《Set Apart》Chapter 12~


I heard my alarm and wanted to scream. I didn't mind going to school because the boys made it bearable, but I hated waking up. I eventually rolled out of bed and threw on a black David Bowie shirt with some high wasted mom jeans and a jean jacket. I left my hair down and put on some black converse shoes. Once I got done with my outfit I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

"Hey honey." I looked over to my dad to see he made waffles. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine. But I gotta meet the boys at Cory's house so i'll just grab two of these to go." I grabbed two of the waffles and took a bite out one of them. "Bye dad!" I said with a full mouth.

"Bye Crissy."

I finished my waffles as I made my way to the bozos' house. When I walked in the boys turn to me and I see Shawn with sideburns. "Good Morning Chewbacca."

He nudges me on the shoulder. "Hey they make me look older and more mature." He says touching them.

"They make you look like you taped two squirrels to your face."

Just then Eric came down the stairs with a paper in his hand.

"Is that a marriage certificate? Where do I sign?" I go to grab the paper but Eric snatches it away from me.

"Still too young Crissy."

"I didn't seem to young yesterday when your elevator eyes saw me at the door step." I cross my arms and his eyes widened.

"That was a momentary lapse of judgment."

"That was a momentary realization of true love." I blew him a kiss and Cory gagged.

"Anyway, this paper is for Cory." He handed it to his brother. "Sign this."

Cory started to read it out loud. "With regard to my brother Eric Matthews, hereafter referred to as 'O Great One' I, Cory Matthews, hereafter referred to as 'Insignificant Speck' pledge never to contact the Great One verbally or non verbally during all school hours from this day forward forever and ever. Amen."


Mr. Matthews overheard the letter from the table. "Nice to see you're looking out for your brother in the first day."

"Oh come on dad, word gets out im related to a 7th grader, I lose all my status. I might as well strap on a tuba and play in the band."

Mrs. Matthews glared at Eric. "So your social status means more to you than your brother?"

"Oh mom look, I don't like walking all over Cory any more than you do. It's just to keep up appearances." He stood up and put his arm around Cory. "He's my brother of course I love him." He fake smiles and goes to put his bowl in the sink. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys come on let's go before we're late."

We finally get to school after about 20 minutes of walking. Cory turns the doorknob and opens the door. "This is it! High school! What happens to us now will determine our entire futures."

"You say that like that's not the most nerve racking thing." I said.

"Are my sideburns on straight?" Shawn was being self conscious about them the whole way over.

"Hunter, the beavers on your face are looking as good as they're gonna get." He glared at me.

"Shawn don't worry it's just a school." Just then a kid in nothing but his underwear and shoes walks past us. "A very revealing school."

The kid went up to us looking mad. "The seniors took my clothes."


"Just cause i'm a new guy."

Cory put his hand to his chest. "Well i'm a new guy."

"Good luck to ya." He walks away and Cory starts to look nervous.

"Umm Cor?" Shawn looks at Cory worried.

"Don't worry, he must've had it coming. He must've done something." Just then some really intimidating tall senior picks Cory up by his shirt and pins him against the locker.


"What'd I do?"

"You were almost in my way."

Cory sees me step closer to try and stop this and shakes his head at me. He pulls out his notepad and flips a page over. "You're Frankie Stechino right?"

He puts Cory down. "Yeah how'd you know?"

Cory looks down at his notepad. "Strong territorial sense." He reads.

Shawn steps next to Cory. "We were just looking for our homeroom."

One of Frankie's friends points to the lockers. "It's in there." Shawn points to the lockers and his friend nods his head.

Shawn walks over the the locker and opens it. "Thank you, thank you very much. Hey look i'm the first one here." He steps inside the locker and closes it. I roll my eyes. Frankie looks at me.

"What are you rolling your eyes at?"

"Yeah the whole intimidating thing isn't gonna work on me like it does on my friends here so i'd just move along boys."

"These are your friends?" Frankie asked.

"Yup." I crossed my arms and looked unfazed.

"Well why were they almost in my way."

Cory politely cut in. "Well if we were in our home rooms we wouldn't be anywhere near your way."

Frankie scrunched his eyebrows together. "What are you saying?"

His friend taps him on the shoulder. "I think he's saying that if he was someplace else, he wouldn't be here."

Frankie looks at him. "What? Are you saying i'm gay?"

"No! Nah, I didn't say that. Come on let's finish em off."

Frankie starts to walk away. "No I need to be alone with my thoughts." His friend follows him out. Cory turns around and opens the locker that Shawn was hiding in the whole time.

"I think we can go know." Cory said as he opened the locker.

"I think I feel a lot safer in here." Just then a group of girls walked by us. "But the view is better out here."

"Coward." I said as he slid out.

"At least I wasn't dumb enough to talk to him like you."

"What was so dumb about what I did?"

"You could've gotten killed."

"Please I bet those guys don't have the balls to lay a finger on me."

"Guys that doesn't matter. If Harley Kiner is the biggest and meanest guy in school. Then who were those two that almost killed us?"

"What if they were the nice guys." Shawn looked worried. "What if they were the welcoming committee?"

"What is this place?" Cory said.

I saw Topanga tap both boys on the shoulders, they both turned around and yelled. She said hi and they both opened their arms to hug her.

"TOPANGA!" Cory said relieved.

"What's with you guys?" She asked.

"We just missed you that's all. Here, you and Cris can walk in front of us." They shoved Topanga and I in front of them and out of the corner of my eyes I saw Shawn staring at Topanga and I which made me a bit uncomfortable.

"What are you staring at?" Topanga finally turned around and said. Thank God.

"Nothing." Shawn tried to play off. "New blouse?"

"Yeah I got it over the summer."

"Summer was very good to you." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well at least what I grew is real." She sasses him and rips off his sideburns.

"THANK YOU!" I said to Topanga.

The bell rang. "That's homeroom, I checked the list, were all together. Room 218. We have Mr. Turner."

"Okay let's go."

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