《Mine (Z.H)》Diesiocho


Dear Niall,

It has been 10 years, I miss you every single day. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better person for you. You probably don't even remember me, and that's ok. Don't worry about it. You look happy.

You look happy and healthy.

You're married now, and you have 2 beautiful kids.

And you're happy.

You're eyes are shining and they're that brilliant shade of blue I could never describe.

I hope he treats you well.

Remember no one should be allowed to hit you, raise their voice at you or your kids. Never.

If that ever happens, promise me you will leave him.

No second chances, not like you did with me.

Because if they do it once, they won't hesitate to do it again.

So please promise me that Niall, even if it's not for me, do it for your children.

I love you, always have and always will.

Take care.


Zayn xx


The end. I know sorry I just didn't know what else to write.

I'm thinking of writing a new story so maybe keep an eye out (???)

Also Dusk Till Dawn just hit 100 Million views on YouTube, my man is getting his coins! Super proud of him!!!

Niall's album is able to pre order, ok am I the only one who is upset about the fact that On The Loose is not a single ???? Like ???? My dude wtf???

I know it came out like a million years ago, but I haven't listened to Harry's album yet, is it any good? Lemme know, but please don't be rude and attack me bc I haven't listened to it please


I got a ton of homework to catch up on so I'll talk to you all later :)

Take care :)

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