《The Outlaw》Chapter 7


As they all headed back, it was completely quiet, Kakashi had made Gaara sit next to him in the buggy just to keep an extra eye on the man.

He was a complete idiot letting the outlaw even breathe the same air as his lil brother. He glanced back to see Naruto hunched over with a sad expression-no if anything it was an embarrassed one. What had that red-headed bastard done? If he had so much as touched a strand of golden hair on Naruto's head he would make sure the years he spent in prison look like a walk in the park. The only relief of tension throughout the ride was the noise of the bumpy terrain they passed, or Iruka mumbling to himself in ways he could defuse the issue at hand.

Eventually, they all made it back, the barbed wire fence was first to greet them, and the large gate that was opened to let the buggy in. As the vehicle came to a stop, Kakashi wasted no time to physically show his anger, as he moved to the passenger side grabbing Gaara's collar and basically tossing him on the floor. Gaara's body landed on the dry dirt which sent plumes of dust flying, with an almost comical thud. Iruka shrieked at the action, he had never seen this side of the man. On the other hand, Naruto rushed off the buggy and grabbed one of the elder brothers arms before he decided to use them to high-five Gaara's face.

"Naruto, let me go!", Kakashi gritted between his teeth.

"No, No!....he didn' do anything please", Naruto begged.

"Then why won't you tell me why you were crying!", he answered.

"I-I-I.........no please...... believe me it was nothing", Naruto explained.

"That's not an answer!", Kakashi pushed Naruto away using the hand Naruto was clinging onto. The blonde tripped backwards, falling down hitting the side of the buggy.


"Young Master!", gasped Iruka, running to his side trying to comfort him.

Upon seeing this Gaara, sat up and leaned his head forward as he said, " Please Sir, It was my fault, I was teasing him, making him cry, it was due to my lack of good judgment, I'll accept your punishment".

This did not seem to cool his anger as he grabbed his collar again taking him away from the scene.

"No!", Naruto yelled but was held back by Iruka who's eyes cast a fearful gaze, of what would happen if Naruto interrupted him again.


Gaara let himself be dragged by the grey-haired man in compliance. As they step on what seemed to be the barn that stored hay bales, the boy was once again thrown down. But in his mind, he was at least grateful that the ground was covered in hay. Bracing himself as two punches landed on his left cheek. Gaara could hear ringing resounding in his ear and the slight smell of iron.

Still, he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Kakashi seemed satisfied by only those punches, as opposed to the several consecutive ones he was used to. Slowly the grey-haired man raised and slowly walked out the barn pulling out a cigarette butt to light.

"Will you tell the judge?", Gaara simply asked as he saw the man walk.

Kakashi stopped to take one big puff of the joint and blew the smoke out his mouth.

"You're just as low as they get, a complete bum, it would be foolish to expect someone like you to heed to simple words. So let this be an example of the consequences to your actions. Next time I see you near my brother, I won't send you off to jail but in a casket", Kakashi warned as he left.


Gaara laid there for several minutes taking in the peaceful silence that he hadn't encountered since his arrival to the God-forsaken place. He had gotten out the prison sure, but his life had grown 100 times more complex, every problem and obstacle he faced seemed to direct themselves to that boy. It seemed the thought of him made the pain in his cheek all that more painful.


lol....sorry short chapter

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