《Was I Looking For You》We all are going to the Paris?


Y.n Point Of View

This is our last day before you guys go to Paris but then like the next day you well see me again cause i am planning on going to Paris so we well be able to see each other again.Y/n said while they are packing away.

I know but that well be my first time sleeping without you i don't know how i will managed that. Jisung said

I know it well be hard but you will get through it trust me its just that one day and then you well see me again like in Korea. Y/n said

I know but still its going to be hard . Jisung said


Some is at the door. Y/n said confused

Ill go and get it you stay here. Jisung said

Jisung Point Of View

Ill go and get it. Jisung said

Morning Mr Jisung Can I come in i need to speak to you and Miss Y/n. Manger asked

Sure Come in Jisung said

Y/n Point Of View

Sure Come in. Y/n heard confused it could be one of the members

Hello Miss Y/n the manager said

Hello sir Y/n said

Call me manager like i said at the meeting. the manager said

Yes manager. Y/n said

Have a seat manager Jisung said

I wanted to speak to you and and Y/n about this hole dating thing going in between you guys i was thinking if Y/n wanted to come with us to Paris.The manager said

I would love to but there is one thing that i need to say before i can agree i am pregnant would it be fine if i give birth to our babies.Y/n asked

Yes that is fine by me and is it a boy or a girl. the manager asked.


Its both i am having twins .Y/n replied

Oh that is interesting well if you can handle 2 babies while jisung is away then i am fine with it. The manager said

Thank you Manager. Jisung said

So Y/n you are coming with us to Paris

Yes i am but there is one problem i might give birth in Paris

Oh okay that is fine and jisung see when Y/n feels like she is away to give birth can you text Chan saying you are going to the hospital with Y/n please. The Manager said

Yes i will manager. Jisung said

Thank you see you guys in Paris.

Wait Manager can Y/n best friend come to so she dose not feel lonely ?Jisung asked

Yes that is fine The manager said

and one more thing how long are we going to be in Paris jisung asked

2 weeks Manager said

Well there is no need to worry about the baby Y/n won't give birth in Paris. Jisung said

Okay and straight after Paris we are coming back to Korea The manager said

Okay thank you manager Jisung said

See you later and bring your friend Y/n the manager said

Bye and thank you Y/n said

So now i need to phone Hope saying that she is coming to Paris.

On the phone to hope

"Hey Hope" Y/n said

"Hey Y/n"Hope said

I have some good news Y/n said

What spell the tea Hope said

Right The manager was over at our room asking if i wanted to go to Paris with them Y/n said

And you said Hope said

Yes only if its fine if i give birth to my babies because i am pregnant and he said yes and then jisung asked if you can come with us to Paris so you are not lonely and he said yes so basically you are coming to Paris with me Jisung Felix and the rest of the members Y/n said


Wait what i am going to Paris with you and the other members i am going to be on first class plane going to Paris and he is fine with you being pregnant Hope said

Yes so pack your things and come over to our room and tell Felix that me and you are going to Paris with them if he wants he can come over as well Y/n said

Yes i will and i am packing right now with you on loud speaker Felix is getting him self ready so when he comes out of the bathroom then ill tell him Hope said

Thank you and see you soon bye Y/n said

See you soon ill be along with Felix probably Hope said

Okay Bye Y/n said

~The call ended~

Hope cannot wait to tell Felix what is going on today and i said that they can come over if they want to after they are ready . Y/n said

That is Fine by me. Jisung said

Time skip on tell Felix and Hope are here

"Hey Y/n" Hope said

"Hey Jisung" Felix said

"Hey Y/n" Felix said

'Hey Jisung" Hope said

I am so happy that i get to go with you and i bet Hyungo and Jisoo are too. Y/n said

I know its crazy that you and hope are getting to come with us its all thanks to you Y/n if you would not tell the manager about you and jisung dating then you and hope would had to go on a later plane to Paris so you guys can see us again which would of sucked. Felix said

I know i am so happy that i told the manager about me and jisung dating now manager now that i am pregnant to because i told him that so i am really happy with the choices that i done Y/n said

Well me and Hope should go and speak to him as well but that means i need to do the same thing as you guys did ask Chan if he can help us with it because if he still has the stuff that you used to say that you got knocked out by a random person then we can kind of use that but say that Hope got Kidnapped Felix said

That can worked but ask Chan if he can help you guys when we come back from Paris Y/n said

Felix Hope can i have a wee word with you guys in private? Jisung asked

Sure Felix said

Sure Hope said

Right i am planning on proposing to Y/n in Paris when we go to see the Effie Tower but i don't Know if it is too soon or not cause we have been dating for a month now so i don't know if i should do it or not and if i do then i do not have a ring for her Jisung said

You should propose to her like you guys have been dating each other for a while now so i think its a good idea plus hope can take Y/n for shopping and that gives you time to get the ring and if you want i can help you bro Felix said

Yes that is what we can do if i was you i would propose to her then cause it well be more romantic then if you do it later and if you want i can take her shopping so you and Felix can get the ring for her just text me when you are done picking the ring Hope said

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