《Tenebrous ↠ Volturi Kings {1} ✓》019
"Where to?" Marcus asked.
I paused for a moment, watching the bustle. "We should go find Bella, and I want to say hello to Angela. Aro, Caius, you can go hang in my room for a little while if you'd like, just make sure no one sees you go in."
"I'd rather stick with you," Caius said, and when it was evident that Aro felt the same and the two weren't going anywhere, I simply shrugged.
"Alright. Just follow my lead, then, but try not to act like stalkers." We went up the stairs, where I found Bella chatting with Angela and Jessica.
"Oh my gosh, Rowan! I thought you'd never get here, I've already been here for like ten minutes!" Jessica gushed, not-so-subtly eyeing up Marcus. "Hi, I'm Jessica!"
"I'm Marcus," he said politely, and didn't extend a hand.
"Hey, guys! This is Marcus, my boyfriend," I said with a smile, hugging all three girls. "Marcus, this is Angela and Jessica. You already know Bella, of course."
He dipped his head. "It's a pleasure."
"Changed already?" I asked Bella in amusement.
She laughed, a slightly uncomfortably sound. "You know me and dresses don't agree."
"Yeah, okay," I told her, bumping against her hip. "I'm just saying a good dress is one way to get your boyfriend's attention."
"And you're leading by example?" she asked, a teasing smile on her face.
I smacked her. "Shut up."
"Bella, what did you think of my speech? Too easy-breezy, too self-helpful, you hated it?" Jessica asked her.
Bella stared. "No, you pretty much nailed it."
Along with Angela's encouragement, that was clearly all the prompting Jessica needed. "It's like I was born to lead, right?"
I snorted softly as Angela waved and dragged Jessica away to dance. "See you later, Rowan!"
"Later, Angela!" I waved and tucked myself into Marcus's side. I glanced at Bella. "Can you believe her?"
She laughed. "I know, right? But she means well."
"If you say so. Where's Edward?"
"I don't know, to be honest. Downstairs, maybe?" Bella's eyes widened as she was distracted by something behind her. "Um, Caius-"
I glanced back. "Ah, shit. Caius, you need to go put in new contacts, your eyes are red."
"Not now, I smell wolf," he said with a scowl.
"Caius, please-" I started. Aro growled, cutting me off as his eyes focused on the staircase. I turned, meeting the eyes of Jacob Black. "Oh, son of a bitch."
"Good to see you too, Rowan," Jacob drawled, lifting a lip at the three vampires. "Didn't know you were housing more bloodsuckers."
"He has red eyes," Embry hissed, glaring at Caius with unadulterated hatred.
"Remember which side of the treaty line you're on, Embry Call," I warned, narrowing my eyes. Marcus stood in front of me, shielding me from the wolves. I stepped away from him.
"Okay, that's enough. You were preparing to leave anyway, weren't you, Rowan?" Bella asked hastily.
I offered Jacob a sneer. "I won't be driven out of my own house by mutts."
"Watch your tongue," Jacob spat. This time, all three of my mates growled at him.
"Whatever you're thinking, Jacob Black, it is a very bad idea," I said, pushing aside my anger and fixing him with a cool, steely gaze. "Now let us pass."
He scowled and motioned for Quill and Embry to step aside. Bella visibly relaxed as I headed towards the stairs, glancing back to make sure that the three kings were following. Unsurprisingly, Caius was the only one who stayed in place.
"Caius," I said firmly. His eyes softened when they met mine. "Let's go, please."
He stayed put for a moment longer before reluctantly following me upstairs, fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles looked even paler than normal. I lead them straight to my room where I flopped down on to the bed and let out a puff of air. "That went about as well as I expected it to."
"You're in danger-" Caius hissed, red eyes glittering as he paced agitatedly back and forth.
"Completely unsafe," Aro cut in, looking entirely displeased.
"Children, they can't control themselves at all," Marcus said, poking his head out the door. I assumed he was checking to ensure we hadn't been followed.
I was mated to the three most overprotective vampires in existence and honestly, I don't know what I expected.
"Sorry," I apologized needlessly and all three paused in their steps to stare at me.
Unsurprisingly, Caius was the most blunt of the three. "For what?"
"Mia cara, you have nothing to apologize for," Aro said.
"It's those wolves that should be sorry," Marcus snarled in a surprising show of hostility.
I cleared my throat. "I think we all just need to calm down."
"They are a threat!" Caius growled. Clearly, I was fantastic at defusing conflict.
"Okay, I am going to change. I need you three to chill for like, five minutes. Deep breathing," I said unhelpfully as I grabbed a change of clothes and stepped into the bathroom to change.
"The fact still stands: there are wolves allowed in the house," Aro said through the door as I stripped out of the dress and tugged on jeans.
I let out a deep sigh. "Only because the Cullens gave them permission. The treaty works two ways."
"They're setting a precedent!" Caius exclaimed.
I buttoned up my plaid shirt, rolling the sleeves up to my elbows. "You're overreacting."
"We're being realistic!" Marcus said.
I opened the door and walked out, unsurprised to see that none of them had sat down (or taken deep breaths per my completely useless suggestion). "Look, I leave for Volterra with you in like, two days. We'll be together the whole time. Could you please stop freaking out?"
"We're just worried," Marcus said, his eyes softening.
"Trust me, I get it. But we're supposed to be equals. And I don't feel equal when you treat me like a child who needs an adult supervision twenty-four seven."
"Of course we see you as our equal. But you're humans, and humans are... fragile," Caius said, wrapping me in a hug from behind. He settled as he breathed in my scent. "You are our everything. If anything would happen-"
"We would fall," Aro finished.
"I'll be careful. Let's get out of here, yeah?" I asked, squeezing Caius's forearm. He released me from his embrace, allowing me to open one of the windows in my room. "You up for sneaking out?"
"Why hiking?" Marcus asked when we arrived at the trail.
"I like it. Besides, I want to enjoy the last few days I'll be spending in Forks," I responded, thankful that the rain chances for the night were fairly low. The ground was muddy enough as it was without more rain adding to it.
"What, where it rains all the time? Don't you miss the sun?" Caius asked, lending me a hand as my foot slipped in the slick mud.
"Thanks. And this is my home. I miss the sun sometimes, but I'm pretty used to it. I've spent the past four years in places that don't get much sun. That being said, Emmett and Rose did take me on my first trip to the beach over the summer when I was sixteen, which was beautiful. I'd love to go back."
"You didn't see the beach until you were sixteen?" Caius questioned, disbelieving.
I raised my eyebrows at him, something I knew he would see even in the dark. "I lived in Colorado with an abusive father and you're surprised?"
"She has a point," Aro said, which earned him an unamused look from Caius and a slight smile from Marcus. "We'll arrange a trip to the beach over the summer. We own a few islands-"
"You own islands?" I asked, wiping away the water from my face that dripped down from the trees.
"A few. One of them is yours, of course," Aro said with a beaming smile.
My jaw dropped, but I wasn't sure why I was surprised. I was mated to three very rich, very old vampire rulers. "You've given me an island?" I repeated faintly.
"You spoiled the surprise," Marcus complained.
I grinned. "I'll pretend not to know."
"We appreciate that, bellissima," Caius said, smiling.
"Could you teach me Italian?" I asked them, somewhat out of the blue. "I mean, you guys live in Italy, where I'll eventually live, so it only makes sense that-"
"We'd love to," Aro interrupted the beginning of my ramble, lifting me smoothly over a fallen log that he had easily jumped himself. "That may be a task easier once you've changed, however."
I shook my head. "No, I want to learn now. I know it'll be more difficult, but that's part of what makes it so rewarding once I accomplish it."
"We can start as soon as we get to Volterra. I'm sure the guard will be happy to help you," Marcus said.
"By speaking in nothing but Italian, no doubt," I joked.
"Hmm, most likely," Aro mused.
"Wait, really?"
"Of course not," Marcus answered, just as Caius said, "Probably."
I sighed, and not for the first time in my life, wondered if I was ready for all the future held.
My final two days spent in Forks went by in the blink of an eye. It was a whirlwind of packing, goodbyes, and Alice repeatedly trying to sneak lingerie into my suitcases until Jasper made her stop. On the morning of our departure, Felix drove up the driveway in a black SUV whose doors were promptly opened by Demetri, who was sitting in the passenger seat.
"Don't forget to let us know when you get there," Rosalie fretted, squeezing me in a tight hug. "And don't forget to call!"
"I won't, don't worry. I'll only be gone a couple months. It'll pass before you know it."
"Have fun, squirt," Emmett said, ruffling my hair and picking me up in a bear hug. "Don't forget about us peasants, huh?"
"Oh, shut up," I laughed, jumping up to smack him on the back of the head.
Emmett grinned. "I'll miss having you around, Jasper's not nearly so easy to beat in Mario Kart."
"Rude," Jasper said, smiling.
I said goodbye to Edward last. "Try to stay out of trouble, huh? And avoid any dramatics."
"I'll try," he said, giving me a wry smile. "But only if you do the same."
"I'll try," I retorted, and his ironic smile morphed into a real one. "Tell Bella that I'm trusting her to keep you in line during my absence."
"I'm sure she's more than up to the task. Now get out of here, the jet is waiting," Edward said, nudging me towards the car. "And call me if you need anything at all."
"Of course." I ruffled his hair, much like Emmett did with me, and gave my final farewell to him silently. And Ed? You do the same.
He gave me a small smile and an even smaller nod. Then I was seated in the back of the SUV, Felix pulled away, and we began my long-awaited journey back to Volterra.
Edited 4/16/2021
- In Serial12 Chapters
Dearest O'Malley
This story tells about a car's life and the way he lived in 1967. His name is O'Malley Malibu and he is a 1967 Chevrolet Malibu with a straigh six engine. He grew up with a two door Lincoln and a Chevrolet Impala and did everything with them together. Later on into the story, O'Malley is sitting up for sale in a yard of a little old lady who's husband was mean to him for a little while. He meets his new owner Gladys Kennedy who takes care of him well. She takes O'Malley to work with her and to church. But one day, a bully picks on a car for a parking space and when the bully tries to pick on O'Malley, he learns his lesson of what happens when he messes with a Chevy Malibu raised in Texas. Soon after Gladys gets too old to take care of O'Malley, she gives him to Randy and Jan, the next owners. They have O'Malley as the only car they have to drive until he met Susie, a Mercury Grand Marquis and a blue van. Then comes along Erik and Nathan, the two additions that he meets. O'Malley plays and makes Nathan smile by the time he reaches 2 years old. Leading Nathan up the road to learning, O'Malley guides his new master through a home schooling system to keep him on track. As many years went by, O'Malley soon is passed on to Nathan's care and being a planned college subject of a college sememster work of having his transmission redone. When Nathan meets his new girlfriend, Natalie, O'Malley grows a liking on her just as she is showing her photos of O'Malley that she captured on camera in 2014 and 2015. He soon finds answers for all the questions he had been always asking from finding out what happened to Impa to discovering the location of where Gonzo was to opening up to a friend back that seemed to be next to him all these years. O'Malley and his friends make videos for the internet from a pickle and white flour bath to the Elvis impersonations to honor the Elvis Presley feastival for all Elvis fans around the world. The three friends have a lot of fun together including pranking each other for kicks and laughs. Ticking back in time, O'Malley tells the audiences the memories he had back to his younger days when he and his cousins would prank each other and laugh at it now as he remembers it then. From the happy to sad stories that he experiences throughout the novel. People stop and stare at the beauty of O'Malley's sleek body all over town including taking pictures of him without his knowing. The story has yet to unwrap the secrets inside of O'Malley outside the car shows. There are hints of originality, heart, tranquility, untapped potential, undisturbed sensational zen, and undiscovered twerks that make him so amazing that people don't see nor don't pay attention to like they do in the show. O'Malley has a smooth, witty, sweet and relaxed personality. O'Malley travels down the road of memorable experiences from being in a sample teaser trailer of a movie to meeting a new love to finding another of his old friend from the 70s to meeting a life coach that would be his biggest inspiration. This is a novel that needs to be discovered for all eyes alike.
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I will make you only mine
"SSSSHHHHH... What did I say, you are here to listen, so let me complete. Your family's torture is not what I want. I want you, and now listen what I'll do to you after taking your escape routes away from you. I'll make you tied to this bed naked with your arms and legs spread inviting me to make love to you. Then I'll fuck you senseless till the time you forget how to walk for at least 1 month. Even sunlight won't be able to touch you without my permission. I'll kiss you everywhere senseless, you'll become mine then, and not even you yourself will be able to take you away from me. I'll fuck you so hard day and night that you'll only remember my name in your brain. You'll scream my name louder and louder, pleasuring me with this little body of yours, you'll have no other option left. You'll do everything which I'll say, I'll make you do every bad thing which you can't even dream of, I'll use every sex toy on you and no one will be here to protect you. You will be only mine then." His voice was husky and seductive. But I was trembling after listening to his words.This is a life story of a young girl who dreams a lot. But miseries in her life stop herself from achieving those dreams. Will she be able to achieve what she want? What is destined for her in the end? will she be able to break the shackles of this world and get what she want, or will she surrender herself in the hands of her fate?
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A stranger in strange lands, lost memories, a love of the skies a new life. Thus begins the story of a youth plucked from his world for no particular purpose save for the whims of nature. Or is it really? Maybe he'll find out or maybe he has to take everything in stride. Fate's boon, his encounter with the mythical might just be the most fortuitous as he scrapes a semblance of a new normal in a world of lands in the skies. But first, he treads the journey that grants him the wings before he flies.
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A girl, y/n faces the difficulties that come with moving to a new town. Well at least she has her cousin Jacob and his friends to hang with!Paul, one of Jacobs friends seems especially keen of the new face in town and will go to any length to protect her. But he has a secret he's not ready to share yet as he try's to protect y/n from the mysteries and dangers of his life and the town they live in.(I'm terrible at descriptions but probably better at writing(hopefully) any ways hope you give it a chance and like it!)
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True Love [BxB] (Unedited)
Jeon Jungkook , the only heir to The Heartless Dragon mafia is exactly what you would expect from a future mafia leader. He's ruthless, vindictive, heartless and cruel. He derives pleasure from hurting others and cares for nothing and no one but power. He has not a single thread of humanity in him, and after recently being betrayed by his right hand man and having to personally execute the man he came to love, the last bit of what could be called as humanity left within Jungkook , has been sniffed out. He closes himself off with the belief that no one can truly love him as he recalls the last words of his love.."You're unlovable"Kim Taehyung, a poor college student struggling to make ends meet along with working three jobs to pay for his sick mother's hospital bills and medication after his good for nothing father walked out on them finds himself with an opportunity of a lifetime when the head of one of the most dangerous mafia gangs in the whole of South Korea, knocks at his door with the proposal of becoming a right hand man to his son, the heir. The job would pay for college as well his mother's expenses, but that would mean losing himself in the process..Can he truly be what the young and ruthless heir needs? Can he sacrifice what he believes in to survive in the mafia world or will it eventually all suffocate him?NOTE: THIS BOOK IS TITLED "BXB" MEANING THERE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE SEXUAL INTERACTION BETWEEN MALES.
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