《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》23. Very Skilled


"Did we trade Natasha for the twins? Where in the hell is she?"

Vex entered the quinjet with confusion written all over her face and blood splattered onto her suit. She had waited with Helen Cho until the woman reassured her that she would be perfectly fine, though that didn't stop her from worrying. Vex didn't even think of leaving until both Steve and Tony advised her to come back to the quinjet. They did not, however, inform her that the twins would be joining them. She glanced over to Clint first but quickly looked away when she received a solemn stare.

"Ultron took her," Tony said, before he pointed over to the twins, "as for them, I don't know what the hell they're doing here. Cap's orders so I didn't argue but...I don't think Banner's going to be happy when he sees her."

Listening to this, Wanda's shoulders slumped and she bit the inside of her lip. Pietro placed a hand on his sister's shoulder, making her look up at him. Feeling her presence, Wanda sheepishly glanced over at Vex, feeling the power that radiated off of the slim figured woman. Vex's gaze lingered on Wanda and smirked when the teenager looked away. Her brother didn't seem like he wanted to be there, in fact, it looked like he'd rather be anywhere then on the quinjet. Vex couldn't turn down the opportunity to irritate the two teenagers and a smirk adorned her face.

"You two finally realized Ultron wasn't worth a goddamn thing and decided you wanted to be little superheroes," Vex cooed sarcastically, her blue eyes glazing with delight as she sauntered over to them.

Pietro's jaw clenched and he spared a quick glance in her direction before he looked away, focusing his attention on something else as he tried to stay calm. Wanda didn't say anything but her eyes were narrowed as her leg bounced rapidly. Vex narrowed her eyes as well, playfully of course, as they darted between the twins. She was waiting for one of them to break, or snap. The brunette wanted to see what they could do, even if they were more than 35,000 feet in the air. It was the destructive part of her that she didn't mind letting free every now and then.


"You are great with children," Steve stated, sarcasm lacing his tone. Vex looked up at him and grinned in reply, shrugging her shoulders.

"I love it when people's egos deflate, it's one of my many hobbies," she told him, walking away from the twins as they began to converse with each other. "What's one of your hobbies, Steve?"


"Besides staring at me when you think I'm not looking," the woman grinned viciously as she cut him off, a light laugh escaping her lips as his face turned slightly red.

Steve looked down at his feet, leaning up against one of the walls. "I actually have a few hobbies. Maybe I'll show them to you once this is all over."

"Is one of your hobbies making babies? Can you show her that? Even though I'm sure she'd be more skilled in that department than you," Tony smirked as he cut in between the two.

Steve's nostrils flared as he stared down at the man. "I have you know I am very skilled in that field."

Vex raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Tony when Steve cursed under his breath. "Are you now?"

The blonde cleared his throat, puffing out his chest slightly, which made the blue eyed woman show him a lopsided grin. A smile adorned Steve's face and his shoulders slumped slightly. "I am actually."

"Mhm," Vex hummed, slowly closing the distance between the two. Tony rolled his eyes and moved away before he could be crushed by the pair, mumbling something about how they were 'gross but he still loved them'.

Steve backed away slowly, looking down at Vex as she advanced on him. She stood up on the balls of her feet and placed a quick kiss on his lips, catching the man off guard. Her grin turned into a smirk, her blue eyes stuck on him and only him.

"Well maybe when this is over, you could teach me a thing or two, Captain."

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