《Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)》Beer?



I wasn't really sick. That's what I told Kirishima to get everyone not to worry. I'm glad it works. What I was really doing that missing day was sitting on the roof of a tall, semi abandoned building. Contemplating whether I should jump off. I decided against it and went home. I threw up at my house, so my mom told me to stay home for the day.

When I came back to school the next day I immediately caught a pair of eyes on me. Todoroki's. I tried not to make a scene but I wanted him to stop staring at me. It was obvious he was doing so.

I avoided him for the rest of the day, luckily but then at the end of the day he was already at the front, waiting there, talking to people. Who was he waiting for. Why would I care. I was about to leave when I realized he might be waiting for me. To talk to me. I can't confront him. I decide to just wait for him to leave, out of sight.

A few minutes of waiting becomes 30 minutes. It'll be dark soon. I can't go in the dark. What if something happens with the league. I wait a few more minutes for him to leave. He finally does, but the sun is already beginning to set. I weigh my options. It's safer to go with somebody. Especially if that somebody has a strong quirk. Todoroki is the perfect somebody.

He starts to walk away so I quickly gather the courage to go up to him.

"Todoroki.." I say. He stops and turns around. When he sees me he looks puzzled.

"I thought you'd left? I was waiting for you." He says. I scratch the back of my head.

"I know. You aren't exactly subtle. I was trying to avoid you." Why did I say that?


"If I may ask, why?"

I stutter. I don't know what to say to him.

"Is it because of your mental state?" He asks.

"What are you going on about Icyhot. I'm fine. Just..walk me home?" I say.

Todoroki shrugs.

He called my Todoroki. He's never done that before. Now he wants me to walk him home. I don't why I'm so excited. It's getting dark he's probably scared.

Wait, why would Bakugou Katsuki be scared? Of the dark no less.

I shrug. "So which direction is your house?"

Bakugou points. "Lets go then." I say snd we start walking. The sky is fully covered in darkness. Even through that darkness I can see Bakugou edging closer to me. I think back.

Ohhh I get it now.

"Get what?" Bakugou says. We're practically touching shoulders.

It's too late to say nothing now.

"It's because you're scared about the league of vil-"

"Shut up." Bakugou tells me.

"So I'm right?"

"I said shut up." He says again.

"I'm just trying to help, and" I'm interrupted again by the explosive boy.

"And I told you I'm fine. I'm not scared." His voice betrays him. He is clearly scared.

"And helping you included knowing what's wrong. It is the league isn't it."



"It's fine Icyhot."

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes before I get an idea.

"Fine then. I guess you won't mind if I leave you to walk the rest of the way by yourself." I turn around and start walking.

"Fine!" Bakugou says.

I walk for a few seconds. I don't get far before he caves.

"Wait." He says. I smile quickly before turning around to him, my smile disappearing.

"Swear not to tell anyone!" I nod.

"Swear on your fucking life." I nod,


"On my life." Bakugou looks around and I catch up to him. We start walking to his house again.

"You're right. It's because of the league."

"You're scared?"

"Fuck no!" He said in instinct. I look at him, an eyebrow raised. He takes a deep breath.

"Yes. Stuff happened. Stuff I never want to happen again. And they did things."

"I get it but.. why are you scared to just walk home by yourself. They aren't going to come get you again, that's just stupid."

"Well I guess they're stupid." Bakugou said, getting closer to Todoroki, he looked around, his breathing was getting heavy.

"Bakugou what happened?"

"Nothing!" I looked at him and saw him shaking.

"Bakugou?" He stopped. I looked at him closer and saw he was...crying?

"Are you alright?"

"I- I'm fi-fine." He stuttered, "let's ke-keep going."

"Bakugou you're not okay."

"No. Th-This happens a-all the time." He spoke.

I thought for a second. I remembered that something close to this has happened to me before. About Endeavor. Bakugou was having a panic attack.

"Bakugou listen to my voice." I told him. Tears just fell down his face as his breathing got heavier. He closed his eyes tight and fell on his knees.

"BAKUGOU!" I try to think of something to say. I can't do what I usually do and be blunt. He'd probably freak out even more.

I take a deep breath. I can't freak out right now. The situation would get worse. "Bakugou, just listen to my voice."

He doesn't respond. I can tell he is trying to focus.

"Just focus on my voice okay." It isn't helping. I do the only thing I can think of. I wrap him in a tight hug, making sure he can hear my heartbeat.

"Focus on my heartbeat okay. Breath along with me. Okay." He starts to calms down. He listens to me as I tell him he's fine. There's no danger.

Eventually he calms down. I'm glad it doesn't take long because it's already dark.

We walk the rest of the way to his place in silence. When we finally get there I watch him walk to the door.

"Hey Half n Half." He says before entering. I keep watching him.

"Don't go telling anyone about tonight or I'll kill you myself." He enters his home and I just smile. I leave.

'God Damnit! I fucking broke down in front of fucking Icyhot.' I look outside the window and see he's gone.

'How could I let him see my like that!?' I grab a piece of paper from the coffee table and rip it in half. After I do this I find words on the paper. I put the torn pieces together. Its a letter from my parents.

They're on a business trip..again. I don't know why I even bother with them. They just write a note that they're gone and leave me with just enough money. I don't spend it on anything. I don't eat after all.

I rip the paper again and again until there's nothing left to rip. I kick the trash can down which causes garbage to fly all over the floor.

Great. First Todoroki and now this. Why am I like this. I walk over to the fridge, why I don't know. Maybe I do want to eat.

I open it and there isn't much. Just an average fridge. Why did I even come over here again? Was I expecting something to happen.

I'm ready to close the door when I see a bottle. Multiple bottles. It's beer.

I shouldn't. I really shouldn't.

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