

It was finally Friday. And today was the day Xavier planned something for us.

I can't wait to see what it is.

Lily was really bummed out to find that I won't be coming to the party.

I quickly got ready for school and headed downstairs. I saw PJ eating his breakfast so I joined him.

We headed towards the school and I so badly wanted to ask him about what's going on between him and Lily.

But I knew that he will share it when he wanted to. So I wasn't going to force him.

When we reached the school I saw Xavier waiting for us near his car.

He headed towards us and gave me a full blown smile.

I literally melted at the sight of him.

"Hey bro, what's up?" PJ said.

"Just waiting for my princess" he smirked at me and PJ snorted.

"You better treat her right bro or else I will beat the shit out of you."

Overprotective much?

I groaned "It's not like we're dating PJ so shut up" I mumbled lowly.

"Yeah right, I'm not blind sis. I can see the way you both look at each other all lovey dovey."

I was about to defend myself but then we realised that the final bell was about to ring any second.

So we headed inside the school.

As soon as we reached inside the school, Xavier literally grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards our first class. Calculus.

"Let's go princess" Xavier said. I looked back and saw PJ smirking at us and then he shook his head and went the other way.

We took our regular seat and I could felt him looking at me. I squirmed under my seat.

When I had enough I looked at him and said "What?"


He smiled warmly at me and said "You ready for today? I know how badly you want to know about our plans today so I'll give a little sneak peek."

He continued "I'm ready to tell you about my past."

I stared at him "Are you sure? If you don't want to then it's okay Xavier. I can wait."

He shook his head "No you need to know everything about me. And please promise me after listening to me you won't leave me. Please" he pleaded.

Why would I leave him?

"I promise Xavier I won't leave you" I assured him.

He looked a little hesitant but then what he said made my heart skip a beat.

"Good, because I really like you princess and I don't want to loose you." He said looking straight at me.

The intensity in his eyes was so strong that I was so badly intimidated by him.

But the fact that he just confessed to me that he likes me made me feel so good.

I always had a crush on him and I can't believe that a guy like Xavier would ever like a girl like me.

And I don't know why. I think I'm just too plain and simple.

I always thought he would go for a sexier girl.

I was blushing so hard right now.

"Princess? You zoned out again." He said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"S-sorry" I stuttered.

"So do you like me princess?" He asked getting nervous.

I was not able to say anything. So I just nodded.

"You need to use your words princess" he smirked at me and I just blushed even harder.

"Yes, I like you Xavier. So much" I said looking down the entire time.

"Well I know you do cuz just look at me. I know I am hot" he started boasting.


"Don't think so highly of yourself Xavy" I laughed at him.

He stared at me for good two minutes.

It was like he was drinking up each and every feature of mine. His look lingered on my lips for a few seconds and I looked at his.

I really wanted to kiss those plump lips of his. I have never kissed anyone yet. So I was nervous.

Because I was inexperienced. What if we kiss tonight?

The thought of him kissing me made me blush so hard that I'm sure I was looking like a red tomato by now.

I shook those thoughts out of my head.

He cleared his throat and said "I'll pick you up at 7 today. Okay?"

I nodded.

"And wear something comfortable because we will be going to my house" he said.

I was excited. I have never seen his house.

I just nodded again.

I can't wait to know about his past.


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