《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate: Chapter 14


Chapter 14: No bunking!

"Come on and join us." I urged James dragging him to our table. Jess and Luke were still surprised and they followed us to the table.

"Guys, this is Jamie. This is Jessica and Lucas." I introduced them as I took a seat.

"Jamie!!?" they both replied at the same time, a little shocked. What the hell was going on with them?

"Really?" James replied smiling at me.. I knew he hated the nickname so I just looked at him laughing lightly. I don't think I have ever felt so happy since arriving here.

"Still hate it?" I asked picking my sandwich from the plate and shoving it in my mouth.

"Oookay...what's going on?" Jess asked unable to hold her suspicions in any longer.

"Jamie and I..."

"Charlene and I..."

We said in unison,"You go first." I told him, taking a sip of my drink.

Jess and Luke were still startled, waiting for an explanation.

I took a look around and noticed that Mr Garner had left the cafeteria, his lunch left untouched on the table.

Odd...or is it jealousy?

For some reasons I felt like I owed him an explanation, but I waved the thought away, looking back at James. I was not going to let Jonathan ruin my day.

"Well, me and Charl used to date. But it was a long time ago..." James explained.

"Charlene you are such an ass, you've only been here for what? Two days and already you're dating one of the school's most wanted guy, what's your secret?" Jess blurted out.

I looked at James at the same time he was looking at me and we both burst into laughter.

"It's not like that Jessy..." James said, calming himself down from our little out burst.

"Oh my...you know my name?" Jess cut James off as he was trying to explain.


The idea of James being popular really unsettled me. Back in the Chicago he was just another random guy. My random guy. The only thing that made him a bit noticeable was because he played football and most of the students who knew him were from our pack.

I guess a lot has changed after three years.

"Jess, it was three years ago." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Let me get this straight, you used to date this guy?" Luke asked pointing at James. The whole thing seemed to have taken him aback.

"Actually yeah. She was my girl." James wrapped his arms around my shoulder proudly, making me look at him smiling happily.

"Oh-kay. This is weird." Jess looked at us, then Luke and back at us.

"Not really,Charl's father used to train me."

James said and my whole body stiffened when he mentioned my dad.

After James left for Canada, we lost contact a year after, so he didn't know about my dad's passing.

He and my dad used to be close, when James discovered that he was a werewolf after he'd lost his parents, he struggled with the adaptations and my dad was there to help him. Teaching him all that he needed to know about being a werewolf. He even took him in our pack.

"Train you!?" Luke and Jess asked.

"Didn't she tell you?"James asked looking at me.

"Tell us what?"

"Uh nothing, it's nothing. It's just...James and my dad used to be close, that's all." I looked at James to give him a warning look and he seemed to understand my gesture.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to have you back."Jess commented, looking at me.

"Actually,m y dad died not more than a year ago." I stared down on the table, pulling up a sad smile. Great, now I wasn't so hungry anymore.

"What?" James looked at me shocked.


"Charl, I'm so sorry...I don't know what to say-I-just..." James was astonished, not knowing what to say. He looked at me sympathetically and I almost slapped him for forgetting that I did not like it when people pitied me.

He enveloped me in a tight hug.

When I looked around over his shoulder every eye in the cafeteria was on us. 'He must be really popular' I thought to myself. And I guessed the fact that he was hugging me made everyone curious.

He let me go after a moment, cupping my face in his hands,"Charles,I'm so sorry." James said honestly.

I just shrugged. Not really wanting to talk about it. Fortunately the bell rang ,signaling the end of lunch, saving me from embarrassing myself by crying.

"We should get to class." I said standing up.

I ignored their pity looks and grabbed my bag.

They all looked at me sadly, but Jess being Jess wanted to lighten up the mood,"So James, how do you even know that I exist? I mean I thought you didn't know me." Jess walked close to James as we made our way out of the cafeteria and Luke kept giving me sad smiles.

I looked at Luke and we both smiled, amused by Jess' reaction to James. Clearly, she was smitten by James.

"I keep a list of the sexiest girls in school and you're on it." James replied, causing me and Luke to look at them both laughing.

When did James develop a sense of humor?

Jess was blushing terribly and giggling.

We ignored them as they continued with their casual conversation, Jessica turning red to the tips of her red at James' lame compliments.

We reached our next class, which was English. I shared it with both Jess and Luke and James had to go to Phys. Ed..

"Well I guess I'll see you guys later." James winked at Jess, I think she might have turned redder. I had no idea how that was possible. I nodded, smiling at him.

"What's your next class after this one?" Jess asked James, her voice a little different.

Was she really that into him?

"I have Chemistry." James replied. He was toying with her and I didn't like how responsive Jess was to all his silly games.

"I got chemistry too with Charles." Luke said, looking at me and smiling.

"I guess I'm the only one who got Calculus." Jess pouted her lips, pretending to be sad.

"Well I guess I'll see you guys in an hour then." James took off and we all rushed to English class.

The class was not all bad, but I felt like it went by quickly, probably because of my reluctance to my next class.

I sighed as the bell rang, closing my scrap book on which I was drawing a picture of Mr Garner, which was something I've been doing since our first kiss.

"Are you coming?" Luke asked,as Jess ran out,not wanting to be late presumably or was she after some guy?

"Yeah,I'll catch up with you."I replied.

He nodded and made his way out of the class.

I exited the class,not thinking twice about bunking my next class. I just couldn't keep torturing myself. What if I lost control of my wolf? Or what if he just came closer to me and made me lose control? That just wouldn't turn out too good.

I was walking swiftly to the library when I turned a corner and came face to face with Mr Garner.

I clumsily drooped my scrap book and all the other books I had in my hands dropped on their own accord.

This guy seemed to be everywhere. And he somehow had the power of turning me into a complete klutz.

Why can't I just be left alone?

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