《mr lover man (zdh)》19


the four boys sat on the couch with a gold bag in their hand and a box on the table "okay so the bags are four you guys individually and the box is for everyone even us" i said nervously sitting on the love seat in zach's lap across from them

they opened it all at the same time. their were sweaters in each one. plain black on the front but when they turned it around daniel's said 'uncle dani', jonah's said 'uncle jo', jacks said uncle j, and corbyn's said uncle bean.

they all sat there confused as i lifted up the lid of the box revealing the positive tests. daniel screamed while jonah and corbyn's jaw dropped to the floor. and jack just ran to me tackling me and zach into a hug

"NO WAY NO WAY" daniel screamed running over to me picking me up in a hug excitedly. "bro i'm gonna be an uncle!" jonah said excitedly hugging zach.

everyone went around hugging everyone as they gladly excepted the baby Herron into their lives. little did this baby know how much he or she was loved already and how many people are going to love her.

me and zach decided to announce it today with the sweaters and all. we set a tripod taking a bunch of photos even with toby who had a bandana that said 'big brother' on it

we found the best one and wrote a long essay. the same exact one in both our posts

"to the sweet little creature we created.... we are thrilled to announce that we are having a baby. i know it's not something we except to happen so soon but we feel blessed and know that god makes things happen for a reason. we hope you guys support us through our journey in becoming one big happy family. this little boy or girl is going to be so loved and we can't wait to bring our bundle of joy into the world. this means everything to us since recently life have been really rough. we look at this to be the light at the end of the tunnel. the thing little human that completes us. we love you all


ivy and z"

"babe i'm nervous" i said bitting my lip. he kissed my cheek and held his phone next to mine "together" he said. i nodded and we both clicked the share button immediately getting hundreds of notifications. i put my phone away hugging him and he hugged me back before we joined everyone to have some more fun.

the boys unfortunately had to go to record some stuff so i decided to go for a target run. i was walking through the Isles examining everything picking up items i either needed or wanted to try. i walked into the next row and saw the baby isle. it made me smile looking at all the onesies and all the toys but one in particular cause my my eye. a small grey baby elephant. it was too cute bit to buy so i decided it'll be my first gift to my baby.

it's so weird to think that. my baby. i created him or her. i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard two people talking in the other isle

"so what do you think about zach and that whores kid" one voice said snickering "eww zach can do so much better. she's been dating him for fame and she's disgusting and gross anyway. why date a fat whore when you could date anyone else. and now he's stuck with her i feel bad" the other one said while the they both laughed.

my heart dropped to my core making me feel numb. as the voices faded i left the cart full of stuff even the elephant i had just fell in love with and walked out. i still felt numb having no expression. i sat in the car staring into nothing before grabbing my phone and looking at comments under both posts



"so you forced him to get you pregnant so he has to stay"


"i bet it's not even zach's"

"yea she said it's zach 's for the money"

"i always knew she was using him"

"did she really need a kid she's already fat enough"

it was never ending. was there some positives maybe but it was like the negatives were purposely bolder for me to see. i put my phone down and drove home as the comments raced through my head. every single one repeating.

i simply didn't want to function. i laid down in my bed and stared at the wall. maybe they were right maybe he is too good for me, maybe i should leave, i mean why would he want this kid, did i force him to stay with me with having this kid even with covid. i didn't notice my tears were rolling down my cheeks.

two hours of tears just pouring went by but the odd thing was their were no sobs or cries. just my thoughts and my tears that slowly dragged me into a much needed sleep since my brain was getting worn out from the stress

(zachs pov)

"loveyyy i'm home" i said putting my wallet and keys down on the little table by the front door. i waited or a response but didn't get one making me concerned. this girl has to be the reason i'm the man i am today. she truly is the love of my life and i worry and care for her so much. i looked around trying to find her

i opened the door to see her sleeping peacefully in bed. i sat down next to her stroking her hair behind her ear to reveal her red face and tear stones cheeks leading me to be concerned. i changed quickly and put a pair of sweats on before climbing into bed next to her

i scooted closet grabbing her body carefully and resting it on mine holding her so she felt safe. i was sitting there admiring her when i felt a hot fluid hit my bare stomach. i looked at her face to reveal her crying. she gripped onto me harder and sobbed.

"ivory- hey hey hey calm down i'm here now everything is okay" i said stroking her head and rubbing small circles on her back in an attempt to calm her down. she did which caused her to fall asleep

i've never seen ivory in this state of sadness. it made me nervous not knowing what's hurting her but the best i could do was hold her and be there for her when she's ready

a.n w.c: 1185

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