

I saw PJ standing outside the office and headed towards him.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I said. "Yo dude I'm just waiting for my cousin" he said and the others joined us.

"So is your hot cousin here yet?" Zayn said which made him get a smack from PJ on his head.

"She's my little sis so don't talk about her like that."

I smiled. Being overprotective as always.

Then PJ suddenly pulled a girl towards us "Hey guys this my cousin I was telling you about. She's Jackie and she is cute ain't she?"

And the girl had the best green eyes I have ever seen. She looked so innocent and pure. Her face literally screamed innocent. With her soft features and her plump kissable lip.

As my eyes went down I saw she had perky breasts and a firm ass and she was so god damn tiny.

In that moment I knew she had to be mine.

After our little chit-chat I went to my first class still thinking about her. Jackie. She was cut yet soo hot. She was like an angel in a devil's body.

I got a hard on by just thinking about that ass of hers.

I reached my first class. Calculus. I know right. Boring.

My eyes widened as I saw Jackie entering the class. And when her eyes landed on me, a small smile crept on her lips and she started making her way towards me.

She looked at me and said " Is t-this seat take-en?" she stuttered and I smirked loving the affect I had on her.


Her face dropped when I said that. "By you" I completed.

She smiled at me and my heart began to beat faster. She pulled her chair a little from me and I frowned.


I grabbed the back of her seat and pulled her towards me. She gasped and I mumbled "Sit beside me princess."

She just nodded.

The class went on and all I doing was staring at her. She was so beautiful. I just wanted to pull her towards me and kiss the life out of her.

But at the same time I knew I couldn't let her come close to me. It will only hurt her for all I know.

I am not good for her and I know in the end she will leave me too.

She sighed and looked at me "Do you want something?"



"Your schedule" I said and she frowned.

"Why do you want my schedule?"

"Just give it to me princess."

She handed it to me and I saw that we only shared two classes. PE and Calculus.

But I noticed that she shared most of her classes with Zayn. Jealousy raged in me.

Zayn is my best friend but I knew that he already had the hots for her.

You shouldn't think about her Xavier.

Oh fuck it I have to take it nice and slow with her.

"Can I ask you a question?" she asked pulling me out of my trance.

I looked down at her "Sure princess."

"Why do you call me princess?" she asked looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes and pouted a little.

I could feel myself getting aroused.

"I will call you whatever I want to. And besides princess suits you" I winked at her.

She blushed and looked down. "Can I ask you one last question?" she asked biting her lips and I groaned at the sight of her.

What is this girl doing to me?

"Go on princess."

"Can we be friends?" she said suddenly becoming all nervous.

I chuckled at her.

"Aren't we already?"


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