《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 27


Chapter 27: We need to talk.

''How do I look?'' I asked my mom for the millionth time since I put the dress on. We were now back from shopping and I must say,it was really nice catching up with my mom although we didn't talk about anything out of the ordinary,just random stuff. She even suggested that I should get back with James which I told her was not possible. Somehow she still thinks I want him back,she's convinced that he may be my mate...too bad I know who my mate is.

''For the millionth time,you look great. The dress really fits perfectly.'' my mom said putting on her make-up.

I was really nervous. I tried asking my mom several times if I could stay behind,but she wouldn't agree,so I stopped complaining. After all,it'll only be for a few hours since we have to be back before it gets dark.

I was wearing a dark purple strapless dress which fell mid thigh,with black sandals and my hair was tied in a bun. I never really liked leaving my hair down,I always preferred it in a pony tail.

Why? I don't know.

''Are you ready to get going?'' my mom asked. I just looked at her and walked past her without saying anything and went downstairs.

''Ugh come on sweetheart,how bad can this be. It's not like you don't get along with Mr Garner or Julia. They're amazing people,I'm sure you'll be fine.'' she followed me downstairs as she spoke. I really hated my mom some times.

''Whatever mom. Let's just get this over with.'' I walked to the kitchen and took a glass of water,taking it all down at once.

''Okay,let's go.'' I said as I followed my mom out of the house.

For some reason,my mom decided to take the car instead of walking,even though it was only four blocks away.

''So what's Mr Garner like as a teacher?'' my mom asked as we pulled out of the garage.


''Cool I guess.'' I shrugged and glanced outside the window.

I guess my mom got the message and stopped talking to me. I really wasn't in the mood to talk,especially about Mr Garner. After what happened yesterday,I don't even know what to think. I know for a fact that it's gonna be awkward seeing him,gosh I really do hate my mom for putting me through this,then again she doesn't even have a hint about my issues with him.

My phone vibrated in my hand and when I checked,I saw that it was a text from James.He wanted to meet tonight.

''Is it okay if I go with James to the forest tonight?'' I asked my mom.

''Sure,why not.''she wiggled her eyebrows at me. Now that's more like my mom. Canada was really giving us a fresh start,my mom was becoming more like the mother I used to have before we Lost dad and that made me the happiest person on earth.

I rolled my eyes at her and texted James back.

The car came to a halt and I noticed that we had arrived at the 'Amazing Garners' as my mom call them.

''Ready?'' she looked at me.

''Yeah,let's go.'' we exited the car and I also noticed that there were several cars outside their yard,which meant that there might be a lot of people inside.

I took a deep breath before following my mom inside after she had rang the bell. My mom couldn't stop smiling.

We were greeted by Julia,who was wearing a white floral dress,that revealed her perfectly shaped body and her long beautiful legs. The woman was such a goddess. Sometimes I hate myself for even thinking that I could beat that,but to be honest for me it wasn't about the looks,I guess if maybe Mr Garner could see me....there I go again. I just keep hurting myself by thinking of him but it's not like I can help it.

''Uh Charlene..'' I was pulled out of my thoughts by my mom waving a hand in front of me.


Julia was just smiling happily beside her.

''Yeah what?'' I replied.

''Can I get you anything to drink?'' Julia asked. she was really beautiful,I felt so...ugly?

''Uhm no I'm fine thanks.''I replied looking around.

''Well let me just show you around. Are you coming with Charlane?'' Julia asked nicely.

I shook my head,''And it's Charlene,not -lane.'' I corrected politely but deep down I wanted to curse her for getting my name wrong.

the poor lady didn't do anything wrong and yet I was starting to hate her or was it my wolf.

She just chuckled slightly as she walked away with my mom.

I watched them as they disappeared through the living room,smiling and talking like they didn't just meet a few days ago.

I walked around,hoping that maybe I might find someone of my age,but none. I wonder why my mom dragged me here.

''Boo!'' someone tried to scare me from behind but failed terribly.

When I turned around I was met by a tall brunette guy,who looked similar to Mr Garner...must be his brother..

. I thought.

He looked at me like he was expecting something,''What?'' I asked him blankly.

''Aren't you gonna scream?'' he rolled his eyes at me.

''No,why would I do that for?''now it was My turn to roll my eyes.

''Whatever,NVM. I'm Logan, and I'm single.'' he stretched his hand out for me to shake it.

I complied and he took it and kissed it on the back. I tried to hold back my laughter but ended up smiling widely,chuckling.

''I believe you also have a name...'' he looked at me expectantly. He was quiet handsome like 'my chemistry teacher',only he had brown eyes instead of blue.

''I'm Charlene.'' I said,taking my hand out of his.

''Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.'' he tucked his hands into his pockets,looking even more handsome.

''So what's a girl like you doing in a place like this.''he said with a sing-song tone.

I just smiled,''I was actually dragged here by my mom.''

''That makes the two of us,but I had no choice since Jonathan is my brother.'' He sighed heavily.

I laughed a little,''I could tell,you look familiar.''

''Only I'm more handsome. How do you know him?''

''I don't,my mom does...I think''

''Poor thing,you came to a pre-wedding celebration of a stranger.''

''Not really,Mr Garner is my teacher.'' I said,shrugging.

''Oh wow,this should be interesting,but we'll get to that later. How old are you?''

''17 and taken.'' I smirked.

''Ohw..who's the lucky guy?''

''None of your business.'' He pretended to gasp.

''I'm kidding,I'm single.''

I saw Jonathan walking towards us and he looked so angry and frustrated.

My wolf was going insane upon sensing his presence. His scent hitting my nostrils and causing me to swallow hard to calm myself down.

Logan looked at where I was looking,''Hey bro,meet my new girlfriend.''he hung his hand around my shoulder,as Jonathan reached us.

''Logan could you go help in the kitchen,I need to speak to Charlene.'' his voice was so stiff and tense. I was shocked that he wanted to talk to me. Was there anything we needed to talk about in particular or was the full moon affecting him as much as it was me?

Logan was about to protest when he narrowed his eyes at him. He sighed and started to walk away,"I'll talk to you in a bit okay." He said to me and I just nodded.

He seemed to relax after Logan has left. Someone is possessive.

I just stood there with Mr Garner awkwardly. He just stared at me,looking me up and down.

I felt so exposed and just wanted to hide. He made me so insecure in a very nice way. I just hope he didn't think I looked ridiculous

in the dress.






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