《He's My Mate And An Alpha's Son》Chapter 21


Devon's P.O.V

"In the kitchen with May" Luna Bella tells me.

This confuses me but I turn and and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

It's empty but I hear voices coming from the living area.

I head through the door out of the kitchen and in to the living room.

Sitting on the couch is Aidan, but he's not alone.

There sitting on his lap is a girl. About his age or a little younger with long brown hair.

She's smiling at Aidan and laughing. Aidan is staring at her and laughing too but seems to sense my presence.

Before looking to see me, he sits up an situates himself in a sort of protective stance in front of the girl. Blocking her from my view.

He looks up and sees me. He smiles but keeps his stance in front of the girl.

"Hey bud. What's up?" I ask Aidan.

"Hey dad. Just hanging out" he says. Making no introduction between me and the girl.

I see a hand appear on Aidan's shoulder.

Aidan looks over his shoulder with a slight frown on his face.

A few seconds later the girl steps around Aidan.

"Hi. I'm May." She says holding out her hand.

I'm caught of guard by her introducing herself but compose myself and shake her hand.

"Devon. You must be Lewis' youngest." I say.

"That's me" she says smiling when I mentioned her fathers name.

"Dad" I look over at Aidan. "May is my mate."

"What?! Really?" I ask.

"Yep" May says smiling at me.

Aidan stands up and walks round to stand beside May. He then slips his arm around her waist and looks at me, waiting for me to say something.

My blank expression turns in to a huge grin.


"Congratulations!" I say.

"Thanks dad." Aidan says.

"Your mother will be so happy when you tell her. And she'll want to meet May too." I rush out.

"Dad slow down. When is mum coming here so we can go to the beach?" He asks.

"Um. She'll probably come later today or tomorrow. I will call her and find out. Oh and that reminds me. Nate is going to be so excited!" I say referring to my youngest son Nathaniel.

"Oh yea. I guess." He says, smiling a little.

"Um. Sorry to cut in but who's Nate?" May asks.

"Oh sorry. Nate, or Nathaniel. Is my little brother." Aidan explains.

"Oh ok. You have a brother?" She asks.

"Yea. He's 4." Aidan says, smiling at her.

"Aww. I'd love to meet him." She says, grinning at him.

"I'm sure he'd love to meet you."

She smiles and I kind of decide it's time to leave.

"Well I'm gonna go call your mum. It was a pleasure to meet you May." I tell them.

"The pleasure is all mine Alpha Devon."

I smile at them both and turn to exit.

I head up the stairs to the room I'm staying in and grab out my phone.


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