

I am so happy right now.

I am definitely falling in love with Xavier.

How can you not?

I know people find him scary but it's just the opposite for me.

I have seen a side of him no one ever did. He's so sweet and caring.

He's definitely the type of guy you can imagine the rest of your life with.

It's been like two months that I've known him but I have gotten so attached to him now that it scares me.

I know he's way to insecure about people leaving him.

But I won't. I won't ever leave him.

He has a good heart and people should know that

Especially his mother. I still can't understand why would a mother treat her own son like that.

She doesn't deserve him as her son.

Right now Xavier went to pick up the pizza from the front door.

What? I can't help it. I just love pizza way too much.

The door opened and Xavier entered.

"Hey princess, look what I've got?" He said showing me the box of pizza.

"Gimme gimme" I said like a fool.

I am starving right now.

He chuckled and shook his head and handed me the pizza happily.

We ate in comfortable silence and then talked about random things.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

One of the caretakers of the house came in and said "Sir your mother is here"

Xavier tensed beside me.

"Xavy?" I called him.

"I don't want to meet that women. All she's gonna do is put me down" he said with anger in his voice.

"Just go and meet her. Maybe there's a chance that you can mend things with her. You have to give it a try. Just one try. Please." I pleaded him.


He looked at me "If I go then you have to come with me. I need you by my side. Please"

"I will always be by your side. Now come on Xavy" I assured him.

We went down and I saw Lucas hugging a woman.

She's their mother. I observed her intently.

Xavier and Lucas definitely look like her.

Her brown wavy hair flows elegantly behind her.

And for a mother of two she really had a great figure.

She was wearing pencil skirt and a white blouse.

I have to admit she's really pretty. She didn't even notice that we both were in the room.

She pulled away from Lucas and looked over at us.

"Xavier it's nice to see you again" she said with coldness in her eyes but her voice said otherwise.

Her voice was so held concern for him.

I frowned at that.

Xavier scoffed "You don't have to pretend mother. Everyone knows how much you missed me."

I felt so bad for him.

I wanted to hug him so badly but I had to behave myself so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly.

She then glanced at me with her icy cold blue eyes.

"And who might this be?" She asked.

"Umm hello I'm Jackie, Xavier's girlfriend" I extended my hand forward for her to shook it.

She looked at him and then back at me and said "Hello Jackie, I'm Julia Black, Lucas and Xavier's mother" she shook my hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Black"I smiled politely.

"Call me Julia and the no the pleasure is all mine dear"

Xavier snorted this time.

"Yeah right enough with this drama. Let's get going princess. I will drop you home." He said.

"Um okay Xavy. Wait a second let me get my bag." I said and ran upstairs.


Her mother didn't seem that bad but there is something she wanted to say to Xavier when she saw him.

I need to find out about what's happening.

And I also noticed that during the whole time Lucas had a dark look on his face.

What's wrong with him?

He scares the living hell out of me most of the times.

I took my bag and ran back downstairs.

As I was heading down I heard a lot of voices.

"Honey I've got to talk to you."

"Well you're eight years late for that don't you think mother?" Xavier asked sarcastically.

"Please I know I've messed it up Xavier but I need to fix this please." Julia pleaded.

Me being the clumsy one dropped my bag down.

This made them to stop talking and they both looked over at me.

"Baby what took you so long? Come on let's go." He said.

"Honey after you come back we need to talk." Julia said.

"Well then I guess you have to wait for a long time. Like forever." He said and dragged me out of the room.

I looked back to see her reaction and saw the sadness in her eyes.

Why is she acting like this? What does she want to say to him?

And does she really want to fix things between them?

I've got a lot of questions on my mind. And there's only one person who can answer all of those questions.

Julia Black.


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