《He's My Mate And An Alpha's Son》Chapter 3


Aidan's P.O.V

The party has just started but the house is already full. I was surprised when I arrived at how small the pack was, 100 at most compared to the 250 in my pack. But it all seemed like one big family. However adding in the 5 other allied packs plus the pack I am in. Makes over 600 people.

I grab a can of coke from the drinks table and sit on the porch out the front.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see a girl with lifeless blonde hair and a face caked with makeup she's wearing a skimpy dress that could pass as a shirt.

"I'm Katarina, and you are?" she asks in what I think is meant to be seductive voice. I ignore her and brush her hand off then stand up an walk away.

Ugh why can't we just find out mate so we don't always have to go through this? my wolf asks.

I sigh and keep walking only to stop in my tracks a few seconds later. I stopped because the most mouthwatering smell hit my nose. It smelt like a mixture of roses and vanilla. Mate my wolf says and I can hear a smile in his voice.

I looked around for the source of the smell to discover (from following the scent) that my mate had waved through the crowd and gone out the back door.

I followed the scent through two trees that formed a sort if arch with vines of flowers and ivy hanging down.

Stepping through the flowers and ivy I arrive in a small clearing that has a large porch swing in the middle that looked like it could fit two people, facing away from me.

Guessing my mate was sitting there, I silently walked around it.


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