《「Sweet Pea x Reader 」》Pt. 4



Pt. 4

🐍🐍🐍🐍 Word Count: 2665

I looked at Sweets texts and shuttered. I peek up from the screen and made direct eye contact with him. He had his arms crossed over his chest, showing off his biceps. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to focus on the work in front of me.

I walked into the apartment first, Sweets following close behind. I heard the door close and the quiet 'click' of the door locking.

I shyly look over my shoulder at him. He nodded his head in the direction of our shared bedroom. I slowly made my way to the room. When I got to the opened door, I just stood in the doorway. Having no clue where he wanted me to go or wanted me to do.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist, his hot breath fanning over my neck making me shutter. He left butterfly kisses in his wake. He was being surprisingly gentle and sweet. He rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"Why did you do that, baby girl?" he whispered into my soft skin. "Do you like being punished?" he asked, nuzzling into my neck.

When I didn't answer him, his arms tightened slightly as he bit my neck. Not hard enough to leave a bruise, but as a warning.

"I'm s-sorry, daddy. I was just so frustrated... I'm not used to you denying me like that." I murmured, a sudden shy feeling washing over me.

He sighed quietly and placed a loving kiss where he just bit. "But wouldn't you rather be praised and rewarded for being a good girl?" he kissed my neck again, right below my ear.

"I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to be a bad girl. I promise I'll be good!" he chuckled in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine at how humorless it was.

"After I'm done with you, you will be." his hands started to slip down to my thighs. He grabbed the hem of my skirt and fiddled with it.

"But- Ah!" I began but a bite to my neck silenced my protests. I gasp in surprise and delight.

"You think just because you apologize, you're off the hook?" one hand left my skirt and sliding up my body until it was around my neck.

He didn't apply any pressure, it was just loosely wrapped around my throat. My body shivers under his in anticipation.

His hand that was still holding the hem of my skirt slowly slipped between my thighs. His middle finger slipped through my soaked folds, teasing my entrance.

"How did it feel to finger yourself in front of so many people? Do you think anyone heard your whimpers?" he asked thoughtfully. I felt my face flush at his words. Embarrassment filled my chest at the thought of someone knowing what I did.

"Answer me, (Y/n)." he demanded, his hand gripping my neck tightened.

"N-no, sir. I don't think a-anyone heard me." my eyes screwed shut.

He huffed in amusement and released me from his grip. "Go lie down on your back. With your legs spread." he commanded walking out of the room.

I scrambled to the bed and did as I was told. Excitement running through my veins. A few minutes later I heard Sweet Pea's footsteps approaching the room. He had a bowl, what was in it? I have no clue.

I stared up at him with my (E/c) puppy dog eyes. He smirked down at me as he slid his leather jacket off.


"Take your shirt off, doll." he crossed his arms, waiting impatiently for me to do what he said.

I sit up and slid it off of my body. My hands reach behind my back to unclip my bra. Before I do I look up at the man before me, silently asking for permission. He smiles and nods. I lay back down after I took it off.

He kneels on the bed resting his weight on his left hand while his right roamed my bare skin. A shiver racking through my body at the coldness of his hand. My nipples perked up when his hand glided over them.

He leaned down and kissed up my stomach. Leaving bite marks and hickeys in his wake. A soft moan slips through my parted lips when his lips found my pink bud.

His right hand gave the other one attention. He pinched and twisted and pulled while his mouth sucked and nibbled and bit. My back arched in pleasure, moans and whimpers left my lips. His lips continued their journey upwards after a minute.

He kissed up my neck, stopping a moment to leave a mark or two on my bare skin. When his lips finally met mine, I kissed back desperately. One arm wrapping around his neck while my other hand gripped his hair. He licked my bottom lip before biting it.

I whimpered when he pulled away from the kiss. He smirked down at me. His hand glides down my body until he reached my skirt. He slides it down my legs, leaving me bare.

I shyly take the hem of his shirt in my hands and gently tug on it. Silently asking him to take it off. He tsked his tongue while shaking his head. I pout at him and tug on it again.

He gave me a warning look. I ignore it and tug again. He brought his hand down onto my thigh, making me squeak in surprise.

"Bad girl." he said in a gruff voice. He got up from the bed and went to the chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and my wand. I whimpered at the sight.

"I-I'm sorry daddy!"

"Oh, I'm sure you are, princess." he walked back over to me and got back on the bed. He sat in-between my thighs. "Give me your hands, baby."

"I'll be good, I promise!" I held my hands to my chest.

"Baby girl, give me your hands. Now." he growled out.

I jut my bottom lip out in a pout and held my hands out for him.

"Stop with the attitude. You'll only make it worse." he cuffed my hands and placed them above my head. I nodded helplessly.

"Yes, sir" I mumbled.

He sat back and looked down at me, a small smirk graced his face.

"You look so cute tied up and helpless, baby." he bit his lip and groped his hard on through his jeans. "See what you to me, sugar?"

A whine left my plump lips at the sight. I looked back up at his eyes silently pleading for his mercy. A gasp rips through my throat when I feel a familiar callused finger rub against my clit.

"You wanna cum, sweetheart?" he mumbled as he continued the lazy circles on my sensitive bundle of nerves.

I frantically nod in response. Not able to speak through my gasps and moans. A loud whine leaves my mouth when he stops.

"Daddy asked you a question, baby." his voice was low and gravely.


"Yes, yes please. Please, please let me cum daddy. I need it so bad, so bad." I whimper.

He chuckles and begins to move his fingers again. "Such a good, slut. Begging for daddy." I whimper at the title but nod.

"Yes, I'm your good girl. Oh god, please." my back arches. I feel the familiar heat of an orgasm in my lower stomach, but I needed more.

"Please what?" he hummed.

"I-I," I whimper when he slows his movements. "I need y-your mou-outh, oh fuck please daddy!" my chest was rising and falling with my rapid breaths.

His movements stop before resuming once again, even slower then before. I cry out in frustration and look up at him.

"What makes you think you deserve my mouth..." he trails off, biting his lip as his eyes traveled south to my most intimate part of me. "On that pretty little pussy of yours, doll?"

I whine in embarrassment. I avert my eyes from his and try to close my legs.

"Uh uh uh, I don't think so, little girl." He grabs my thighs, stopping my attempt. "Do I need to tie these pretty legs too?"

"N-no, daddy." I let my legs fall apart again.

"Good girl." he praises petting my inner thighs. "So pretty," he mumbles under his breath as he leans down and places a chase kiss on a stretch mark on my thigh. "Perfect," he continues his kisses until they got to my aching heat. "And all mine." he sat back up and looked me in the eyes. "Ain't that right, gorgeous?"

"Yes, all yours, daddy. Only yours!" I moan out.

He pulls away suddenly and picks up the bowl he abandoned on the side table. My eyes flash down to it then back to his dark brown eyes.

"W-what's that, daddy? " I ask timidly.

"Nothin' to be too scared of, baby girl." he reassured me in a gentle voice. He reached into the bowl and pulled out a partially melted ice cube.

I shifted a little and stared at the ice in his hands. "Daddy?" I spoke in a quiet voice.

"We're going to play a little game, baby girl." he smirked down at me.

"What are the rules?"

"You stay as still as you can, while I have my fun." he grinned.

"If I win?" I ask shyly.

"I'll let you cum, baby girl." he winks at me.

"If I lose?" I look up at him through my eye lashes.

"Let's just focus on winning, okay princess?" he boops my nose. I giggle and nod my head.

"Okay, daddy."

"Ready to start, baby girl?" he hovers the cube above my chest. I gasp when cold droplets fall onto my hot skin.

I nod my head and say "Y-yes."

"Okay, baby." he slowly circled my nipple with the frozen water.

A gasp rips through my lips and my back arches. He chuckled at my reaction and did the same to the other pink bud. I clench my fists up in right balls in an attempt to stay still.

"You're doing so well, baby." Sweets praised me. He slides it down the valley of my breasts and down my stomach.

I moan and shut my eyes tightly. "D-daddy!" I gasp out.

"Just a little longer, you're almost there." he reassured me.

I swallow harshly but nod my head. He continued his path down my navel, nearing my heat. I whimper and bite my bottom lip as he circles the ice around my sensitive bundle of nerves. My toes curl when he teases my entrance with it.

I open my eyes when he pulls away from me.

"You're such a good girl for your daddy." he cooed in my ear. He trailed kisses up and down my neck before he left a chase kiss on my lips. I practically purr at his words. "What do you want, baby?"

I whimper and look to the side. He gently grabs my chin and turns my head back to facing him.

"Don't make me repeat myself, sweet heart." he clicked his tongue at me.

"You know what I want." I pout at him.

"Do I? Cause with this attitude you have I think you want another punishment." he raised an eyebrow at me.

"C-can you take the cuffs off?" I ask in a hushed voice. "Please?"

"Okay baby, but only because you've been good." he agreed. I smile up at him.

"Thank you, daddy."

After the cuffs were off, he rubbed lavender lotion on the red marks they left on my wrists.

"Do you think you can continue?" he grins when I nod my head eagerly. "You sure, baby girl?" there was smugness in his voice, with an undertone of concern.

"Yes, daddy. Please I need you!" I begged.

He smirks at me, "First," he reached over and grabbed the almost forgotten wand. "I want you to play with yourself."

I pout up at him, but nonetheless I take the object from his hands.

"Lay back, and give daddy a good show." he gently pushed me back onto my back.

"Will you join me...?" I shyly inquired. He gave me a wolfish grin and nodded his head.

"Sure, baby." he sat back and unbuttoned his jeans, letting is rock hard cock free. He sighed in pleasure as he began to lazily stroke his length.

I could feel myself getting wetter at the sight before me. Hesitantly I opened my legs wider and turned the wand on. The buzzing sound mixed with Sweets grunts and groans. Shyly I began to rub my hypersensitive nub.

A sound ripped through the air that I hardly recognized as my own. It was a high pitched whimper. I pulled the vibrating toy from my heat.

"I-I'm too sensitive, daddy!" I complain. He sat up a bit and took my wrist and pushed it down, placing the toy directly on my clit. "Ahhh! D-daddy I-I-I can't! Please" tears began to gather in my eyes as I felt my body jerk around uncontrollably.

An intense heat began to boil in the pit of my stomach, like I've never felt. I open my eyes long enough to see myself squirt all over Sweet Peas chest and lap. I could practically feel the heat radiating off of my face.

He pulled the wand away and thew it on the other side of the bed.

"I'm so sor-" I began but was cut off with an intense kiss from the ravenette.

When he finally pulled away we were both panting for air. "Fuck me baby girl, if that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen, I don't know what is!" he panted.

"B-but I J-just... All over you." I murmured shyly.

He looked down at his lap and chuckled. "Sweet heart, you made daddy cum without him having to lift a finger."

"Really?" I gaped at him.

He gestured to his lap.

My eyes slowly descended from his brown ones, to his lap. And sure enough his cum painted his thighs and was mixing with my own. If it was even possible, I could feel my blush worsening.

"Let's go get cleaned up." he stood up and completely stripped his pants off. "I'll be right back, princess." he walked into the conjoined bathroom. I could hear the bath water running as I tried standing.

My knees and thighs were quaking, I could hardly balance. But, I somehow made it to the bathrooms door way. I had to lean on the painted wood to keep standing.

Sweets was bent over checking the waters temperature, he looked over his shoulder and gave me a smile that took my breath away. "Blue or pink, baby?" I pursed my lips in thought for a moment.

"Blue!" I decided with a tiered grin on my flushed face.

He stood up straight with another smile on his face, "Alright baby girl, blue it is." he walked over to the little towel closet and pulled out a bath bomb in the shape of a dolphin. He dropped it into the hot water before approaching me.

He got on his knees in front of me and hugged my waist. He rested his chin on my navel and looked up at me. He gave me a gentle smile before speaking. "You did such a good job, baby girl." he praised. "Did you learn your lesson?" he asked in a stern voice.

I nodded shyly "Yes, daddy. I did." he smiled up at me again.

"Good girl. Now let's go take a bath, clean up a bit, then go cuddle and watch somethin'. How's that sound?"

I smile down at him "That sounds perfect, daddy."

He stood up and gently took my hand and lead me to the ocean breeze scented water.

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