

"Please Hee, find someone to love when I'm gone, Please....."

One gloomy day where the sun did not bother to come out, Hugo Brooks understood how his only sunshine was about to fade away.

His wife, whom he had loved sincerely from the day they met was now lying on a hospital bed with countless machines connected to her body just to keep her failing heart beating. Even at the brink of her death, this woman still worried about his well being.

Hugo Brooks knew himself very well, it was impossible for him to love again. After all, calling his wife the love of his life had a reason. She was the only one who had the ability to move his long-frozen heart for all this time. Yet, fate was cruel to both of them. Both of them were not even thirty yet, but it forced her to leave him forever, never to come back.

Trying his best to hide his stifling emotions, Hugo Brooks forced himself not to let his tears fall, wanting his dying wife to go with peace of mind. He did not plan to let the love of his life be sad because of him even at her last moments. For a man who had not cried his entire life, this was the first time he felt he was losing.

He and his wife were high school sweethearts. Not only they always stuck together through thick and thin, but the two of them also married at the young age of twenty-two ignoring Hugo Brooks family opposing it. Both of them worked extremely hard in their youths until they finally became the most influential couple in the IT industry, accomplishing to build a multi-billion company that ruled over the complete IT industry within such a short amount of time.

And finally, when the company was stable enough, they finally decided to get a break to start a proper family life and have a child. But suddenly, his wife fell sick from an unknown illness. Hugo Brooks brought over numerous doctors and specialists throughout the country, but no one could diagnose the cause to cure her. Within a short time, her organs rapidly lost their functions. Hugo Brooks contacted every diagnostic specialist in the world, but sadly, the time his wife had was too short. His sunshine was already beyond help.

She was on her deathbed within a short amount of time such as twelve days.

"It will always only be you, my love. Remember our promise? 'Through thick and thin, for now, and forever'. There'll be no one else other than you."

His deep voice was gentle yet hoarse. Giving a kiss on her forehead lovingly, Hugo Brooks tucked away some fallen hair off his wife's face. Her usually beautiful lively face now had become thin and pale. Even so, in his eyes, she was the most beautiful.

"Please Hee, count this as my last wish. Please......, I love you truly, so I want you to be happy, even when I'm not here anymore."

Although he had always agreed on whatever his wife had asked so far, Hugo Brooks couldn't muster any courage to reply to this plea. After all, it would mean he lied to her in the last moments of her life if he agreed. Even when she spoke such words looking so pitiful, speaking with such difficulty between heavy gasps, while tears ran nonstop from her beautiful eyes, Hugo Brooks did not budge.


Hugo Brooks knew extremely well to whom his heart belonged. When she leaves, his heart would leave with her. He could see his wife trying hard to keep her eyes open, yet failing to do so. Bringing out a soft smile on her face, she spoke once again making his heart ache.


"This is goodbye Hee. I Love yo...." with those final gentle words, her small face left in a serene peaceful state, the love of his life disappeared from this world making Hugo Brooks finally let his tears fall with heartbreak.

The only sounds in the eerie quiet rooms were the ongoing flat beep of the heart monitor and the sad sobs of a man kneeling on the ground-hugging his dead wife's body.



Gasp. With confusion, she opened her eyes which was shut a second ago. All around her was a pure white bright light. Knowing she had just died, she started paying attention to her surroundings.

"Anaya. Let's name her Anaya."

A woman's voice rang out. She felt nostalgic yet did not know why. What was more confusing was 'Anaya' was actually her name? Anaya Brooks. Yet the voice spoke as if she was being named all over again. Why? Thousands of possibilities rang out in Anaya Brooks overactive imagination.

After thinking for a second, the first possibly the over-imaginative Anaya Brooks came up with was she has gone back to the past. According to all those transmigration novels she had read before, she couldn't deny the possibility, right?

The second possibility was how she's in heaven. But she was being named once again for some reason. Though Anaya was sceptical about that. In her mind, she was more likely to go to hell than heaven. Not that she was a bad person in her life. She was averagely good, but with all the R rated Yaoi mangas and Novels she had read, she highly doubtful of God possibly letting her come to heaven. Unless some gods were Gay too and it was a normal thing in heaven?

The third was her husband Hugo had somehow miraculously managed to save her. Though it was highly unlikely as she knew her organs had failed. Plus, there would be no reason to name her once again then. Yet in the unlikely case of it being possible, this might be the future, as medical practice was not as advanced to replace all the organs in a human body at once in her generation.

Anaya Brooks couldn't help but feel smug at her thoughts. As she still had her memories intact, hence something must be happening. Anaya Brooks understood how she was beyond help last night after seeing Hugo's grave ridden face while doctors tried to console him. This made her be mentally prepared for whatever was next after death.

This was one of the reasons she was calm enough even though the white hue blinded her eyesight. Distracting her from her thoughts, Anaya Brooks could hear a male voice.

"Come to Papa baby. You are so beautiful."

Feeling her body floating in the air, she understood how she could feel her physical body little by little. Since the man mentioned a papa, did this mean she had gone back to the past?


She had been reborn? Had she gone back to when she was a baby? Anaya Brooks deducted many possibilities from this one sentence. Would this mean she was going to see her dad again? After all, God shouldn't call himself papa, isn't it? That would be way too kinky.

But then again, she used to call her father 'Dad' in the past, never 'papa'. But who knows, maybe when she was little her usually cold faced but kind heated dad called himself papa? This would be such a discovery if she was really in the past.

Little by little, Anaya Brooks could feel the mist covering her eyes clearing. Though her vision was not completely clear, she could make do. She was actually pretty excited to see her old man again, wondering how he had looked when she was young. Wait, if she was really going to see her dad wouldn't that mean she would see her deceased mum again? Maybe this time she could even save her from the accident which took her away from them. So many possibilities ran through her mind once again.

Distracting from her train of thoughts, Anaya felt a warm hand caressing her face. Blinking her slowly clearing eyes, she tried to focus. But just as the saying went, the bigger you expect, the bigger the disappointment would be. The man in front of her was definitely not her dad.

He definitely had the looks to be called a god though. The extremely handsome man had beautiful Deep blue eyes and shiny golden blonde hair.

And at that moment, this handsome face was leaning towards her with puckered lips.

Startled, Anaya Brooks wanted to smack this godly handsome face. After all, having a kiss face meant he was trying to kiss her! Freaking out, Anaya Brooks lost her calm for the first time and started to scream.

Waaaaaaahhh you perverted god. Get off me. Get off, I'm a married woman, dead or not. How dare you try to kiss me?

However, Anaya Brooks could not hear her usual voice. All she could hear was a wail. Not any other kind of wail but a wail she despised. A baby's wail.

But this made her logged off rationally came back online, making Anaya Brooks realise once again how she might have been reborn. Although she had not been born to her own parents, she must have been born for another couple. This possibility seemed to be the most rational one at that moment for her.

Not minding her complaints, the man kissed her forehead. But, he was carefully observing her as she had suddenly wailed and stopped abruptly.

"She must be hungry honey. Give her to me."

Hearing the soft voice of a female, Anaya Brooks guessed the owner of this calming voice should be her mother. Since she felt very familiar with this voice, Anaya Brooks tried to look towards the voice, but sadly, she could not turn her neck.

Feeling she was floating again, Anaya Brooks knew she must be being carried over. But to her surprise, she got to see the face of this dashingly beautiful woman she had missed for some time now. The enchanting honey-blond hair contrasting her deep black crystal clear eyes peach blossom eyes against the milky unblemished skin. Anaya's brain broke once again. CALLIE???

This time Anaya Brooks truly panicked. After all, although they called each other yesterday, she hadn't met her best friend, face to face for a year or so. Not only that, she had just confirmed to herself in her mind how she was reborn to a new couple and right now she was being brought to her mother by her new father. If so, what did Callies appearance here meant? This made Anaya Brooks shocked senseless. All the happiness she had felt after seeing her friend washed away in seconds.

But when Anaya Brooks finally thought nothing could surprise her more, she was critically hit by another shock once again.

"Here you go, sweety. Have some milk."

Breaking away from the realisation of how she was reborn to become her best friend's child, she could feel Callie's breast nearing her face. Which of course made Anaya Brooks freak out all over again.

Not only she had reincarnated as a baby, she just had to be born as her best friend's baby. This finally broke Anaya Brooks hard-headed calm attitude towards her new situation making her wail hard.


This time, both Callie and her husband who did not know why their newborn child suddenly wailed so hard without drinking her mothers' milk panicked. Even though they both were experienced parents, they still couldn't figure out why the infant was wailing. After the futile effort of Callie trying hard to soothe the child in her arms, her husband hurriedly called over the doctor.

Even after the doctors rushed in to check on the infant, they still couldn't find any problems. But luckily, the infant calmed down by herself and stopped wailing. Making everyone in the room including the attending doctors sigh in relief.

Soon after, the doctors gave another checkup just to double-check on the baby. By the time they were done, the newborn with light blue eyes and a tiny bit of Icy Silver blond hair slept in the embrace of her mother peacefully. Looking at the little cutie Damien and Callie Alexander finally sighed in relief.

"She definitely is your child, Damien. Not easy to handle at all."

The petite woman who looked lovely even right after childbirth voiced out making the tall handsome Damien Alexander chuckle in happiness. With the two parents smiling brightly at each other, they gazed at the tiny little angel sleeping in Callies's arms.

"Anaya Alora Alexander. That would be our daughters' name."

After bringing his wife to his embrace, Damien Alexander spoke in his usual elegant voice looking at their beautiful daughter who had flown over to the dreamland.

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