《Anaya》Chapter 8


Floating in her tiny swim ring which had pink flamingoes printed on the blue surface Anaya was having the time of her life drooling around making up fantasies, looking at all the handsome men around her. What else could a fujoshi ask for more? Ahh, the bliss of hot men.

If anyone actually knew that the sweet little toddler who seems to be having fun in the sea giggling is actually checking out the eye candies, making up yaoi pairs they would have dug a hole and buried themselves right at that moment.

The unaware employees of the Alexander family couldn't help but keep on glancing at the little princess as she looked extremely cute in her tiny swimsuit playing in the water splashing it with her chubby hands and giggling with her two brothers, not at all scared of the sea which a normal baby would be terrified of.

Hugo Brooks now being the third doting parent, refused to leave Anaya's side even for a second. After all, she was a little treasure he considered his own child now. How could he bear to move her in the waste spread ocean even if the waves were so calm at this private beach? Not even with Anaya's own family fighting him for her attention giving him sour faces he refused to move an inch. As far as he was concerned, if he was already there it was his responsibility to protect the little toddler.

Unknowing to himself Higo had awoken his protective instincts right at the moment he held Anaya in his hands the first time.

Meanwhile, the oblivious Anaya who had no idea of the train of thoughts of the mans' head was now checking out her ex-husband's muscular body with stary eyes. Hugo Brooks possessed splendid eight packs just as her dad Damien which is an excellent improvement from her previous memories where he only had six-packs.

And his white cotton T-shirt now completely soaked in seawater giving her the perfect vision of the tattoos which covered his whole upper body. The past two years, the man had gotten himself a load of tattoos for which Anaya had a feeling that it was to drain his sorrow with the pain by tattooing himself.

With all her family hovering around her and getting to play and walk with them Anaya actually had a great time. She was thankful for whichever reason she was born in this family. She now understood what a family gathering was, what it felt like to hold into her dad's arm and walk in the sand, how it felt to make sandcastles with her two brothers, how good it felt to eat cube watermelons from her mother's hand and how nice it felt to sit on Hugo's tall broad shoulders and feel the wind.

After all, in her past life going to the beach was a luxury for her as she was always busy with either studies or work. Other than her occasional outing with Hugo, it was quite rare for Anaya to go out and have fun like this.

Hence for this life, Anaya swore to herself that she would get the maximum advantage of the second chance she was given. She promised herself that when she was old enough she would learn new things, try out the things she couldn't do before, travel the world and she will enjoy life to the maximum with her new family.

Especially now that her new life included some of the most important members from her past life, she didn't have anything else to ask for. For once, she felt content.


Breaking from her thoughts, Damien walked towards where Anaya and her two brothers were playing and lifting her from the swim ring to his arms. Even though the water level was relatively high for Anaya and the two boys, For Damien and Hugo it only reached their waist. Hence the man walked with her in his arms with ease not bothering to ask the other three to come with him. All Damien Alexander wanted to do now was to get his little angel in his arms and keep her for himself. By the time Anaya realised what happened, they had already reached the beach shore.

Knowing very well what her dad was up to, Anaya couldn't help but giggle hugging the mans' neck. I can't believe you are the King of business with this childish attitude of yours, dad.

With Damien stealing Anaya away, of cause everyone else followed. They all started walking towards the beautiful beach Villas the Alexanders owned which was situated a little bit away.

Nestling her head on her dad's neck, Anaya could see Hugo getting her light blue swim ring with pink Flamengo prints on to his shoulder and following behind. It actually created a very funny picture that she couldn't help but let out her baby laugh in amusement.

A man who literary looks like a Hollywood hunk with his wet shirt glued to his well-defined body, his sun-kissed skin glowing, wet hair combed back which was dripping water droplets on to his shoulder, it was just as a scene from Baywatch the movie coming alive, yet to destroy the sexiness completely the man was carrying a large inflated baby swim ring on his shoulder.

Anaya could feel her body been covered by a warm towel making her body protected from been cold by the wind. She knew that Jonathan must have handed her dad the clothing to make her more comfortable. After all, she was still a baby and the wind blowing her after getting out of the seawater was not a good thing. Staying blissfully in her dads' warm embrace she could feel her self dozing off.

With a smile on her lips, she slowly let her self go into a deep slumber.

When Anaya finally came by, She was on her brother Owens' arms. She wasn't completely sure yet knowing her family well, she had a hunch that she must have been sleeping on someone's arms for all this time. With her family fighting for their turn. At least they had her on top of a very comfortable pillow so she was not uncomfortable.

Yawning a little Anaya blinked her tiny eyes rapidly to make her drowsiness away. With tears forming on both her eyes she rubbed her eyes to make her eyes become clear.

Unknowingly to her, this made all the onlookers swoon with the cuteness overload and Callie who was squealing in delight to snap pictures of the brother-sister duo nonstop and once again the family fighting over who gets Anaya next. It went up to a point where they decided to draw play Rock paper scissors which ended up Ethen winning and him happily getting her to sit on her lap while feeding her some baby food.

Looking around she could see a relaxed Hugo having a beer with her dad talking about some business deals while Callie was making some barbeque screwers with the family chef. Her brother Owen was fiddling around with their mothers' camera trying out taking different shots of her and Ethen. Everyone was having a great time looking at the sun which was setting down making the sky look marvellous. Admiring the view, Anaya couldn't help but beam in happiness wishing for her days to continue in this manner.


The days of the toddler passed by peacefully and happily with the pampering she got from her family and Hugo Brooks.

The happy and fun life went as usual with no disturbances for the Alexander family until one Saturday two guests visited their mansion uninvited.

Sitting on the charmingly decorated living room Callie was pouring Tea for the two women who wore lavish branded dresses as if to show their wealth. Although everyone could see that the clothing are extravagant and expensive, it was obvious that these two were novice riches compared to the elegant Callie Alexander who was dressed in a comfortable white blouse and jeans.

Callie spoke in her usual elegant demeanour with a smile on her face although inside she was fuming mad wanting to strangle the two who showed up uninvited on her day off. After all, Callie knew about these tow woman very well. The only reason she did not kick them out was that were the mother and sister of Hugo Brooks.

Of course, she knew them and have met them sometimes when she was visiting Hugo and Anaya's house when they held family gatherings. And she very well knew how they treated her best friend before when she was alive. Not that Callie ever showed her disgust to them as they were still related to Hugo.

The elderly woman Mrs Brooks who was around sixty years old with an arrogant air to her smiled and sipped on her tea as if they had done nothing wrong on barging into the Alexander mansion while her daughter Emily Brooks who was sitting next to her admiring the lavish surroundings stopped and looked at Callie accusingly as if she had said something to offend them.

With those words, Emily Brooks words meant that their sudden visit was because of her brothers' attention to Callies daughter. hence they decided to come to see the baby as well to keep good relations. however, Callie knew right away that the mother-daughter duo was just keeping up a facade and they had other ulterior motives other than seeing her daughter. If not why would they only come to visit the baby after they got to know that Hugo was visiting her? These people were shameless to their cores in Callies mind.

The mother-daughter pair was never a favourite of Callie as they always used to give her Bestie a hard time when she was alive. Even though Anaya didn't show it much on her face when she was alive, these two had hurt her mind whenever they could to the point Anaya and Hugo's marriage was on the line because of them. And now Callies dislike grew even more with their wanton behaviour. Only due to the respect she had for Hugo she did not humiliate the pair right at this moment.

Callie replied keeping her calm. She just wanted these two cunning hyenas out of her place as soon as possible. hence she decided to subtly push them to leave.

Even though she did not mean any word she just said, Callie had a disappointed face in front of the two women.

Without even bother to notice her underling meaning of Callies words, Mrs brooks questioned as if she was very eager to see the bay. Callie of course really didn't want her small daughter to meet these poisonous creatures, yet she endured as she didn't want to disrespect them as they were sadly Hugo Brooks family.

Callie replied without a hitch in her facial expressions suppressing her urge to throw out the mother-daughter duo who nonchalantly sipping on their tea as if they owned the place. At the same time, she was thanking the gods above for making these two visit right on Anaya's nap time. In Callies mind, these two were not important to a point of waking up Anaya. They want to see the baby? Sure they can see and off they go out from her house.

It's not that Callie actually had to show them her daughter at all. After all, power and status-wise, Callie held an extremely huge upper hand with these novice riches. Hence they should be the ones who should be warier of upsetting her rather than the other way around. Yet just for the old times' sake, Callie decided not to make this two embarrassed on their positions.

Emily who knew very well how influential the fashion designer in front of her was decided to butter her up. After all, they finally got a little bit of news about the Alexander princess with great effort. even though not much was known, the fact that how much of doting parents were Callie and Damien were towards their little baby was passed on.

Callie who understood the younger woman thoughts replied without much care.

This time, the mother-daughter duo both questioned in a loud voice with bewildered faces.

Not giving a damn about the duo Callie repeated her self calmly.

The reason why they had not heard Anaya's name beforehand was because of the secrecy Alexander family carried out. After all, the world only needed to know what they must. Even the little princesses name was not for them to learn unless the Alexander family decided on it.

Realising that they overreacted Mrs Brooks hastily composed her self while squeezing her daughter's hand to make her shut her mouth before she said something she shouldn't.

Mrs Brooks knew what kind of a relationship her dead daughter in law and Callie Alexander had. Even though Callie had come from an influential family even before her second marriage, despite Anaya been a poor student with no special means she treated her exceptionally well. Though Mrs brooks preferred this outstanding woman Callie to be her daughter in law instead of Anaya who had nothing special, her son Hugo was sadly head over heals for the plain Anaya discarding the fact that Callie had all a woman should have. Was it beauty, power, Money? family background? Callie had them all. None of those factors could be compared to her plain daughter in law she was dissatisfied with.

still with her calm demeanour, Callie voiced. Every minute passed by, Callies' patience was wearing off. As she could clearly see that the mother and daughter did not even like to hear the name, 'Anaya'.

Callie knew very well, that Hugo's family was not impressed with Anaya. They considered her as useless and not fitting for their outstanding son. What Brooks family who looked at things on the surface did not know was that without Anaya Brooks, there wouldn't be such an influential Hugo Brooks.

Without Anaya Brooks, there wouldn't be Brooks Corporation which was among the leading IT companies in the world. She was the hidden horse of such massive success. If it wasn't for her, Hugo Brooks who was unsociable and minded his own business would not be able to climb up so high so easily.

This fact was known by everyone in the industry, even Hugo Brooks was very clear on it. however, The Brooks mother-daughter duo didn't even bother to give a thought on that. What they had in their tiny brains was that a woman couldn't be that powerful, hence all these things must be done by Hugo Brooks and he is just letting Anaya Brooks take the fame for his work.

Baffled by Callies answer, Emily and Mrs brooks decided to drop the topic. after all, they still needed to get to their main purpose of the visit. what good it would be to anger Callie alexander now?

The mother-duo, in fact, had come visited with an ulterior move. They had wanted to persuade Callie to pressure Hugo Brooks to get into another relationship they had set up for him. They had chosen a girl from one of the richest families in the country, who was one of Emilie's new friends she met after becoming rich as the new bride. Now all the wanted was to make Hugo brooks go see her.

However, after hearing Callie's words they both had a doubt whether Callie would actually help them. They were both reminded over and over how much Callie and Hugo cherished the deceased Anaya Brooks which the mother-daughter duo had conveniently forgotten up until now.

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