《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 1


(Y/N)'s POV

UA the school where people can become a hero.I was never interested in becoming a hero.Me and my sister kara actually live with our Aunt and uncle,Mei and Sho Suzuki.Our parents split when we were young and we lived with our mom Hikari tsubaki,we haven't seen our father since the split but I'd much rather live with our father then mei and sho.We were forced to move in with them when one of Kara's stupid friends found out about our mom's drug addiction and called the police.The police ended up finding out that she also had a drinking problem.I sometimes miss living with our mom.Even if the police found out about her addictions,they never found out that me and kara also ended up becoming addicted due to the fact that we were given the drugs and alcohol by force.Kara somehow managed to stop her addiction before it got to bad,I was never able to break the addiction,it just got worse.Me and Kara were forced to go to UA by mei and sho,something that was always overlooked was that









they were associated with the league of villains,no one would expect it because of how "nice" they acted in public.They threatened us to give them information the minute we start our first day at UA.While walking to UA I noticed Kara looked scared."hey (Y/N),what do you think mom is up to?" I never actually thought about what she would be doing right now,it never once crossed my mind."Not really" I said. Kara and I kept walking until we reached UA"well here we are" Kara said. When we walked inside there were students walking around looking for there classes, me and kara both in class 1A. There weren't many people in the class so me and kara took two seats in the back of the class. Slowly people started walking into class,one by one the seats were getting full. In the front of the class there were a few people talking. Class was pretty easy, just people showing off their quirk's. I got 2nd and kara got 5th which was surprising since our quirk's weren't that helpful. Nobody really talked to anyone unless they knew them. something tells me this year is gonna be interesting.

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