《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Tell


After the kiss the rest of the field trip went smoothly. I mostly stayed at Katsuki's side and helped him train a little more when we finished. It was hard for him because his palms were bandages from when he made them bleed. Which also meant he couldn't dig his nails into them, which was good. He didn't have any more panic or anxiety attacks the rest of our time there, also good.

The ride back was nice. It was just me and Katsuki in a seat in the middle of the bus with Midoriya in the aisle seat and me in the middle with Katsuki in the window seat.

Instead of leaning on the window seat he leaned onto my shoulder. Which made my heart skip a beat because he was so cute. Katsuki closed his eyes. Guess he was going to sleep. I smiled. We haven't really talked about the kiss. We just had a silent agreement that we'd talk later. Later just wasn't now. It'll probably be in the dorms a day or two after we get there. We wouldn't exactly hide this relationship either so everyone questioned it.

Midoriya turned and looked at us. Everyone who was in our cabin could tell we had something going on, again that wasn't a secret. Especially because Kaminari and Iida kept asking. But Midoriya just stayed silent and gave me a thumbs up. I'm glad he isn't jealous or anything after I rejected him at the sleepover.

After a few minutes I slowly raised my hand up to wave in front of Katsuki's face and see if he was asleep. He cutely scrunched his nose, so I'm guessing he was asleep. I leaned comfortably and looked out the window for a bit before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep, leaning against his head.


When I woke up the first thing I heard was a bunch of people going silent and looking at me and Katsuki, who was still asleep.

I looked at them, confused.

"What's going on?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Dude! I called it!" Kaminari laughed. Was I still dreaming?

"You guys looked so cute!" Mina groaned, saddened at me waking up.

I was too confused to say anything. What did they mean?

"Check it out I took a picture." Hagakure said, showing her phone to everyone on the bus. The picture was of me and Katsuki. Him leaning on my shoulder, dreaming and smiling, and me tilted on his head, also smiling and dreaming of him. I blushed a little.

"So what's been going on with you two?" Sero asked from the back seat. I couldn't turn because Katsuki still leaned in my shoulder and I'll be damned if I wake him and his cute face up. So instead I looked down at my hands.

"Nothings important." I tell them.

"Lies!" Yaoyorozu almost shouted.

"You can't just tell us nothing is happening when clearly you two eye fuck each other and have a faint blush whenever you talk." Jirou intervened from beside Yaoyorozu.

"Exactly! Like you and Yaoyorozu!" Iida states, causing the two girls to blush and stammer, and the class to erupt into laughter. Which caused the sleeping Katsuki to wake up.

"The hell is all this noise?" He yawns, cutely. Everything he does is cute though. Even when we're fighting villains or "villains" and he yells his usual 'DIE' at them. All I can see is his chubby cheeks that I just want to squeeze the life out of.

So I'm in love with Bakugou Katsuki. A statement I found out only a few ago that I'm subtly getting used to. Plus with all the stuff Bakugou have been doing, I'd say he likes me too. Which makes me happy.


Hagakure showed him the picture of us. He grabbed my arm and got close to me, causing me to blush as he said,

"So what? I was tired and he's fine with it. Right Shouto." I nodded.

"Ohhh we're on a first name basis now!" Uraraka giggled.


"So are you telling us in your own special way that you and Todoroki here are dating?" Kirishima laughed. His face flushed red.

"I mean he isn't.. not telling you that." I spoke, my face I could feel was getting hotter and redder. There were a few squeals and high fives.

"So who told who?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"I guess Katsuki. He was the one who kissed me." I said plainly. Kaminari handed Iida some money, Tsu did the same with Tokoyami and Kirishima did the same to Midoriya.

"You guys places bets on who would confess first??" Katsuki almost yelled.

"Like Jirou said. We been knew!" Mina laughed.

"So Kaminari, Tsu, and Kirishima thought I would confess first?" I asked aloud to no one in particular. There were multiple nods and people agreeing with it. The rest of the trip was just all of us talking about relationships. As weird as it was half the class had someone they liked. Like Kirishima liking Midoriya. It was very obvious. As well as Jirou and Yaoyorozu and Kaminari and Iida.

"You guys should go on double dates!" Uraraka joked.

"Honestly I'd be up for it." Jirou said, blushing and clashing her ear jacks together. Yaoyorozu silently agreed by giving a thumbs up. I looked at Katsuki. He shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind." I smiled. He smiled back.

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