《~ Socksfor1 X Blaza ~ {Discontinued}》Chapter 1. Life less ordinarily


-"Master Blaza?"

I groan hearing Alfred calling me.

-"Ugh What now Alfred?"

-"Master Balza you must get up."

-"Okay! Okay!"

I say and roll on my bed not really ready to get up. I hear Alfred's footsteps he was leaving so I lay down and cuddle in my pillow not wanting to get up slowly I drifted off back to sleep.

15 minutes later I hear a knock on the door waking me up, then Alfred came into my room and opened the curtains making the sun hit my face. I groan again and try to pull the covers over my head. But Alfred quickly pulls all the covers from me storing them in the closet. Alfred nudged me to get up wich I wasn't ready to do.

-"Master Blaza you just get up your father wants to see you on breakfast."

-"Tell him I am to tired. Umf."

-"You father wants to see you. He said he needs to tell you something important and that you can't miss today's breakfast."

-"Humf okay I will get up."

I said and got up going to my private chambers putting my best outfit and doing my hair. Finishing getting ready I get back to my room looking at Alfred who only smiles at me. I exit my room walking tru the long hallway to finally get to the much longer stairs getting downstairs even more long hallways. After what seemed to be forever I get to the dinning room.

-"Good morning father."

-"Good morning Blaza you may sit."

-"Thank you."

I say and sit on the left side of my father across my fathers stupid "second hand helper" who winks at me, even birds on the trees know that she get to by my dads helper after he divorced my mom. Even I am embarrassed when I see her and my dad, he likes to call her his personal maid. Its just disgusting to see a girl with beautiful long brown hair, her big red lips and big umm... "personality" and an old white haired, half man half gorilla man.


-"Well Blaza you are finally up for breakfast huh?"

She winked at me. Making me a lot more uncomfortable.

-"Yes I indeed am."


Before she could say anything I cut her off so I dont need to listen to her annoying pitchy voice.

-"Father may I know why you called me here."

-"Oh Blaza can't I just call you to the breakfast without you thinking I need something."

-"I am so sorry father I didn't mean to hurt you."

-"Its okay Blaza but I must tell you this while you are here tomorrow we will have one of my foreigner friends over and maybe one of your future wives."


-"I am to young to get married!"

-"No you are not!"

-"Yes I am!"

We were both up on our legs shouting, my father was about to hit me when a little girl ran in the dining room and ran to me clenching on my leg.

-"Oh my Lord I am so sorry!"

One of our maids came running pulling the girl from me.

-" Mommy mommy that boy is so pretty!"

The little girl shouted and pointed at me.

-"Marisa what did I say about pointing your finger towards other people."

-"I am sorry mommy."

-"I am so sorry."

I looked back my father was about to shout on them and I would not let that happen.

-"Its okay miss you are forgiven you may go."

I told the lady and smiled.

-"Thank you so much your majesty."

-"No problem."

I crouched down and looked at the little girl.

-"Visit us sometimes okay?"


She said and hugged me I smiled at them and then they left the room.


-"What was that! Who gave you permission to dismiss them?!"


-"Well listen now young man I dismiss you."


-"I said I dismiss you from this table."

He shouted at me and pointed his finger towards to door. I just nodded and started walking away but I still saw the smirk on the face of my dads "personal maid" that made me more angry so I stormed out running to the garden behind the castle. When I was there I washed my face with the water from the fountain I was in the verge of crying right then and there but then I heard the light footsteps behind me so i turned around meeting eye to eye with Kristian. Kristian is an albino boy around 16 years old he takes care of our horses. He softly smiled at me and started running towards me jumping on my hugging me tightly making me almost fall into the fountain.

-"Master Blaza I am so glad to see you!"

-"I am glad to see you to."

We sit down and start talking he tells me all the things outside the castle and in the village and I tell him all my problems. He is just awesome he is like a little brother to me our conversation was interrupted by Alfred.

-"Kiri your mother wants to see you she says that you need to eat you haven't eaten the whole morning."

-"But I wanna stay."

-"Just you go don't stay hungry because of me and no but s."


He says happily and runs off, I look at Alfred who is holding a plate in his hand with some food on it.

-"Whats that Alfred?"

-"Its the breakfast your mother send to you because you haven't eaten anything."

-"Thank her from me and thank you for bringing it to me."

I say and take the plate.

-"No problem your majesty."

He says and walks off i sit on the fountain looking at the sky and eating slowly. I really needed this food because after my father dismissed me from breakfast I was really hungry. I ate it in speed of light, I got to the kitchen and dropped off my plate at my way to the kitchen I met my father.

-"Get ready."


I looked him dead in the eyes not really wanting to talk to him.

-"You have a lecture in 15 minutes so get ready."

I groaned and after I left my plate I got to my room grabbed my books and then got back downstairs to the library to my shock there was no lecturer there was my dad walking into the library with a lot of books.

-"Wha-What where is Mr.Thomasen?"

-"He is sick so I will lecture you today and from tomorrow there will be a new lecturer who will also be you bodyguard understood?"

I blinked a few times the groaned only to be hit by my dad.


-"Ye-" he looked me dead in the eyes

-"Yes sir."

-"Okay let's start then."

He said well I guess today will be a really really long day.

~Hi creator here I am sorry for any grammar mistakes and words that don't make any sense so yeah I love you a lot, stay safe, don't be racist and bye!~

Btw word count (only to brag): 1149 words

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