《His Midnight Angel》Authors Note


Hello everyone,

First things first, thank you for all for the feedback on my story. There are a few things I would like to address. First, I am VERY slowly editing this book. I do mean at a snail's pace at this point. I am also in the middle of writing the sequel to this book again VERY slowly. I started this series when I was very young and ignorant. I was ignorant of the world and ignorant of the terms I was using. I am now 20 years old and in college. I still have a fondness for writing and a love of the arts.

However, my views of the world have changed.

There are things that need to be addressed. My first, the french language is a beautiful and majestic language and at the time I was ignorant to think google translate would help me speak it. I was wrong. I am slowly phasing the french out, and I thank everyone who has mentioned each mistake in the story. So with that being said, I am removing the french from the story. The location will be the same, however.

The second thing I would like to address is the issue of the character Tom. You will notice that many of my characters in this story are of European descent. This is because I have only ever known this. I tried to add characters that are also people of color and I will be honest, I failed. There are so many things I want to say but the human attention span is only so long. I am learning and I continue to learn every day. If I came off as against the BIPOC community, that was not my intention and I know there is nothing I can do to truly represent this community the way that it deserves. It deserves so much more than I can give.


I do want to highlight the importance of this community in my story. with that idea in mind, I would like to partner up with someone who feels they can help educate me in this area. I have done the research and I know people in the BIPOC community and they are wonderful humans. I don't want to misrepresent. If anyone is interested please comment on this author's note, and I will private message you. Please be patient with me.

Ashlynn Knight

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