
Daisy pov;

I wanna see the Eiffel tower.

I did an imaginary dance in my head. He was falling for my trapped .

Now he trusts me so I was going to keep on with my Happy in love act like I was happy.

I want to be far away from this man. This morning I didn't know what came over me to start kissing him back but when I realized it I pushed him away.

My aim was to escape and I was going to do anything I could to escape. Even if I escape in France I will definitely find my way back to America to get Maya then we will leave to Mexico .

When we got there I was excited cause it had always been my dream to be there but with a man I fell in love with and not my kidnapper who always blackmailed me to have his way.

When we got out of the car we went to the restaurant (Jules Verne's) on top of the Eiffel tower . As we were about to sit Dalziel pulled out the chair for me.

A Young blonde lady who had her breast popping out of her shirt with her short skirt as she had her face cupped with make up looking like a Barbie doll walked to the table staring at Dalziel.

Your menu sir,

She said placing the menu on the table bending her body so the her breast was of clear view to him .

But what surprised me was that he was staring at me he probably didn't hear what she said.

Umm......sir what would you like to order??

She asked staring at him seductively but he just kept looking at me which made me blush so I looked away but I got scared when I realized the waitress was giving me a death glance .


So I looked down on my laps playing with my fingers then looked up and caught Dalziel staring at me whiles the waitress stood in a pose trying to get his attention.

Since I didn't want to make her work difficult I decided to call him back to earth by snapping my fingers in front of him.

Dalziel. I called him.

he said staring at me.

....umm..the waitress is here to take orders.

What if you don't like it????

Ok,I hope you like paella .

We will like to order two plates of paella and water.

I said to the waitress who was still looking at Dalziel bitting her lips.

Is there anything else you would like to order sir??

Dalziel yelled getting people attention to our table.

The waitress looked sad as she quickly ran away from our table.

Why were you rude to her she was just asking if you need anything else???

When our food arrived it was other waitress who was older who brought it.

We eat our food in silence after we were done he paid and left hold my waist tightly .

We walked down to the love lock bridge as Dalziel bought a padlock and a mark .

I was confused at first but I realized what he was doing .

He wrote our names on the padlock and wrote forever love on it. Then he give the keys to me as he held my hand making as throw the key together .

I stared as the key landed in the water.

He asked.

Yes it is then turned to hug him .

Thank you for bringing me here it's always been my dream to come here I said .

With that. he lower his lips on my lips gently kissing me in a gently manner as he slipped his tongue in my mouth and unexpected moan escape from my mouth.


Whiles he tighten his hold on my waist. We stared into each other's eyes then I looked away his eyes are nice and intimating.

We walked to a park as we joked and laughed . It was night by that time so we went back to Dalziel home.

I showered and went in his arms.

I pity him when he realizes I have escape and was pretending to be in love with him but I don't care cause him took me against my will.




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