《mr lover man (zdh)》10


i stood there in shock being able to see the tall 6,3 giant i could call my cousin and best friend at my door. he was supposed to come with my parents on Christmas eve "surprise bitch" he said ramming me into a hug lifting me up. tears poured out of my eyes. seeing Caden for the first time in three months was hard. it sucked being in school and not seeing his stupid face every single day "i missed you so much" i cried into his shoulder he laughed and put me down "cmon what did we say no crying" he said wiping my tears. i smacked his hands away laughing and hugged him again. "i just cant believe you here" i said before helping him bring stuff in and settle down.

me and Caden were catching up on everything. college parties, school work, mia... i still hate her but that's besides the point. moments into our conversation a loud knock came from the other side of my door while the door bell was rung too many times to count "who's that" Caden questioned and that's when i realized i had plans with the boys "shit the boys were supposed to come. come sec lemme kick em out" i said standing up about to open the door "no no i wanna see them again let them stay we can all hang out" Caden said smiling

i nodded and opened the door to reveal the 5 and they call came in hugging me saying hi "ago Caden's back" daniel said going and dabbing up Caden "sup bro" they all had there bro moment saying hello again and we all decided to catch up. "ivy i miss Santa Monica pier we need to go back" Caden said grabbing my shoulders shaking me back and forth as we all stood around the island causing everyone to laugh "hey why don't we go now" corbyn said. everyone nodded and we decided to all head out and meet up on the pier.


me and Caden are sitting on the beach tanning still filling each other in on life "so did zach ask you out yet" i went red but thanks to us tanning Caden didn't notice. "i don't think he sees me the same way he's not gonna ask me out" i huffed "yea okay u guys are literally a married couple" Caden laughed "i bet you he's gonna ask you out within the next two days" he said sitting up putting his hand out to shake "i'm not betting on something like that" i said flipping over onto my stomach "fine but i'm calling it now he's gonna" Caden said grabbing a drink

after a few more minutes i sat up grabbing a drink "what about mia how is she" Caden huffed not responding "that bad huh" i said rubbing his shoulder trying to comfort him "she cheated" i sat there in shock "i'm- im so sorry" "no i'm sorry i didn't tell you. you were right about how she wasn't good for me and i should've listened to you" "no you have nothing to apologize for i'm here for you no matter what" i said hugging him he hugged me back and that's when we heard the scream of the 5 familiar voices

"FIRST TO THE WATER GETS 100 BUCKS" jack yelled all 6 boys ran while i sat back laughing moments later zach ran over "come on ivy" he said smiling putting his hand out for me to grab. i put my hand in his hand but before he could run with me i stopped him "but i'm not going in the water" i said sternly but with a smile "yea OKAY" he sad lifting me over his shoulder. i screamed so loud trying to hold on for dear life and moments later i was under the water with zach. i quickly got up grabbing onto his neck as we both were hysterical laughing


zach looked into my eyes smiling. he grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer he looked from my eyes to my lips and leaned in. it was finally happening i leaned it but zach qui pulled away since daniel came behind him and screamed "CHICKEN FIGHT" oh daniel...i've never wanted to kill you more :)

after a few hours of chicken fights, sand castle battles, and just goofing off we all decided to go to the amusement park. we were all having fun going on rides and playing games till the sun went down. we all decided to go on the ferris wheel. "two at a time" the lady said to us realizing we were a pretty big group. Caden refused to go because he was scared of Heights anyway so he sat for a few and waited for us. corbyn and jonah went together, jack and daniel went together, and me and zach went together.

me and zach sat down he grabbed my hand and i leaned my head on his shoulder taking in the view as we went up "ivory" zach said making me face him "what's up" i said smiling. as the ferris wheel stopped right on top zach looked me in the eyes and leaned in putting his lips onto my mine. i was shocked at first but i kissed back. he pulled away smiling like a little dork "you don't know how long i've wanted to do that for" zach said still looking like a little kid in a candy store "me too i wanted to kill daniel in the water" we both laughed and h grabbed my hand again "ivory....i really really like you. i never knew what it was like to really have a crush on someone until i met you" i sat there smiling from ear to ear "i really like you too" i said my heart still filled with butterflies "sooooo" zach said rubbing the back of his neck making me giggle "will you be my girlfriend" i nodded and leaned in kissing him again. zach pulled away and looked out to the view of the sky "wow we've been up here for awhile" i said looking down we both laughed as the ride slowly went down and revealed our friend group anxiously waiting for us to come down "well" jonah said hesitant "i said yes" i laughed out causing our whole group to cheer Caden came up to me hugging me "i told you so" he said causing me to roll my eyes and hug him back when Caden said "my best friend is finally happy"...


it's sad how single i feel WRITING THE BOOK

w.c: 1113

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