《The black phone x reader》Robin's ending


You continued on with your normal school day you got bored in class so you and Vance messed around for a bit you were just waiting to go to Gwen's house later but you day felt so long the bell rang and you started walking to lunch the one kinda exciting thing but once again Finn sat with Donna and you sat with Gwen but today vance joined you 2 "uh Yn did you ask vance to sit with us?" Gwen said nervously "yeah he's my friend and it's not like Finn is here" you replied back "I guess that's true he's with Donna" Gwen replied back in an annoyed tone you felt someone tap on your back you looked back and saw Robin "uh could you and I talk somewhere else?" He asked nervously "uh ok?" You replied back but still confused as you got up you heard Gwen and vance talking "I think you would look nice in converse" he said out of the blue Gwen just tilted her head in confusion

"so why did you need me?" You asked Robin "ok well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the drive in with me later" he said still nervous as first you were a bit hesitant because you had to go to Gwen's house but you thought you could tell her and she would understand "sure" you replied back to Robin you saw a smiled grow on his face you started to walk off back to your table trying to hold in your excitement "hey Yn" you heard Gwen say as you sat back at the table "hey Gwen do you mind if I skip the sleepover today?" You asked "wait isn't the sleepover like traditional isn't it like Christmas?" Yeah heard vance say in confusion but that got you and Gwen laughing "I don't get it what's so funny?" He asked still confused "uh nothing" you replied "also yeha I don't mind if you skip" Gwen replied to your question "perfect" you said


"Why are you skipping though?" Gwen asked since she knew you had just talked to Robin "nothing just plans" you said smiling "wait your going on a date with Robin ?" He asked "yeah" replied back still smiling "wait Robin Arellano" he asked again "yeah" you replied once again the bell rand and you guys walked to class but then you remembered you didn't ask Robin what movie but that didn't matter to you as long as it wasn't a scary movie you were fine you continued on with your day and once the final bell rang you walked out of class and started to head home with Gwen and Finn vance wasn't there since Finn was terrified of vance "you know for a kid that's murdered a child abductor I don't get how your scared of vance" you said to Finn "because the grabber was scary at first but then when he died he wasn't scary anymore to me because I killed him" Finn replied "how come you aren't scared of Robin then?" Gwen asked jumping into the conversation "because I'm friends with Robin I have nothing to fear" Finn said with confidence "yeah and I'm friends with vance i have nothing to fear" you said with as much confidence Finn did

"Whatever" Finn said you walked into your house and started to get ready for the drive in by get ready you just got into different clothes and combed your hair you didn't dress in a dress you were wearing pants and a shirt nothing much

Time skip to the drive in

Robin came by your house at 8:00 so you guys could head to the drive in he knocked on your door and saw a big dog run towards him "SHARY NO" you heard Javon yell you slammed the door put the dog in Jays room then walked outside "uh sorry about that Javon found a dog and we kept him so the dogs just getting used to everything" you explained to Robin "no it's fine but doesn't the dog have a name?" Robin asked you sighed then said "sharky" Robin laughed then opened the truck door for you to get in (it's was his uncles truck) you guys talked as his uncle drove you guys to the drive in you got in the back of the truck when you got there "hey Robin what movie is it?" You asked him "Texas chainsaw massacre" he replied


"Why?" He asked "no reason" you said "wait where's your uncle?" You asked him "oh he's off with some girl that's why I'm allowed to invite someone he never watches the movie with me he just takes me and usually I invite Finn" he replied back to you "oh"you said later on in the movie you got a bit scared and a bit cold "are you cold"Robin asked "no" you replied but Robin didn't believe you "here"he said handing you his jacket you smiled "thanks" you said "would it be to straightforward to say I like you?" Robin asked "no not really" you said as you looked at him "well I like you Yn ever since I saw you I couldn't get you out of my head" he said "I mean that's why I got jealous when I saw you with Vance last night" he said looking at you " Robin I like you too but me and vance are friends I tutor him that's it the only reason we were together last night is because we hung out and lost track of time" Robin seemed shocked about what you said

But a second later he kissed you you pulled away to look at his eyes then you kissed him back you guys both enjoyed it

After the movie ended you went back to your house "thanks for coming Yn i really like you" Robin said as he smiled "I like you too Robin" you said as you kissed him one more time "I'll see you later" you said "I'll see you around" he replied back

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