too Ares, okay I'll stay with you but let me go to see Luna." She said trying to get up but, my arms wrapped around her waist as I burried my face on her neck and inhaled her sweet intoxicating scent. My lips travel to her neck until it reach her plump red lips.
God she's my drug that I couldn't stop to take. Her lips were so soft that I savoured it till I asked her to open her mouth, which she didn't hesitate. Her hands went around my neck as I deepened my kiss and I know that we both love what we're doing because she let out a low moan when I kissed her sweet spot on her neck. My hands caressed her small waist before it trailed down to her hips and give it a gentle squeeze. She moaned again when I sucked and nibble her sweet spot and I smile because she deserves to feel this kind of love—— from me ofcourse.
Though I want to continue, our little moment was cut off by some knocks and she looked at me with worried face.
"It's okay. It's just my brother."
"But—- , hmmm can I go now Ares?" She stuttered. Still having a red cheeks but intensified because of our little heat-session, which I would never regrets.
"Yes tesoro, I'll come to you there or go to my room, alright?" She nods her head before I gave her a sweet kiss on her lips that I will never stop to do.
When she opens the door, the one who disturbed us was none other than —— my father and not my brothers.
So what does my old man needs from me?
He looked first at my girl ——who gave him a fatherly hug before getting out from my office, and then my father turned his gaze on me with hint of amusement on his eyes.
"Have a seat father." I told him while taking a sip on my mug of coffee that was cold now and I know exactly why.
"So how's everything? I know that you carried so much with your back and shoulder and I'm sorry for that Son." He said while looking at me straight to my eyes. I understand why he's telling me this because of his condition. As our father and former leader of our Mafia I know how he felt, but we truly understood his condition.
" I want you to know Dad that everything is fine and there's nothing for you to say sorry, alright."
"You didn't get it, do you? What I mean is, now that I am here, you don't have to worry to much for everything. Enjoy your life, be a good boyfriend and enjoy being with Lilah. I snatched already your teenage life for taking good care of your brothers and the Mafia, because of me, and I'm so sorry son, but now that I'm back, let me be a father and take care all of you." He said and I couldn't fathom my feelings right now. Whatever he said was true and I'm so happy right now.
"I will father, I will take your advise and be a good boyfriend, I promise." He smile at me before he said goodbye saying that his daughter needs to be in bed right now.
When I walk in to my room, the shower was running and I know that she's inside. It's not the first time that she will stay with me tonight, but during those night nothing happen because I respected her so much and just wrapping my arms around her body was enough for me.
I immediately remove my clothes but leaving my pants on because I never want to overwhelm her. While waiting for her to finish, I open my tv to watch some football games. Soon, she came out wearing my shirt and sweatpants that looks so good on her.
"I'm sorry for showering for so long, the water was really good and I lost the time." She said before letting out a soft giggles. When we're alone, she's so natural, bubbly and playful and I really enjoy being with her.
"It's okay my love, come here." She quickly walk towards me and I couldn't stop myself to kiss her after breathing her scent.
Fuck—- I need a cold shower.
After telling her to stay at our bed and watch some movie she likes, I went to our bathroom and placed myself under the cold f*cking water.
Once I'm done, I wrapped my towel around my hips and get out with water still dripping down my body. My mistake because I forget my clothes at the bed, so I have no choice but waltz in front of her and take my clothes. Her face became red again when she saw me but what can I do?
"Sorry love, I forget to bring it when I went to bathroom." I explained to her. She shook her head and said that it's alright, and because I'm a good boyfriend and don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, I went to my walking closet and wear my boxer and sweatpants, no shirt like usual.
"Sorry love my hair is still wet—- so what do you want to watch?" I asked her because she didn't change the channel as I left it before.
"Whatever you like to watch, I will watch it Ares." She replied before I dip my body at the bed and placing her towards my chest. I kiss her head before my eyes went on the tv, but even I try to watch, my mind was still with her—- so I slowly tilt her head and kiss her. She just close her eyes and accept me without complain. Our soft kisses didn't take long before I deepened our kiss and placed her on top of me. Cupping her face, I stop for while and appreciate the beauty in front of me.
"You're so beautiful Delilah Jade, and I'm so inlove with you." Her eyes sparkles like stars at the night sky, but before she could say anything, I kiss her again with so much intensity this time, from her lips down to her sweet neck and to her lips again. My hands travelled to her waist then to her hips that I love to squeeze. Her moaned sounds like a music to me and I don't know if she knew how much she affect me with just her moan.
"A-Ares." She cried out my name.
"Yes love?" I asked while staring at her.
"Make love to me." She said and I don't know if I heard it right—- so I have to ask again.
"What did you say?"
"M-make love to me, Ares." She repeats while looking at my eyes. And I swear, I feel like my demon that burried inside of me, was ready to come out because of the words that she said.
"Are you sure?" I asked again. I need to know if she's ready to do it because she likes it and not because of me.
"Yes, I am sure." She said before her lips smashed on mine. And that's my cue to proceed.
Using my strong arms, I flip her down so I'm now on the top and looking at her again. My hands remove her shirt, revealing to me her full breast that immediately make me feel so hot. She's so beautiful even there are some scars that painted on her skin.
"Let me show you, how beautiful you are my love." I said before I kiss her again. Our kisses fight for dominance but she should know that I'm in charge right now, so after few minutes she surrendered. My hand grabbed her hands and placed it over her head while kissing her jaw down to her neck again. My other hand went to her bra and unclasped it and throw it to the floor. Her full breast were so tempting that I told her to not her hands above her head so that I can savour her breast. My hands massage both of it while looking at her eyes, she bites her lower lip to suppress her moan so I sucked her right nipple and give a soft bite that caused her to moan.
Yes—- don't stay quiet for me my love.
When I'm done with her right nipple, I do the same thing with the other one, while my hand travel down to her womanhood. Tracing it with my fingers, I could feel her wetness from her panties and I couldn't wait but put my finger inside and I am so correct about it.
"Please A-Ares." She moaned and I know what she needs. My hands remove her sweatpants revealing her lacy panties, and because I'm a predator, my hands shreds it into pieces and I could hear her whimper.
"That's new." She muttered.
"I will buy you dozen my love." I replied before I nibble and sucked her thighs, towards her p*ssy. I could hear her whimper before I started to eat her out.
F*ck—- she's so f*cking delicious than I thought.
Her hands went to my hair as I sucked her clitoris and put a finger inside her, after few strokes, I add another one as I continue sucking her while she's crying my name. After curling my finger I could feel that she's near to have her orgasm , so I remove my finger and replaced it with my tongue.
"Ares!" She cried out as she convulsed herself. I licked all her juices while her body was arched. She's still heaving before I remove my face from her p*ssy and went to my drawer to get some condom.
"I'm on birth control." She informed and I smile because I don't want to wear it—- when it comes to her.
"Good because I want to feel you."
The next thing that I do is to remove my pants and boxer. Her eyes widened when she saw my d*ck.
"I don't know if it will fit." She said with hint of shyness.
"Trust me love, it will fit." I said before I kiss her again and put her leg around my waist as I enter her. She's so tight and I am worried.
"Tell me if it's hurting you and I will stop." I told her but she didn't complain even I could see how her eyes become glassy.
Once I'm all inside of her, my eyes look at her again.
"I love you so much Delilah." Before I start to thrust in and out, in slow motion. Our lips were savouring each other while I'm pounding on her deeper this time.
"Ti senti così bene tesoro." I whispered to her ear before I flip her and asked her to be on four.
(You feel so good sweetheart)
She raised her ass up and my hands couldn't stop to squeeze it and give a light slap few times before I entered her again. She moaned when I start to move, this time in fast and hard pace and I swear that she's so f*cking good. Soon, I could feel that she's so near and so am I.
My hand gently grabbed her hair and pull it towards my chest while thrusting her like madman. My other hand went to her clits and move in circular motion before I sucked her neck.
"Let it go love." I told her as she starts to shake in pleasure as she reached her climax again. My hands went to her hips as I guide her to move up and down in quick pace to my d*ck and soon, my lips shout her name when I reach my climax too.
My arms wrapped around her body as we both panting and feel our heart beat. When our highs came down, I asked her to lay in bed as I went to the bathroom and clean myself first before I grabbed some towel for her. I know that she's tired so I need to clean her up.
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