《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Sleepover
"Well are you gonna invite me in or what?" Bakugou said in his regular angry tone. Midoriya moved out of the way and let him inside. He had a bag of his stuff.
"You can just put them over there with everyone else's!" He pointed time the rest of our stuff. Bakugou walked over to the pile and dropped his stuff on everyone else's.
"Hey be careful we have valuable stuff over there!!" Iida shouted.
"Like what? This is a fucking sleepover!" Was Bakugou's reply. Iida had nothing to counter his reply so he just sat in silence.
Kaminari grabbed a controller. "Super smash anyone?"
"Sure I'm down!" Kirishima said, grabbing another controller.
"Sure why not," Midoriya closed the door and ran to the other controller, "what about you Todoroki?" He asked me.
I didn't really know how to play video games. I never had the chance too.
"I don't know how. I'll just watch for now." I tell him.
"Okay. What about you Kacchan?" He asks Bakugou.
"As long as you won't be sore losers once I kick your asses." He replies. I wonder how he does that. How he keeps up this facade of anger and confidence when he's depressed and dying inside. Like a mask.
"I call all might!" Midoriya says, clicking on the character. Everyone frowns or groans at the displeasure of his choice.
"Fine. I'll be Crimson Riot!" Kirishima clicks on the picture of the pro hero. So I guess the game has most pro heroes. It doesn't take me long before I find Endeavor and internally gag in disgust.
"You guys are gonna leave me with the worst fuckin character aren't ya!" Bakugou yells. There's a few laughs.
"DONT LAUGH AT ME PIKACHU!" Bakugou does seem to be having a little fun.
"I shall choose my brother. Ingenium!" Iida clicks.
"Fine then. I'll choose Ryukyu." Bakugou clicks on the character.
"I'll just watch a game or two to figure out how to play." I tell everyone. They nod in agreement and start the game.
My mind can't help but drift to Bakugou a little bit. In the game he's currently trying to knock All Might off the edge of the platform and failing. But I just can't help but think of what happened a few nights ago. When I walked him home. He seemed so scared and when he came to school the next day he acted like never happened. That's what he wanted, yes, but he didn't even look at me during that day.
My thoughts are interrupted by a loud yell. It was Bakugou. The game must have ended.
"3RD PLACE. DAMN YOU DEKU!" He screams.
"Hey at least you weren't last!" Kaminari shouts.
I turn towards Kirishima and Midoriya, who are cheering at getting second and first place. I turn to Iida who's looking down at his controller.
"Second to last place." He says. "I DEMAND A REMATCH THIS INSTANT!"
"Izuku, is everything alright?" I turn and see Midoriya's mom. Everyone was probably yelling too loudly.
"Sorry mom! We'll be quieter! Right guys!" Midoriya said. We all agreed. Midoriya's mom then left the room and we turned back to the tv. At least I did. Everyone else turned to me.
"Hey Todoroki, wanna play now?" Midoriya smiled.
"Sure why not." I knew a little bit I knew enough to at least get me past last place. There weren't enough controllers so Kaminari had to hand his controller to me. Iida was fired up and ready and so was Bakugou.
"I'll get you guys next time I swear!" Kaminari stated.
"New rule!" Bakugou explained. "No using All Might. He's too OP!"
"Kacchan if he was OP why'd they put him in the game!" Midoriya countered.
"Who agrees with me!" Bakugou said, looking at everyone. Kaminari and Iida agreed instantly while Kirishima and I didn't really care. It was 2 to 1 so Midoriya had to choose another character. He chose our teacher, Erasurehead.
Bakugou started the game.
"Get ready to die!" Bakugou told everyone playing.
"You got this Todoroki!" Kaminari told me.
"Don't go easy on me." I told them.
"Wasn't planning on it." Bakugou replied.
"Very well! Even though you are now my opponent I shall honor your wishes!" Iida stated.
The fierce battle began. We all fought bravely. I ended up in first place. Second place went to Midoriya and third place was Bakugou.
"god DA-" Bakugou was about to yell but I guess he remembered Midoriya's mom coming in last time. He stayed silent.
"I don't like this game!" He said. Putting the controller down.
"If you want we can play another game." Midoriya explained.
"Like what?" Kirishima asked.
They all say quietly for a few seconds thinking about what game they should play it what else they should do. After a few minutes Kaminari speaks.
"Strip poker." Iida threw a nearby pillow at him.
"Jeez I was joking!" He laughed.
They were still thinking and Kaminari spoke again,
"Twister." That time Kirishima threw a nearby pillow.
"If you're gonna keep throwing pillows how about A pillow fight."
"That's too girly." Bakugou spoke.
"How about the game truth or dare. I hear it's fun." Iida offers.
"Sure why not." I say.
"So it's decided. How do you play?" Iida asks.
Kaminari and Kirishima gasp dramatically in shock.
"You've have never played truth or dare!?" Kirishima asks, still in shock.
"I haven't either." I speak.
"Neither have I." Midoriya says.
We find out that the only people who have played truth or dare was Kirishima and Kaminari. Iida and I just never had time, too busy training. Midoriya has no friends to play with. Bakugou never invited his friends to his house and never went to any sleepovers or any before he was 4, and 4 year olds don't exactly play truth or dare.
After Kirishima and Kaminari finish explaining to us how to play we started. Bakugou went first.
"Pikachu, truth or dare!"
"Dare!" Kaminari says excitedly.
"I dare you to where a Pikachu onesie at school!"
"You got it. Feel free to take pictures!" He winked and gave Bakugou a thumbs up.
"Iida truth or dare."
"Truth!" Iida answered immediately.
"Wow that was fast. Anyways...is it true that.." Kaminari had to think about it for a second.
"Is it true that you like someone in class 1-A."
Iida blushed a little bit. It wasn't exactly obvious but it was clear on his face.
"I-" he was interrupted by Kirishima.
"Remember, you have to tell the truth!"
"Fine. There is someone I like in class 1-A."
An eruption of questions. All circling around the one huge one.
"Who are they?"
Iida gave no answers to the question. He simply kept his mouth shut.
"Anyways Todoroki," I look at him. I already have my answer planned out.
"Truth or dare." He asks me.
Iida stayed quiet for quite a moment. Midoriya had to say something.
"Umm Iida. What's up?"
"Sorry. I just can't think of a dare."
"Take your fucking time." Bakugou sarcastically commented.
Kaminari then laughed and whispered something to Kirishima who also laughs. He turns to Iida and whispers into his ear.
Iida speaks.
"I dare you, Todoroki!" He points at me dramatically, "To cuddle next to Bakugou."
"WHAT!?" Bakugou wasn't afraid to voice his opinion on the dare.
To be truthful I didn't really mind it at all. I got up from the spot I was sitting on and I walked over to Bakugou. He was shorter than me so I couldn't exactly sit on his lap or anything so I just sat next to him...closely. I still wanted to talk to him about the other day.
"Okay your turn Todoroki!" Midoriya said. I could hear a little irritability in his voice.
"Okay, Midoriya. Truth or dare."
"Truth." He smiled again.
I thought of a few truths I could give him and then I decided on,
"Who do you hate the most in the room? That counts right?" I asks
"It counts." Midoriya says. But he doesn't answer, "Well I don't really feel comfortable answering the question."
"That's alright. We can do something else." Kirishima said.
"I know!" Kaminari raised his hand. We all gestured for him to continue. "Spin the bottle." He grinned.
"But we're all dudes." Iida stated.
"So? Why not. It'll be fun."
"I'm in." Kirishima said and he whispering something to Midoriya who got all flustered and started stuttering.
"Why not." I say. Bakugou sits up and gets a water bottle out of the fridge. He downs the entire thing while we are all watching. Walking back over to us he puts the bottle down. We all just stare at him in silence.
"Well? Are you playing or what!?" He sits down and we all crowd into a circle. He spins the bottle. It lands on Iida. ()
"No. Next."
"Kacchan you can't just say no." Midoriya tried to tell Bakugou, who wasn't listening.
"I'll go then." I say, spinning the bottle. It lands on Midoriya. His face turns as red as my fire.
I honestly don't mind. It's just a kiss on the cheek. We're friends and that's normal for friends anyways, right?
I lean towards him and he leans towards me. I give him a soft short peck on the cheek and lean back to my spot on the floor. He does the same, looking happy but a little sad. I'm confused but I shrug it off.
We play a little more, exchanging a few kisses on cheeks and letting Bakugou refuse to participate, he always said no every time it landed on him or when it was his turn.
Kirishima chose the next game. Seven minutes in heaven. He had to explain to everyone else what it was. After he was finished all I was thinking was are these really the only games we can play?
The random way we decided to pick the two people was to write our names down and put them in a hat. I was secretly hoping to get Bakugou so we could talk about the other night. Knowing him, he probably wanted to avoid me at all costs. Midoriya pulled out two names from the hat.
"Kacchan," he read, "and.."
Please be me, please be me. Thinking like this is new..Since when did I care about someone so much, and Bakugou, again, is the one I'm worried about.
"and Todoroki." I still had my blank expression on my face but I was really happy.
"No way in hell." Bakugou stated."
"Oh come on get in the closet with Todoroki!" Kirishima laughed.
"Or are you scared." Kaminari teased, which made Bakugou bolt upright from the couch he was leaning on.
"Then prove it."
"I WILL!" Bakugou grabbed my arm and dragged me to the closet. Closing the door with a slam.
We stood in silence for a few moments before I finally decided to talk. Before I could Bakugou shushed me.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Talk about what?" I can still try to get him too.
"The other night."
"What exactly ok the other night?"
"Stop playing dumb. I know you just want me to say it and I won't say it! I'm already a fucking idiot and Im weak because you found out and-" I interrupt him and grab his arm, he looks at me.
"Don't call yourself weak. You're one of the strongest people I know, Bakugou." There was no light and the closet was relatively small but I was pretty sure I saw a tiny smile..maybe.
A few moments of silence passed. The room was getting kind of cramped the more I stayed inside. My eyes adjusted though. Bakugou's's did too. I could tell from his stretching. He was avoiding all the places he could possibly make something fall.
One of the times he stretched his long sleeved pajamas rolled down. I saw something on his arms. Bandages, I think. I squinted my eyes to try and see it clearer but he saw me and put his hands down, making sure his arms where covered. I began to open my mouth when the door swung open.
"Times up." Midoriya said, a tiny bit of venom in his voice, which shocked me but I didn't show it. About Bakugou's bandages arms.. I'd have to ask him about it later. Maybe tonight when everyone sleeps, but I don't wanna wake him.
We walk out of the closet and sit back down. This time Kirishima chooses the names. I'm miraculously chosen again and Midoriya is also chosen. Before he goes inside, Kirishima We step into the closet, shutting the door.
"So..Todoroki.." Midoriya was trying to start conversation. I had nothing to say. What I was really thinking about was Bakugou. He and Midoriya are childhood friends. Maybe I can ask him. But that would be weird asking. I decide to give it a chance.
"Is Bakugou alright?" I ask before he can say anything else.
"Sorry?" He says like he didn't hear me. Which is strange speaking we are only a few inches apart. I ask him again.
"What do you mean?"
"He doesn't seem like himself." I say.
There's awkward silence. Midoriya changes the subject.
"I have something I want to tell you."
"Okay." I don't mind the subject change. It was a long shot, asking him anyways. I already know they have a rocky past.
"Well it's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now and this is the only time I feel. Well I feel it's the right time that-"
"You're muttering."
"Huh. Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I mean. I've been wanting to tell you this for a while.."
"Todoroki, I like you."
I tilt my head in confusion. "I like you too Midoriya. You're a great friend."
"No, Todoroki I mean I like like you. Like...a crush."
oh. Oh. Oh.
I'm flustered and shocked and all over the place but I manage to keep my blank stare.
"I'm very sorry, Midoriya. But I see you as a friend and nothing more." I look down. I really hope I didn't break his heart or his feelings.
I look back up and even though it's dark I can clearly see the smile he has on his face.
"Thats alright. I'm fine with being your friend." Before I can say anything the door is opened and Kirishima and Kaminari are staring at us while Iida is trying to tell Bakugou to put his feet back on the floor because this isn't his house.
I walk out and sit down. When I'm in said seat I look back at Midoriya, who is talking to Kirishima and Kaminari. Probably about the events of the closet.
"Alright next!" Kaminari nervously laughs.
We have a few more rounds of Seven minutes in heaven and play a few more games and watched some movies. Then decide it's time for bed. Which Bakugou had said hours before.
We all got our sleeping bags out and Midoriya had some extra all might blankets for us if we needed it.
"Goodnight everyone." Midoriya says with a yawn.
"See you tomorrow." Kirishima's eyes are already closed. I'm not that tired but apparently everyone else is. Granted I didn't do a lot of stuff because I didn't know how so I had an excuse but the others participated in everything with all their energy, except for Bakugou of course.
Within a few minutes everyone else was knocked out cold. I finally close my eyes to rest when I hear footsteps.
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