《mr lover man (zdh)》7


(a month later)

this past month has been a blast. me and the boys have gotten super super close we hang out all the time back and forth from my place to theres i've been to the studio watching them record and i've even witness them make a music video for one of the songs in the new album. me and zach have gotten extremely close. ever since that night i knew i could trust him. i trust all the boys but zach is....let's just say something special.

about two weeks ago i started classes at chapman. i met this one girl summer and her boyfriend Matteo who is in a frat in my chem class and it's nice to have a girl friend in la especially since i'm around these boys 24/7 which i love but it's like being around 5 older brothers that bully you on a day to day basis. her boyfriend invited me and the boys to a party this weekend which should be fun. i packed up my stuff in my house and headed out to drive over to the boys house.

i stepped out of my car and walked up to the front door i knocked once but before i could even knock again the door swung up and i was engulfed into a hug. i didn't recognize who it was until i smelled the familiar sent of zach 's cologne "hello to you to zach" making the both of us laugh. "BRO" corbyn screamed standing up from the video on the tv screen "you literally just threw the WHOLE GAME" he said to jack his voice slowly getting louder. "noooooo YOU did" jack tried arguing back but before things got out of hand i sat in corbyn's seat "hey boys" i smiled "hey ivy" corbyn said smiling before he glared back at jack who was giving me a hug "are all of u guys ready for the party tonight" i asked trying to lighten the mood. a collection of yeses and cheers came from all five boys as they headed over to sit on the couch

"hey ivy i wanted to hang out today first" zach said sitting on the ground right by my feet i ruffled his hair and nodded and he smiled up at me and faced his head towards the tv "let's watch a movie" daniel said picking up the remote. everyone agreed and we all picked a comedy movie of course. "wait let me you the bathroom quickly" i said standing up fast making sure not to kick zach in the face.


after a quick restroom break i opened the door and in come zach stumbling in make me trip over my feet. i brace myself from the impact my body might feel from hitting the floor but to my surprise i didn't feel anything. i open my eyes to reveal zach 's arms around my waist. "caught ya" he said laughing i gave him a glare but laughed in the end

"how many times have we told you to not lean on the door when your waiting for the bathroom" corbyn said. i quickly stoop up red in the face and headed out back to my seat. zach and corbyn came back about a minute later sitting back in there spots. i leaned back on zach as his arms snaked around my waist making me smile.

after the movie finished i looked up to see a sleeping zach i looked over to the others and noticed they were sleeping too. only one thing went through my mind....prank time. first i had to wake up daniel because me and him are just too good at this stuff i shuffled out of zach 's grip and went over to the loveseat daniel was on lightly shaking him awake. all i received was a mumble "Daniel let's do a prank" and just like that it was like a light bulb switched on in daniel's head as he got up and followed me into the kitchen "so i'm thinking ice water" i said daniel agreed and we both said we would get two people. i would get zach and corbyn while daniel got jonah and jack.

we got some on the biggest bowls we could find filling them up with the coldest tap water setting then adding ice cubes. we slowly headed over struggling to hold up the two large bowls each and positioned ourselves. "1....2....3!" i yelled pouring the water on the boys. they all abruptly got up as me and daniel looked at each other and booked it daniel locked himself in the bathroom while i ran up and hid in zach's closet behind a bin.

i was really hidden. jonah and jack found daniel in an instant tackling him till they felt they were satisfied meanwhile the other two were looking for me. a mix of "IVORY WHERE TF ARE YOU" and "YOUR GONNA PAY" came from the two boys as they continued their search and that's when zach came in his room. i stayed as quiet as possible. he looked upset his bed and desk and in the closet. i swore he looked at me but he shut the door and shut the light off in his room. i chuckled and slowly stood up opening the closet door next thing you know i was engulfed in an extremely wet hug"GOTCHA" zach ... i screamed trying to get out of his grip but he was just not letting go of my waist i stopped fighting and looked him in the eye "now i'm all wet" i said pouting "don't worry it's just your shirt you can borrow one of mine" he said kissing my cheek making me flustered before grabbing my favorite shirt of his and handing it to me. "th-a-nks" i stuttered making him laugh "i'm gonna get dressed and we can head out" he said walking to the bathrooms waving me flustered in his room.


i put on his shirt and he changed into some sweats and a tee and we both headed out. "where are we going?" i questioned not recognizing where we were. even though i'm still new here i wasn't too familiar with new places "that's a surprise love" he said still looking straight on putting his hand on my tight. hearing him call me love made my heart flutter in ways words cannot describe. this has been a feeling i've been feeling recently and i know it might just be a little to soon but jeez i think i have a crush. but i know he doesn't feel the same way.

"we're here" he stated. i looked up to see just woods all around us "so you came here to kill me" i said he chucked and out out of the car. i followed him out and followed as he walked towards the path in front of us. next thing you know we were face to face with the most beautiful waterfall. it wasn't big at all it was actually pretty small but the scenery was quite beautiful. "zach this place- it's gorgeous" i said sitting on the large rock "glad you like it" he said walking over to me and sitting across from me "this is my secret hide out i guess no one else knows about it but i come here when i need a break from uh reality" he said look out i stood up and walked closer to the water fall.

moments later i felt arms snake around my wait. i turned to face the brown eyes boy and snakes my arms around his neck. the space between us was now non existent as he looked into my eyes. i wanted to lean in so badly. the temptation was so strong but the ring of a cell phone went off causing us to snap out of it. my face went bring red as zach checked his phone and answered "hey bro....yea...okay yea i'll come by now" i turned to see him hang up "we gotta get going the part starts soon" he said smiling reaching out for my hand. i smiled and nodded grabbing his hand as we walked back to my car. i dropped zach off and headed back to my place. as soon as i entered i felt my phone buzz and revealed a call from Caden. i answered the face time and set my phone down as i got ready


sooo i actually have covid LMAO didn't see that one coming but yea i'm to the one person reading this. i hope it's good


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