《Anaya》Chapter 10


When Anaya fully gained her consciousness back, she could see that she had been admitted to the private hospital the Alexander family owns. After all, she had visited this place to see her grandmother when she had minor surgery the last month.

In the silent room, the soft sobbing of Callie and Damien coaxing her was the first thing she could comprehend. Letting out a small sigh knowing that she must have scared the couple a lot, Anaya turned around her head to see if her two brothers were present as well.

But to her surprise, it was Hugo brooks who was observing her quietly while leaning on to the wall beside the bed she was in.

Hugo Brooks who had not dared to move after the little one was brought back to the room after multiple testes, quickly noticed her unhurried movements and the small sigh which left the toddlers lips.

He quickly moved towards the staring child and checked if she was fine. Seeing that the little one smiling at him as usual, a wave of relief was brought to his aching heart. Smiling back at her and caressing her little head, he quickly retreated to call Callie and Damien back.

Callie rushed inside with her husband with tears falling from her beautiful eyes nonstop. Anaya couldn't help but smile at her and thing that beautiful people looked beautiful even when they cry. Looking at her baby daughter who was smiling at her as if to let her know she was fine, Callie couldn't help but cry harder.

When she finally calmed down to a point where she could hold her speech, she questioned Anaya in a soft voice.

Even though Callie was boiling inside to know what had truly happened for her extremely calm and intelligent child to pass out from fright.

This was what the doctors had informed them a few hours ago after the test results were out. The child had fainted from a shock or a fright as it was too heavy for her small body to bear.

This not only startled Callie and Damien but Hugo as well. Afterall the culprits at the scene were Hugo's mother and sister.

When these three discussed on what could have happened, they came upon a conclusion that it might have been something the Brooks mother or daughter said not knowing that Anaya was not the average toddler you usually see.

As doctors did not find any abuse on the babies body, it straightaway pointed to a mental shock from getting to know something.


So when Anaya woke up, the first thing all these three adults wanted to know was what the Brooks mother-daughter had said to Anaya, as Jonathan had informed Damien that he did not hear anything over the baby monitor other than a bit of whispering.

Hugo had his mother and sister go back without giving them any face letting them know that if anything were to happen to the child, family or not, they will have hell to pay. The frightened Mrs Brooks and Emily fled without a word with a blood loss faces knowing that Hugo Brooks would do whatever he said he would.

Anaya who was being soldered by the three adults felt a bit of helpless and sweetness in her heart knowing that all these people really did care for her a lot. However, thinking back on what she had discovered her heart chilled. The words she had heard kept on echoing in her mind making her feel restless.

She debated in her mind if she should let Hugo know, or if she should let the man forget her after all. As she knew very well that if the man knew he would suffer more than she could ever imagine.

However, then again she wanted to let them know. After all, she had died in vain if the Brooks bitches had really killed her. But for now, she decided on keeping silent until she was in good health to discuss this with these three.

The three adults were finally relieved to see Anaya's usual smile back on her little face. Although they wanted to know what had happened, the doctors had advised them not to pressure the little on too much.

After all, they were all Anaya's attending doctors who knew about the little girls extraordinary high IQ. But they were all very well aware that even though the child mentality was high, she still possesses a child body. And overstimulating a child was never a good option.

Hence they had to swallow all the questions they had in mind and just accompany the child so she could recover. Callie and Damien had decided to not let Ethen and Owen visit until Anaya was awake knowing that the little two brats would definitely try to take revenge if they were overstimulated by their beloved princesses sickly appearance.

Even if the Alexander couple hated Mrs Brooks and Emily Brooks, it still wasn't right if the two brothers somehow managed to go shave both their heads in anger. So right now the two brothers were rushing to the hospital getting to know that their little sister got sick suddenly.


Anaya stayed in the hospital for a week. Even though she was perfectly fine other than her mood plummeting once she thought that she must have died in vain, her body was perfectly fine. However, her whole family insisted that she had to stay in the hospital for the best care and even the cold Hugo Brooks tried to persuade her to stay by bringing her story every day when he visited. Anaya couldn't help but swallow up her complaints and recuperate.

When she finally got back home, it was as if the whole mansion was celebrating. all the servants lined up for her arrival and her bodyguard even gave her a hand-knitted hairband congratulating her on her speedy recovery.

This made Anaya giggle so happily that everyone thumbed up Railey in their hearts for making the Alexander princess smile so brightly. Anaya of cause felt that her bodyguard was very cute. Thinking the bulky man knitting a pink hairband for her while sitting quietly outside her hospital room when he was on break, of course, her giggle was very reasonable.

This incident, however, made the two overprotective parents even more overbearing than they already were. Her baby room and all the areas of the mansion was installed with security cameras and they even assigned Railey to personally guard her twenty-four-seven except his sleeping hours which was taken by one of Damiens personal guards as well.

Anaya really wanted to complain, ask them not to go overboard, but seeing the uneasiness of both her parents and her brothers, She just let them be.

After everything was settled down, one day she was playing with Damien in their master bedroom while Calle was writing up an report on the desk nearby as well. After thinking a while, Anaya knew this might be a good chance to let Callie know what had happened.

Damien who was combing Anaya's head trying to put a little pigtail on her spoke still concentration on doing her angelic daughters hair.

This sentence made Damien still as a statue while Callie turned over wide-eyed yet not daring to make any sudden movements fearing of scaring the child. Gaining his wits back, Damien softly questioned Anaya in a natural way as if this was not such a big of a matter his child was telling. The child didn't even know Anaya Brooks. Other than Callies usual stories about her and the pictures of her, Anaya Alexander should not be too familiar with Anaya Brooks.

Damien's heart chilled. So after all, their doubts were true after all. Why else would his baby angel cry so hard? it must have been definitely because she had heard something horrible. However, right now he had to completely get to know what had actually happened.

After all, even if Anaya was extraordinary baby whos intelligence was far beyond normal babies, she was still a child. She could have misunderstood.

Anaya who was still drawing on a sketchbook subconsciously replied. Damien, however, used this opportunity to pry into what his baby had said before.

Anaya who looked straight at Damien's eyes with her beautiful big light blue eyes questioned him back? but without letting the startled man answer she continued with her head tilted as if to question her own question.

Crash. This brought back Damien to reality from what he had heard only to see Callie fallen down from her chair sitting on her back on the floor with a horrified face.

Damien who knew very well that this should definitely not be a lie as Anaya had gone through various tests when she was a child due to her extraordinary mind and talent was definitely a child prodigy and she would never forget what she was told. Yet he still had to double-check. after all, this meant that Anaya brooks death might not have been a simple matter.

This time Damien paled with fright for the first time in his life. not only her little angel had memorised such bad words, but she had also understood in such a small age that another human had hurt another. This made his eyes flash in anger yet he tried his best to calm himself down not wanting to frighten the little one.

Anaya who knew that her plan had started to get in motion innocently nodded her head with a smile reaching out to hug the man's neck. She will make everyone who intentionally made her life harder cry without tears. After all, now she had no trust towards any stranger that she did not call family and friends.

If not fo her soft hardness in her last life would she have died in vain? Now she understood why she had been reborn with her memories intact. Her unfair death had to be avenged.

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