《The one who came back...》The Beginning of the End..


Harry Potter. Who is Harry Potter? I am afraid I don't know. Never heard the name either. Harry Potter. Hmmm. No I am sure I have never heard of any person by that name.

But there is one person you need to know about. Forget about Harry Potter and remember the Dark Lord instead if you plan to see the light of the day. He is the real power here and no one defies him. Those who did not listen to him were crucioed into madness while those who dared to go against his ideals were put in Azkaban.

The Ministry is now under the control of Mrs. Granger Weasley. While Gringotts still remains with the Goblins, Hogsmeade is now Ronald Weasley's property. The world is just as we've seen for the past ten years. No changes have been brought about in the past decade.

We are trapped in a house with no escape routes. Though we can still move about, we have strict curfews on our daily diet and our routines.

Everything is unpredictable out here. No one knows what awaits them every minute. Hogwarts is a school for wizarding studies that teaches children to kill. If we don't send our child to study...... we will be thrown into routines of torture. Our children will be sent to foster families and then schooled. We have no choice.

Will it ever get better?

Hello guys!! How are you all doing? I got this idea from a fellow writer here on Wattpad and thought to expand on it. Do tell me if you like this small chappie.


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