《A bit more than neighbors Kenma x Y/n》Chapter 11 girls night out


TW Suicide (don't worry this chapter is really happy no one dies its not anything bad just a mention of it!)

You wake up to Kiyoko and Yachi talking like usual. You sit up and clear off your eyes rubbing them. You here them giggling and sit up with a yawn. "Finally sleepy head!!! We have really good news!!" You look at there faces with a smile. "Well what's up?" You ask. "Ok ok! So basically the original week was exposed to be 1 week only but it got extended to 2 weeks!!" Kiyoko smiled. "..Are the boys gonna be ok that's a lot of practice matches..?" You were honestly worried for Kenma who got tired pretty easily. "Yeah there's only gonna be a couple every day plus they will get breaks in between but do you wanna here the other exciting part y/n?!" Yachi said giggling glaring at Kiyoko for her to explain. "Sure?" There smiles widen. "Alrighty well we asked the coaches and they said we could have until tomorrow off. So basically we get to have a girls night at a hotel and we can do girly stuff. Don't worry the boys already know we will leave in an hour! So get ready and said bye bye to your team for today!" As soon as I heard those words I smiled. A night in Tokyo was most girls dream especially with their friends. "Alright well I am gonna get ready and then say by to Kenma" You say as Yachi and Kiyoko smile at eachother.

"First we need to put these on!" They say handing you an outfit. You all get changed in the same room its not awkward since yall are all girls. the outfit basically looked like


You felt a little uncomfortable since the outfit was so revealing but you liked it. Kiyoko's was dark blue yours was black like the pic and Yachi's was light pink. "Eh.. isn't it a bit revealing.." Yachi and You said your faces bright pink. Kiyoko turned around a smiled widely "You both look great now c'mon lets go say bye to the team!!"

You guys walk into the gym as everyone goes silent. The boys are eyeing you. Tanaka and Yamamoto run up to you. Kiyoko lightly kisses Tanaka goodbye as Yachi is blushing and saying bye to some girl. "L/n you look so pretty oh my gosh you-" Yamamoto begins to say as Kuroo and Kenma hiss at him to leave since Yamamoto can't even keep his cool when your wearing a school uniform. But when your wearing makeup and a revealing outfit you don't even want to know how he will act. Kuroo pushes him back to the court which leaves you and Kenma alone. "Wow- You look really good.." He says eyeing you up and down with pink tinting his face. "Thanks" You say with a nervous laugh. "Are.. are you sure your gonna be ok..? I mean you have 6 practice games today.." You say staring up since your a shorty >:3. "Don't worry about me!" He plants a kiss on your lips as you can feel Yamamoto screaming as Kuroo smirks. "Have fun!" He says running back to the court. "Oooo Kenma.. You kissed her!!" Kuroo says but not loud enough for you to hear him. "Shut up" He growls at Kuroo.

Yachi, Kiyoko, and you stepped out of the gym and the air was perfect. The world was being really nice to you. The wind was not acting up at all and it wasn't to hot but not to cold either. It was a perfect day to hang out. "Well first we have to get our nails done also I already have a hotel booked for us today!" Kiyoko says with a giggle as Yachi smile widens once again. You can't help but feel so lucky. You have perfect friends a perfect boyfriend a semi perfect family and just a really good life.


You sit down next to Yachi and Kiyoko while the machine is doing your guys nails. Your getting a pastel pink since it would match with your outfit. Kiyoko suggested it she said that black and pink look like a aesthetic pastel goth. Yachi was getting light blue like cotton candy. And Kiyoko was getting dark blue nails to match with her outfit. "So Yachi who is that boy you were with???" Kiyoko says smirking. "I-" Her face turns red. "He's.. (insert random girl name).. she is really nice we started dating a few days ago.." She said with a giggle. "Oh my god that is so cute!!" You and Kiyoko say. "You and Kenma have gotten really close~~" Kiyoko says to you. You ignore the heat on your face and say "I could say the same with you and Tanaka~" You giggle as you say that. "Yeah he actually treats me really good.." You looked over at Kiyoko as she says that. You had never seen her smile like that. Her teeth showed her eyes were closed and you could tell she meant it.

The rest of the day you spend doing fun things like singing and dancing at the fancy hotel, shopping for tons of different clothing, you even sit down and teach Kiyoko and Yachi how to play video games. You guys make tiktoks and post pictures of funny things on Instagram. You had tik tok and Instagram but posted the stuff on Kiyoko's account since you didn't like to post on yours. The last thing you do before crashing on the bed since the long amazing day you had was also tiring was sit on the balcony. It wasn't like last time when you were about to jump off. But this time it was different.. you Kiyoko and Yachi were gazing at the stars joking around looking at the sky. You couldn't help but almost cry but instead you smiled. You used to be so so depressed and just.. sad.. and now you were so happy.. you wondered if you even deserved it. Your thoughts got interrupted by a yawn as you Kiyoko and Yachi head inside for the night.

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