《Intoxicated》Chapter 2


The one? The one??

What was he talking about? I was so scared to even move or speak so I just stood there shaking trying to figure it out in my head. I had no idea what he was talking about or why he suddenly was pacing around my room emotionless running his hands in his dark brown curls. My body was still shaking and heart still pounding watching him even if he was feet away from me.

I whimpered and heart practically jumped out of my chest as he looked back over to me growling. He quickly came back putting his nose in the crook of my neck and I braced myself for the pain but again, nothing. I don't know if I felt anger, fear, or relief more at this moment.

I opened my eyes looking around before looking at him again when he pulled away in deep thought. He didn't look angry or even evil anymore, he just looked confused then like he just realized something "That explains it" he whispered looking at me emotionless. I swallowed hard looking away. What explained what?

"What's your name?" he asked. "C-carter" I stuttered out before even realizing it "Carter, I need you to come with me" he stated and I instantly shook my head. Come with him? Where? You just wanted to kill me and now I suppose to go with you somewhere I don't even know. He didn't seem happy with me shaking my head though.

"We'll try that again. Carter grab some clothes you're coming with me" he stated in a commanding voice. I just stood there shifting my weight on both feet weighing my options. If I go with him, I could end up dead. If I refuse, I could still end up dead. No chance of survival for me.

He hasn't killed me though. That doesn't mean he won't. But what the hell did he mean by I am the one?

He walked away towards my dresser and started grabbing clothes and my other stuff on the bed. He grabbed two of my bags in the corner and started filling them up. "What are you doing?" I asked watching but didn't move an inch. He was too quick before I even made it across the floor he would stop me.

"One thing I don't like is being disrespected. You're coming with me whether you like it or not" I shook my head "N- no. I don't even know you" I stated looking at the door then him. I don't know this man and I didn't want to go anywhere with him.

He was watching me and gave me a look warning me not to even try it. I didn't. All he did was pack the bags, grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my room.


"Trust me you will"


I didn't know what would be easier, fighting or giving in. The way he looked showed it would be better to give in but, I wasn't sure. I didn't know which option guaranteed my survival right now. All I could say was he was calm right now and I was still alive.

He kept quiet as he drove and he seems to be in deep thought the whole time. While I looked around I couldn't help but look at him. What the hell did he want with me? Was all this necessary? Did I really have to leave with him? He didn't speak the whole time and neither did I but I'm sure both of our minds were scattered.

Once he pulled in this big driveway, my eyes went wide and so did my mouth. It was a mansion. None of this was making any sense and he wasn't trying to explain it at all. He just expected me to go along with anything he said. I did in fear but, my mind was still everywhere. I was losing it.

He got out and was instantly by my door opening it holding his hand out but, I ignored it and heard a low growl come from him. I didn't do anything but look around seeing the distance from me and the gate. No way I could make it.

I looked over to him holding the bags as he watched me closely.

Maybe I should turn the attitude down a bit until I knew what was going on here. No telling how this man could be when he was angry. Last time he tried to hurt me he was smiling...

I slowly walked behind him feeling my heart pound harder every step I took farther from the gate. I didn't know what I was going to walk into at all. It was too late to even turn back now. I just swallowed hard as he opened the door to the house moving out the way to make me go in first.

Of course, I hesitated, it would be stupid if I didn't. His patience seem to be gone with me as he shoved me into the house making me stumble a bit as I looked around.

I moved back instantly knocking into him. I turned to look at him and he did the same smiling as he closed the door behind him. I swallowed hard looking down. With that, I had a feeling I wasn't going to see outside again.

I turned and jumped seeing a group of people suddenly in the room watching me.


I backed up again knocking back into him making me jump. I swear I was going to go have a heart attack


"Cameron" they all said still looking at me. I didn't move from my spot till he pushed me closer to them. I looked at every single one of them giving a pleading look. The last person I looked at, looked at me then behind me confused. Maybe she would be able to help me.

"This is Carter. She will be staying here" I looked back at him confused. What? "She's off limits. Anyone touches her I will rip your throats out. Am I clear?" I just looked at him shocked and wide-eyed.

Suddenly I felt a little nauseous looking at him. I don't like how he said that I believe he could do it though.

"Sarah show her to the guest room and get her unpacked please" "How long do I have to stay here?" I quickly asked meaning how long did I have alive "A while" "Why?" I instantly questioned and he just looked at me annoyed "I'll explain later"


"Why can't you explain now? What am I going to be your supply of blood" I shot back. Fear was coursing through my veins but, I could just sit here and wait to die or whatever. I needed to know what was going on. It was driving me mad.

It was silent for a few seconds as he walked over to me "Go with Sarah to your room" he ordered. "What do you want with me?" I asked looking him directly in his eyes "You're in no position to question me" he said looking down at me. "And who the hell are you?" I said getting angry.

"I'm trying to keep my calm with you but you're pissing me off. Get to the fucking room" he commanded. I pulled my hand back quickly and went to connect it with his face when he grabbed my wrist.

I tried pulling away and I noticed the green eyes were now pitch black.

"Sarah" he growled out and I was instantly being pulled up the steps. My struggles didn't even seem to bother her, she just continued up as I looked back to him still standing in the same position.

Once we got upstairs, she closed the room door looking at me shocked. She shook her head trying to find the right words "I- I don't even understand how you're alive right now. No one would even think about arguing Cam. I've seen him rip a man's heart out for giving him the wrong look and now you're here and..." she trailed off shaking her head still trying to understand it I guess.

I was trying to.

Not the smartest way to try to stay alive.

I sighed running my hands over my face "I don't know why I'm here and it's killing me. I thought I would be dead by now but, I'm not. Now I'm here lost." "Obviously he didn't kill you for a reason. I'm not sure why but, you're still breathing"

"He said something about me being the one. But I don't know what that means-" She froze watching me closely "The one?" she clarified I just nodded hoping she would know something and would help me understand.

"You're...his...mate" she stated as I watched her confused as she looked me over wide-eyed "What the hell is a mate?" I demanded and she didn't respond shaking her head.

"I'm freaking out here can you just explain to me what is going on" I screamed out feeling myself lose it. If someone didn't explain it in now, I was going to blow.

"He has to not me " she said as she started taking my stuff out of the bags putting them in the empty draws quickly. She was finished before I could even speak and right after she left leaving me in the room alone as I stood there frozen.

I heard a click and went over to the door finding it was locked. I started banging on the door "Let me out" I screamed hitting it over and over feeling pain in my hands but, I couldn't stop. I continued till my hands were pounding with pain and once I realized they weren't opening it.

I couldn't do anything so I sat on the bed. What the fuck did you get yourself into? You should have called the police, you should have run somewhere else. But would that have stopped this from happening? Could police even handle him? He wasn't fucking human!

My guess was they were vampires unless there is another creature similar.

If I wasn't so pissed, I would be freaking out that I was in a house locked in a room. And to add to that I was a mate? I didn't know exactly what that meant but, it had to be serious. The looks on his and Sarah's face was enough proof.

I put my face in my hands taking a deep breath. How the hell could all of this happen in one night? And better yet, how could I get out of this?

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