《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Traitor!


I failed! When I said that I would absolutely win the match I lost. Great. Now I'm even more of a failure. The reason I didn't win was probably because I haven't been eating. I know that. But I just can't eat. Why do I have to be like this. Why do I have to think about this in the middle of the night.

Everyone else is asleep and I'm just laying in my bed, tired and hungry, not able to move. Why can't I be like them.

I check the time on my phone, for the 500th time in 5 minutes. It's 12:32. If I go to bed early to sleep why am I not sleeping! Even if I do fall asleep I'll just have nightmares.

I decide to get up and sneak down to the kitchen. Maybe, just maybe, food might help. I slowly walk out the dorm, trying very hard not to wake up Todoroki. I quietly close the door behind me and walk to the elevator. I click the button and it opens almost immediately.

Once I hop out of the elevator after arriving at the bottom floor, I suddenly get the feeling someone's watching me. I ignore the feeling and walk to the kitchen, opening the fridge.

I just settled for getting a bottle of water. Before I could open it I heard the elevator door open. I, instinctively hid. I just ducked down and the cabinets prevented anyone from seeing me.

My mind started racing at who it could be. Probably just a classmate. But what if it wasn't a classmate. What if it was someone else. I didn't realize it yet but my breathing was getting heavy. I could feel a panic attack coming.

I could hear footsteps. It felt like they were getting closer, footsteps getting louder, my heartbeat getting faster and louder.


I take a very deep breath and turn to slowly look at who is there. It's too dark I can't see them. They turn to go outside. Who's going out at this hour. It doesn't matter, if they leave I can go back to the elevator and escape.

I make a run for it, clicking the elevator button. It opens quickly and I step inside. Right before it closes I see the person coming back inside. They see me and I see them. But we only see a shadows of each other. No faces.

I run back to my dorm and lock the door, quickly. I go into my room and close the door, locking it. I breathe out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and sink to the floor.

My breathing gets heavy again. Why. I'm safe. I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. I feel tears threaten to fall down my face. Why was I so scared it's just someone going out. For all I know it could be Deku training in the middle of the night. But something just felt..off.

I steady my breathing and stand up. I open the door and go to the bathroom. Turning the water on to cold, I put my hands under the water and splash it in my face. I try to think through everything that happened. Why am I so nervous about this. It's probably nothing. There's nothing to worry about. I just have to keep telling myself that.

When I open the door I see Todoroki, about to knock.

"What?" I say.

"I wanted to see if you were okay." He admits.

"I'm fine, fuck off." I angrily walk back into my room. Before I close the door he speaks.

"You know, Bakugou. You don't have to wear your mask around me." I close the door. What the hell was that even supposed to mean.


I lay back in my bed and start thinking again. Todoroki honestly looked kind of cute with his slightly messy hair and sleepy look in his eyes. I drift off slowly.

For class Aizawa had an important announcement. Everyone, including me, thought it would be good news. A field trip maybe. Maybe even no class. We were all wrong.

"Something that the staff of U.A. has been questioning for quite a while has been answered," He started off slowly. The entire atmosphere changed as we all knew this wouldn't be good news.

"There is a mole here in our midst." The gasps and whispers came shortly after.

"As of now we don't know who it is. At first there was no evidence but something new came into light. We know that this happened during the move in of the dorms. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. But as of now there is nothing to worry about and we will be taking extra precautions." He said.

Everyone looked at each other. It could be any one of us.

"Calm down everyone!" Iida stood up. Everyone looked at him. "If there is a mole I doubt that it is anyone in this class. We are all striving to be excellent heroes and none of us would dare jeopardize that!" He assured us, "So we should stay calm!"

"That's our class president." Yaoyorozu stated.

"Yep. He's right. We should be fine!" Tsuyu said.

The atmosphere went from tense to calm again. Aizawa showed a tiny smile on his face and got into his sleeping bag to sleep.

I look over at Bakugou. He hasn't said anything and he is just looking down. After watching him for a couple seconds I notice he's shaking. He gets up quickly, almost knocking down his chair. He runs out.

"What was that about?" Sero questioned.

"Probably just Bakugou being Bakugou. Nothing to worry about." Kirishima sighed.

Everyone went back to talking. Uraraka and Midoriya walked over to my table and we talked about an assignment we had gotten from Present Mic. After class at lunch I went to go find Bakugou. He was in his normal hiding place, a bathroom stall.

"Bakugou?" I said.

"What, Icyhot." He shouted.

"Why'd you run out earlier?"

"None of your god damn business." He seemed more feral than he was most days. I stayed calm.

"Is there anything you need to talk about?"

"No. Just go!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on. Why'd you leave?"

"Because I could."

"That's not an answer."

"It's the answer I'm giving."

"Do you know something?" Silence.

"Bakugou." I say. Theres still silence.

"You know something don't you."


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