《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Therapy


This morning I was expecting Bakugou was gonna be some kind of nervous. What I wasn't expecting was having to pull over while on the road because of an anxiety attack. Along with Todoroki, who was here for emotional support.

I was just driving with the two students in the back of the car and all of a sudden Bakugou was hyperventilating and crying.

"Bakugou, it's going to be fine." I try to reassure my distressed student, "we'll be right in the other room if anything bad happens. It'll be alright."

It was obvious that he couldn't hear me. He was to lost in his own thoughts. He would mumble a few things that I could barely here. All I got was the words, not safe, death, and blow. Todoroki seemed to hear everything and started whispering to him. After a few minutes Bakugou calmed down and apologized for it.

"It's alright, kid. We get you're scared and worried. But trust us, it'll be fine." I told him. I checked the time. We were going to be a little late, but that didn't matter. Bakugou is the important one in this situation.

The rest of the drive was fine with no outbursts or attacks. Bakugou did dig his fingernails into his palms a few times from nervousness. A new unhealthy habit he had picked up recently.

Recently. I just discovered one of my students was dealing with a mental illness recently. And Bakugou for that matter. I should've known sooner. Should've talked to him. He's always say he was fine and tell us all to fuck off. And the fact that it got to the point he tried to kill himself twice. Todoroki and Kaminari told the staff about the thing that happened when we saved him and Mina.

I should've pushed harder. Should've talked to him after he was kidnapped. The staff and I tried to talk to him but like I said he'd tell us to fuck off.

Before I knew it we had arrived. I parked the car and we all got out. Todoroki held Bakugou's hand while he practically tiptoed into the building.

When we arrived in the building Todoroki and I sat down while Bakugou went into the room. The session was supposed last around an hour. Good thing my phone is almost fully charged.

Stepping into the room was one of the hardest parts. The room was small, as small as my dorm room. There walls were painted a calming blue color and there were two chairs with a couch across from it. A woman in her mid thirties sat in one of the chairs.

"Katsuki Bakugou?" she asks, I slowly nod and take a seat on the couch. I have to admit it's a comfy couch. It eased my rapidly beating heart just a little.


"Hi, I'm Reiki. You can call me Ms. Reiki or Rei, whatever you're most comfortable with. I'm your therapist!" She gives me a warm smile.

I nervously smile back, looking around the small room, trying to notice other things about it to distract myself. There's a vase on the desk near the chair Ms. Reiki is sitting in. The pillow on the couch looks fluffy. It has a calming pattern to it. Blue and white squiggly lines.

"Seeing as this is our first session I think we should get to know each other first. That way you can learn to trust me. I'll ask you a question and you answer it and I also answer the same. Is that okay?" She explains. I nod a slow yes. She smiles.

"So what's your favorite color?" She asks me.

"Orange." I quietly say, my voice is deep. I'm trying not to have any voice cracks or cry.

"That's a good color. I personally like green."

The questions go on for around 15 more minutes. Her questioning me. Me responding. And occasionally she would tell a funny story to lighten the mood and calm my nerves.

She then decided to talk about the things I didn't want to talk about. Ms. Reiki started explaining what kind of therapy she does. She does mostly mindfulness-based therapy. That was clear speaking of why I'm here. She also explained the basic things to me about the policy of confidentiality and shit like that. There were a few things she needed to know, obviously, that I needed to give answers to, sadly.

"So, Katsuki Bakugou-"

"Bakugou is fine." I interrupt.

"My apologies, Bakugou. As I was saying. How are you feeling right now."

"I feel fine." I answer. Obviously she doesn't believe me. If I was fine then why would I be here.

"I get that right now you don't trust me. I wouldn't trust me either. Some therapists suck. I'm sure you looked up therapy stories before coming here. Most of them are probably bad. But there are still good ones that really want to help." Ms. Reiki did seem really nice. To nice if you ask me. But I still answered.

"Truthfully. I feel like shit." She looks at me, telling me to elaborate with her eyes. I dig my fingernails into my palm. She seems to notice and I stop.

"This is a safe place Bakugou. No one knows anything of what we will and have said. Completely private and no way of knowing." I let it all out.

"I feel like shit all the time. About multiple things and because of multiple people. My parents, if you could call them that, pretend I don't exist and didn't even know when I tried to fucking kill myself because they're overseas doing some business and my quirk is so destructive and terrible and I hate everything about it and me. When I was younger I bullied this kid named Deku so much and told him to kill himself which I'm so sorry for I don't know what I'd do if he kicked the bucket and.." I rambled on and on while Ms. Reiki listened carefully. She seemed unfazed by everything I was saying. Just listening intently. I felt like I had talked for hours. My voice was raspy from when I started crying in the middle of my rant. My eyes red from the tears. She offered me a tissue from the tissue box that was also on the desk beside the vase.


"I see." was all she said. What a terrible therapist.

"Did talking about it help a little?" I opened my mouth to speak but closed it to think. It did feel like a tiny weight left my shoulders. There was still 1000 pounds of weight on them but it used to be 1001. I nod.

We continued to talk about my mental health until it was done. I apologized to her, for putting up with me, and she said it was fine. She knew I'd be going on a school trip and wouldn't be seeing me next week so she offered to walk me out to Mr. Aizawa and Shouto. Ms. Reiki talked to Aizawa while I went over to Shouto.

"How was it?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"All we did was talk about our favorite foods and then I did a tiny rant. So she'd get to know me better."

"Was it as bad as you expected?" I shook my head. It was way nicer than I thought it'd be. But I still had these problems. I hope the second time seeing her actually helps. Considering she never gave advice or anything.

Aizawa finished talking with Ms. Reiki and walked over to us.

"Time to go kids," He said plainly. "Bakugou, how was it?" He asked me. I gave a thumbs up. His face was still devoid of emotion so I couldn't tell if he was happy or not. We walked out the door and back into Mr. Aizawa's car. I looked out the window the entire time.

I still had these bad thoughts and feelings. They are always stuck in my head. They keep on telling me to kill myself. Cut. Don't eat. I'm a villain-

I dig my fingers into my palm. It hurts, and I still think I deserve it. I haven't done it hard enough to bleed.

But after leaving that therapy session. Ms. Reiki seems so nice and helpful. I hope she really is. I still don't trust her even though I told her almost everything. But I'm really happy it went well.

When we finally arrived back at the dorms I could tell almost everyone wanted to ask me if it went well and if I was okay. I just went into the elevator and into my dorm.

Todoroki didn't follow. I gave him a silent nod saying it was okay to tell them what I had told him.

When I got into my dorm I looked on the floor. In the spot where I had tried committing suicide. I've honestly been avoiding that area. And I'll continue to avoid it. I go into my room and shut the door, locking it this time. Soon I'll have to go on this fucking field trip.

Shit. The field trip. Shit why did I have to think about that. All the happiness left my body as I started thinking of all the bad things that could happen.

I can't think of what if's. I just have to focus on the positive. Right. Positive. Like I guess spending time with the class. With Todoroki. I get to participate in class again now too. Everything will be fine. Everything is fine.

The rest of the week went by really fast. I was so busy with school work and finally getting to use my quirk again that I didn't even realize it was time to go on the trip. I had to rush to pack and I cursed myself for forgetting to pack.

When I finally finished and quadruple checked because anxiety won't allow me to check just two times. I went with Todoroki and the other kids on the bus. Aizawa was in the back of the bus with All Might in the front and Present Mic in the middle. I sat in the back, closer to Aizawa. The bus was 3 per seat so I sat in between Todoroki, who was at the window seat, and Kaminari, who's legs were out on the aisle as he talked to Kirishima and Sero on the seat across from us.

My headphones were in my ears and my eyes were closed. I just let the music flow. After a while I dozed off to sleep. I leaned my head onto Todoroki's shoulder. Before I fully dozed off I could hear Mina and some of the other girls 'Aww' at me. It was slurred but I remember saying one thing before total darkness and sleep overcame me.

"Fuck off."

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