《「Sweet Pea x Reader 」》Pt. 1



Pt. 1


Sweet Pea and I were cuddling on the couch watching 'The Silence Of The Lambs'. We weren't that far into the movie, we were at the part where Clarice was doing a training exercise and she forgot to check the back corner behind her, resulting in her 'death'.


A text alert. I looked up at Sweet Pea in question. He had said earlier that day that he had nothing to do and we could just hang out. He looked down at me with a apologetic smile on his face as he pulled out his phone to check the notification.

"It's from Toni," he groaned, "She and Cheryl had a fight, she needs me to pick her up."

I nod in understanding, "That's okay, babe. Go pick her up, she can crash here with me until her and Cheryl make up." I spoke softly.

I'm not going to lie, I was kinda sad our little 'Date Night' got ruined, but we had a friend in need.

'There's always next time.' I reassured myself.

"Alright, Princess. I'll be back in an hour." he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. "Love you."

I smile up at him and kissed his lips again. "I love you, too."

He stood up from the couch and grabbed his keys from the coffee table.

"I'll be back!" he called out before closing the door behind him.

I got off the couch and made my way to my 'storage room' I opened the white door to be greeted by (F/C) walls and dark hard wood floors.

A white chest of draws stood in the corner of the room, a Landry hamper next to it. A toy box filled with my stufties sat opposite of it. There's also a (2nd/F/C) rug in the middle of the room.

This was my secret life away from prying eyes. I sighed in relief. In here I don't have to worry about all the drama floating around Riverdale right now.

I walked into the room and began stripping my comfy cloths and placed them in the hamper, including my panties. I opened the top drawer and fished out a plain pair of pastel (color) panties and a matching bra. After I put them on I fished through the same drawer and got mitch-matched thigh high socks. I slipped thoughs on as well, with a little difficulty.

'It's in moments like these when I wish I had the balls to ask Sweets to be my daddy.' I thought in frustration.

After the socks were finally on, I got out the rest of my outfit and put it on. I walked over to the body mirror on the far right wall and looked at myself.

I smiled at my refection, proud of the outfit I picked out. I stood in a short (Color) skirt, and a (Color) crop top, the top had a cute little Chibi (Teddy bear, unicorn, dragon, whatever you want) on it.

My eyes wonder to the doorway, only to see Sweet Pea standing there. My eyes widened and I whip around, staring at him horrified. "Sweets! I-uh It's not what it looks like?" I didn't know what to say. He wore a blank face that I couldn't read.

"We need to talk. Living room, now." he ordered. A chill ran down my spine at his sudden dominate tone.

I nodded and scrambled to the living room. I sat on the couch, playing with my hands not looking up when I felt him sit next to me.


"I-I thought you said you were going to be gone for an hour?" I questioned him, trying to avoid the inevitable.

"Fangs picked her up." he said simply. I nodded, not knowing what else to do.

"Look at me, Princess." He hooked his index finger under my chin, lifting my head forcing me to look at him.

I said nothing, just staring into his eyes. We sat in silence for a good five minutes before he spoke up again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his soft eyes staring into my tear filled ones.

"Why didn't I tell you what?" I asked, trying to play dumb, trying to play it off as nothing.

He huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms across his broad chest. "Why didn't you tell me you had this kind of lifestyle?"

"Because I w-was afraid it would be a deal breaker, that you would leave me." I sniffed, wiping away the unshed tears.

His face softened as he brought me into his arms. I bury my head in the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back in soothing motions.

"Babe, I love you. No matter what, even if that means you have a bdsm lifestyle, okay?" he mumbled into my ear, trying to calm me down.

I pulled back a little, just enough to make eye contact. "Y-you're not mad?" I asked, in a quiet voice.

He shook his head, "Not mad. Though I am upset you felt you had to hide this from me."

"I'm sorry Sweet Pea, I just didn't want to...," I tried to think of the right word, "Freak you out, I guess."

He chuckled softly bringing me into his lap. "Were you ever going to tell me?" he questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I've tried to tell you, multiple times, but each time I went to I got cold feet." I admitted to him.

"You do realize that now that the cats out of the bag, we have to talk about it, right?" he asked softly, holding eye contact with me.

"Or we can just pretend this never happened?" I whisper, looking down at my hands that were resting in my lap.

"(Y/N)," he said in a stern voice, wrapping his arms around my waist, "We have to."

I nodded my head. "I know we do.. I-I just don't want you to look at me different, y'know?" I gave a quick glance up at him.

My breath got caught in my throat at the sight I saw, his dark eyes held pure love and adoration as he looked down at me.

"Did you really think that I would love you any less?" he asked, his voice filled with hurt.

Without looking back up at him, I nodded. Tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. He brought his hand up to wipe the tears away, I looked up at him my bottom lip trembling.

He shook his head slightly, "No baby girl, I don't love you any less." he brought me into a slow, loving kiss. He pulled away just enough to talk, "Please talk to me?"

I gulped down the lump in my throat, "O-okay." We pulled apart so we could have a proper conversation, but I was still seated in his lap.

I took a deep breath, "I'm a little," I started, "A little is someone who dresses and acts like a little girl or boy, not just in a sexual way but as a lifestyle. They come in all sorts of ages, but me personally am 5 or 6." I blushed madly and quietly said: "So that means I'm potty trained."


Sweet Pea just sat there, listening. He looked genuinely interested. He nodded his head as I went on, showing me he understood.

"Most littles have Mommy's or Daddy's, do take care of them, as if they were actually that age..." I looked back down at my hands. "I... uh, I don't have a daddy."

Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow at that. "What am I than?"

I looked up at him shocked. "You want to be my daddy?" I asked, my voice barley louder than a whisper.

"Of course babygirl, I'd be happy to be your daddy." he said, a smile on his face.

I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him into my chest so that I was basically hugging his head. He chuckled and wrapped his own arms around my waist once more, bringing me closer to him.

After a minute or two I pulled away, "Do you have any questions?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a few." he said honestly.

"I'll answer them the best I can, daddy" I smiled brightly.

"You said before that you were 5 or 6, right?" I nodded, "And you said part of me being your daddy, is that I take care of you like that's your actual age?" I nodded again, "Okay, so what does that include?" he asked, his head a little tilted to the right.

I giggle and boop his nose. "Anything you're comfortable with. But, to name a few things; helping me change in and out of cloths, making me food, playing with me," I paused at the smirk on his face.

"Not that way, bad daddy." I lightly slap his fore arm "Like with my stufties, or coloring with me!" I pout. "But that doesn't mean we can't do that," I clarified.

"Anyway," I continued "Helping me bathe, help do my hair... Basically anything you do to help a 5 year old." I finish. "But, if you're uncomfortable with any of that you don't have to do it."

He nodded, rubbing circles into my thighs with his thumbs. "So, is this a constant thing? Like, 24/7?"

I laughed, "No daddy, you'd get exhausted. It's mostly when I'm home alone, or now with you. I'm a big girl at school, at work, and with friends. Though I do sometimes have slip ups." I giggle.

"Okay." he nodded. "I think I'm starting to understand..."

"We'll need to set up rules for me to follow. I'm just going to warn you, I'm kind of a brat." I said as a-matter-of-factly.

"What does that mean?" his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have attitude issues. We need a list of rules, punishments, and rewards. Both clean and dirty. To make sure I stay in line." I see his eyes light up at the word 'punishments'

"Clean and dirty?" he asked.

"Um... Like inside and outside of the bedroom... Like for example say one of your clean rules was 'Clean up my toys when I'm done playing with them' and if I don't follow that rule the punishment is that my toys get taken away for a week, make sense?" I explained.

He nodded, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. I waited patiently for him to catch up. After a few minutes of silence he spoke up; "So, what about the dirty ones?" he smirk widened at my blush.

"That's up to you, though I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable with anything." I spoke honestly.

"I would expect nothing less, Babygirl." his thumbs rubbing the outside of my thighs again.

After about an hour of talking and brain storming we both came up with the rule sheet, though he sent me to go play while he made up the punishments and rewards.

Sweets picked up the rules and looked over them again. He looked up at me, "I'm going to read them to you so you understand, okay Babygirl?"

"Okay daddy!" I smiled brightly.

" 'Clean Rules' " he read, looking up at me to make sure I was paying attention. " '1. Don't call him daddy with other people around. (that don't know)

2. Clean up your messes before going somewhere or moving on to something else. (Ex: Clean up your coloring books and crayons before playing with your stufties)

3. No attitude, no fits.

4. ‎Use proper manners. (Ex: Please/Thank you; Yes, please/No, thank you; May I.../Can I...)

5. ‎Play well with others.

6. Bed time is at 9pm on school nights, 11pm on weekends.

7. ‎No flirting with others.

8. ‎Do your homework as soon as you get home, no watching T.V or playing with toys until it's finished.

9. ‎No means no.

10. ‎Ask for things. (Ex: Food, To go somewhere, Sex, ect)

11. ‎No back talk.

12. ‎Absolutely no lying.' " He read, every once and a while stopping to make sure I was paying attention, once he was sure he had 100% of my attention, he would continue to read off the rules.

"Do you understand, Babygirl?"

"Yes, daddy. I understand." I gave him an Eskimo kiss. He smiled up at me.

"Alright then let's move onto the clean punishments, okay?" I nodded, showing him that I agreed.

" '1. Taking T.V privileges away. (It depends for how long)

2. Early bedtime.

3. Time out. (in the corner)

4. ‎Taking toys away. (It depends for how long)

5. ‎Sent to the room. (without your phone)' "

I pout slightly, I didn't help him with the punishments. I crossed my arms as I listen to him list them off, one by one.

"Are you already breaking one of my rules, little one?" he asked in a teasingly stern voice.

"No," I slightly panicked, "Of course not, daddy! I'm a good girl!" I uncrossed my arms, my hand finding their way to his chest.

"That's right, you're daddy's good girl, huh?" he brought one of his hand to my hair running his fingers through it. "You ready for the rewards?"

My eyes lit up and I nodded my head excitedly. He chuckled at my enthusiasm."Alright, the clean rewards," he looked down the the paper before reading off, " '1. Cuddles.

2 . Snacks/Treats.

3. Early ungroundings.

4. ‎New toys/movies/clothing, ect.' " I bounce lightly in excitement.

"Yay!" I continue to bounce, not thinking what would happen. Seeing as I'm still seated on his lap.

His hands grip my hips hard enough to make me still my movements. "Babygirl, we're not done yet." he growled next to my ear, nibbling my earlobe. I gasp at the sensation.

"I'm sorry daddy, I didn't notice I was rubbing against you." I whisper, my voice sounding very submissive.

"It's alright, Babygirl, but next time you won't be let off so easily." he warned, pulling back so he was leaning on the back of the couch again. I nodded my head in understanding.

"All right, 'Dirty rules'," he read off. I shifted on his lap, feeling heat pool between my thighs at the anticipation. He shot me a warning look, his eyes a darker shade than before. I immediately still my movement. He looked back down at the paper.

" '1. Always address him as 'Sir' or 'Daddy'

2. Follow orders as soon as they're given and exactly as they're given. (Ex: "Lay down on the bed, ass in the air, princess. " or "Be quiet, Babygirl, no noise.")

3. No cumming unless he gives his permission.

4. ‎No touching yourself, or him without permission.

5. ‎No teasing, no whining.

6. ‎If you want something ask for it and/or earn it.

7. ‎Use your words.

8. ‎No means no.

9. ‎Ask permission for things. (Ex: "Can I suck your cock, Sir?" or "Can I cum, Daddy? Pleeease!")

10. Absolutely NO back talk.

11. ‎No demanding things from him.' " He read the rules in a deep, gruff voice.

It was obvious that this was turning him on. I tried not to grind my aching core on his clothed hard on. I whine when he gently gutted against me.

"Daddy~" I whine. I bite my bottom lip in realization, my eyes close in fear. "I'm sorry, sir" I whisper. I feel his hands slide to my ass and grab is softly.

"For what?" he asked in a husky voice.

"F-for breaking a rule, I whined. It won't happen again." I shuddered.

"Conveniently, we're on the punishments." he teased. I look into his eyes nervously. "Don't worry Babygirl, you realized your mistake. But don't expect me to always be this forgiving."

"Thank you, daddy."

He hummed and began to read.

" '1. Spanking. (Hands, Whip, Belt, Flog, Paddle, Riding Crop)

2. Edging.

3. Public punishment. (Going into public places with a remote control bullet inside her)

4. ‎Overstimulation.

5. Bondage. (Rope, Hand cuffs, Silk ties)

6. ‎Getting blindfolded.

7. ‎Getting gagged.' "

I bite back a whimper that threatened to leave my throat.

"Are those alright? Do you need to take any off?" his voice was so caring.

"No, sir. T-they seem fair. Though I have a question." I told him shyly. He nodded, giving me permission to ask. "What would warrant number 3?"

"The public punishment? Breaking rules 3,4,7 and 11. Though that won't always be the punishment." he explained in a calm voice. I nod my head.

"Only one more list, you ready?"

"Yes, sir." I answer.

This is the one I've been most excited to hear.

" '1. Being able to cum.

2. ‎Praises.

3. ‎Choosing the position.

4. ‎Being able to use toys. (Ex: Vibraters, Butt plugs, Cock ring[Only if you have been really, really good, as in no punishments, clean or dirty, for a week], Nipple clamps, ect)' "

I couldn't help it but let out soft moans as I imagined all the different situations.

He leaned in and peppered my neck in soft kisses. He pulled away to soon for my liking.

"Please daddy." I bite my lip and lean closer to his face.

"Look at the time, Princess."

I pulled out my phone '8:30' I looked back up at him with a confused face.

"It's bed time." he smirked.

"Nu uh! It's the weekend!" I argued.

He gave me a face that said 'Did you just back talk me?' "It's Sunday." he grunted. My eyes widened and I looked back down to my phone, '8:31 PM, Sunday.' I turned my screen off and nodded.

"I'm sorry daddy, I though today was Saturday." I tried explaining. But he cut me off my picking me up by my thighs. I yelped out in surprise and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around is waist.

"Let's go get you ready for bed." he began to walk towards the bathroom. I nodded helplessly.

"Are you coming to bed too?" I ask through a yawn.

"No, Babygirl. I have grown up things to attend too."

I let out a small 'Humph' and pouted. "But I never sleep well without you." I complain.

He tapped my ass as a warning. "I'll be home around midnight."

"Yes, sir."

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