《Darker Than Sin》7.
Me. Haze. The horror party.
I can't wait.
After spending most of the morning, helping Pa out on the farm, I studied for a little bit over lunch and had a nap before going over to Heidi's house.
Her parents are away for the weekend attending a country music festival a few towns over. All our parents often go to different events and fundraisers. We have never given them a reason not to trust us on our own. I've never really been in trouble with them before.
Even though Heidi acts like the rebellious one out of us three, she has the upmost respect for her parents. She would never purposely do anything to upset them. Except the belly-ring. They wouldn't approve of that.
Before I begin to get ready, I pull my phone out and scroll until I find his number.
Trying not to get my hopes up too high, I place my phone down and begin my makeup. I do what I usually would before coating my lips with a cherry-red lipstick. Once I finish, I press two fingers to my lips and drag them across, effectively smearing the red. I make bruises and cut marks with my eyeliner pencil, Heidi helping me shade some of them in.
I tease my long, blonde hair making it appear rough and unbrushed. Once satisfied, I finally let myself go look at my phone.
It takes a lot of self-control not to squeal with excitement.
As if sensing my boosted mood, Kai frowns.
"Don't get your hopes up. He probably won't come." He says flatly.
"You don't know him like I do," I tell him, even though I really don't know anything about him, either.
He shakes his head. "Whatever you say, Ellie."
"How about being supportive, like I would be to you?" I suddenly retort, folding my arms across my chest.
Heidi looks surprised at my mini-outburst and Kai straightens his back, meeting my eyes challengingly.
"Because if our roles were reversed, your support would be shallow as you wouldn't approve."
"Hey, let's not fight," Heidi intervenes, holding her hands up in a peace-like nature. "Tonight is going to be fun. Let's not ruin it."
Agreeing, I pull out my phone to reply.
"You said Haze is cool to come over, right?" I confirm.
"I'm not the one with the problem," she reminds me and I smile at her gratefully.
Kai remains quiet as Heidi begins to draw fangs on him. He's wearing ripped jeans and a black and red cape. With his thick-framed glasses, he looks like a nerdy-Vampire.
I'm wearing a pale, white dress that is loose-fitting and shorter than I originally thought. It dips low at the back, exposing more skin than I usually would show.
As the time draws closer to when we planned to leave, I crack open a can of my drink nervously, hoping that Haze will show.
"Told you," Kai says, getting to his feet "Heidi, you owe me ten dollars."
"You guys bet on whether he would show up tonight?" I exclaim, planting my hands on my hips, staring at my best friends with accusing eyes.
"He did." Heidi immediately said.
"Takes two, Heidi," he argues back and I frown at them both.
Heidi sighs and withdraws the note from her purse, when there is a loud knock on the door, startling us all. I spring to my feet and practically run down the hallway.
I wrench the door open and grin.
"Wow," he says in a low voice, his eyes dipping over my exposed skin as he takes in my outfit.
"Wow?" I repeat with what I can only assume is a flirty smile. "Care to elaborate?"
His face says it all, making me feel a little giddy on the inside.
He rolls his eyes. "Can I come in, or?"
I step back and he walks in, his aftershave washing over me. I lead him down the hallway, nervously twisting my fingers as I do.
"Guys, this is Haze. Haze, this is Kai and Heidi." I introduce once we get to the room, considering they've never spoken before.
"Hi Haze," Heidi smiles. "How's it going?"
"Good thanks," he surprises me by saying.
He is smartly dressed in dark-wash jeans and a tight, V-neck shirt that clings to his defined muscles almost too well. He has his sleeves rolled, something he likes to do apparently, showing off his artful and delicious looking biceps.
He places a bag onto the dining room table with a thump. I peer curiously over his shoulder, noticing the abundance of alcohol beverages stored in there.
"Big night planned?" I query.
"Nothing out of the usual," he shrugs, looking a little confused.
"Don't mind her, she gets drunk off two," Kai interjects with an eye roll.
I smile proudly at him, glad that he is making effort, even if he is bagging me out.
"Like you can talk Kai, remember that time you only had three drinks and challenged that exchange student to a rap battle?" Heidi snorts.
I let out a laugh and even Haze has a ghost of a smile on his face.
Kai's cheeks reddened as he scowls. "I thought we agreed to never bring that up again."
"Couldn't help myself," she giggles, taking a sip of her drink.
"Haze," I say to him, reaching out and slipping my fingers between his. I think I am as surprised as he is at the gesture.
He lets me tug him towards the mirror we have set up. I gently shove him into the seat.
"May I decorate you?" I cheekily ask.
"Do I get a choice?"
"Not really."
I withdraw my eye liner pencil. I chew my lip as I study his face, thinking of what to put where. I can't help but examine his prominent cheek bones, his long lashes and light blue eyes that seem to bore into mine. His lips are a soft red. My thumb twitches to run my thumb over them but I pull myself together, knowing that Kai and Heidi are watching.
I begin to draw stitches across his forehead, noticing a slight scar on the left side of his skin. I make a series of lines, which I delicately rub with my forefinger, smudging the ink. His eyes never leave mine and I blush, due to our proximity. His warm breath fans my lips as I make stitch-looking patterns across his chin.
I tear my eyes from his and step back, smiling.
"Beautiful?" he echoes in a disbelieving tone. "More like a disaster."
"A beautiful disaster," I murmur, low enough that only us could hear it.
I hear his breath hitch momentarily in his throat as his eyes widen. My cheeks burn from my blush as I duck my chin in, quickly busying myself with putting the eye liner pencil back in its designated area.
"Are we almost ready to go?" Kai whines, glancing down at his watch that is too big for his wrist.
"Yep," I answer when no one else does.
I give myself a once-over in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance.
"Kai, you owe me ten dollars, remember?" Heidi pesters him with a victorious smirk on her face.
He sighs, reaching into his wallet.
"They bet on you," I give in to Haze's curious gaze. "Whether you'd show up or not."
"Ellie!" Heidi exclaims.
Haze smirks. "Oh really?"
"I lost, clearly," Kai mutters, passing over the note.
"You're a gambler, then?" Haze asks, a hint of challenge in his voice.
"Depends, what are you offering?"
"Five bucks to whoever can skull their can of drink first?" Haze suggests.
Kai tilts his head. "Okay, you're on."
I raise my eyebrows; surprised Kai is willing to participate. I silently hand him another drink, which he cracks the instant it's in his hands. Heidi begins to film on her phone.
"Ready?" I ask them.
They both give a curt nod back.
The cans are lifted to their mouths. I watch Kai for a second, before I turn my attention to Haze. My eyes dip over his lean, muscular body and hard arms, before forcing myself to look back to the alcohol.
Haze tilts his head back, before scrunching the can in his hand, dropping it to the ground.
"Ah," he lets out conclusively, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, his eyes gleaming with triumph.
"Dude, I'm not even half way!" Kai bursts out, looking awed.
Haze offers a one-shoulder shrug, a lazy smirk on his face. "Five, was it?"
Kai scowls, muttering something about dipping into his 'life savings' as he digs through his wallet.
"Well, this has been fun, but we should really go," Heidi prompts, finishing her drink.
I down mine, it being nearly empty. I slip my phone into the small zip pocket on the side of my dress. I have my ID jammed in between the back of my phone and the case.
After everyone has the essentials they are bringing with them, we gather our drinks into mini-cooler bags and begin our short walk to the community hall. Heidi lives the closest to it than any of us, so it's convenient her parents chose to be away this weekend.
Heidi and Kai walk ahead of us. I purposely slow my steps and Haze does the same. Our arms brush and tiny, electric currents burst through my veins at the touch of his skin. I glance up to him and he is looking ahead, a small smirk on his mouth.
"That wasn't too torturous, was it?" I question, the cool night wind whirling my hair over my shoulders.
"I guess not."
"Hey Haze?"
"Yeah?" he asks, finally meeting my eyes.
"I'm really glad you came tonight."
He gives me a small, tight-lipped smile in return. We continue to have small-chit chat – mainly me asking him questions, or telling him something. As we get closer, the music gets louder.
An excited smile stretches across my already-eager face.
At the entrance, there are two guys standing there. They were seniors last year at school. It must be their turn to be at-the-door security, while everyone is arriving. The doorway is covered in a black coat, paper-cut bats splayed above the wall.
"Coming?" Heidi calls briefly, before disappearing through the dark-lit entry way.
Kai follows her through.
"I'm going to have a cigarette," Haze tells me gruffly, looking a little anxious.
As he reaches for his packet, I find myself grabbing his hand.
"You don't need it. Come on."
He looks startled at my words. I tug him up the two stairs.
"Looking lovely as always Ellie," Harrison compliments me with a flirty wink.
"Thanks Harry. Hi Will." I greet the other boy to my left. "This is Haze, he's with me."
"Noted. Have a good night." Harrison says politely, his eyes never leaving Haze's.
Haze gives him a hostile stare, his hand tightening in mine.
As we step inside, the music is almost deafening. There are people everywhere, all of them dressed in bloody garments and other horror-inspired costumes. I notice several witches, vampires and a few people that look like they've been stabbed.
Tables have been lined up to form one, long line, with a black cloak draped over them. There is finger food provided and a few punches, for those who are choosing not to drink alcohol tonight. I steer Haze towards the corner that Heidi and Kai have chosen to stash their drinks. My cheeks feel hot as I realise we're still holding hands.
I drop his hand as we get there and immediately miss the warm contact of his fingers in between mine.
We all get a fresh drink. The cold can feels nice against my palm.
"Who's ready to dance?" I shout at them.
"Nope." Kai says flatly, before stalking off towards his other guy friends.
"I will," Heidi grins, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me, hinting that I should ask Haze personally.
"Haze?" I say, turning to him, as he doesn't reply.
"I don't dance."
"You do now."
"I don't." he bluntly replies.
"Please?" I peer up at him through my lashes and he sighs.
I reach for his hand again and turn my head so he can't see the blush kissing my cheeks. I drag him towards the dance floor, where a bunch of other people are already moving to the beat.
Heidi begins bouncing around the place, her auburn curls flinging around her face. Her eyes are wide and bright with enthusiasm. She floats from us to another group of girls and back, looking radiant with energy.
A number of people glance towards me and Haze. I know they must be confused as to why someone like me, is with him. It's terrible to think, but I'm realistic enough to realise. We seem opposites – me a small, blonde girl with strict, conservative parents who lives in the wealthy part of town. Haze, on the other hand, is tall, dark and screams rebellious, living on the worst street with a bad reputation.
I begin to bounce on the balls of my feet, my head feeling light as I move around Haze, grinning.
"Do I have to do this?" he groans.
"Come on," I smile widely, taking his hand in mine once again, swinging his arm. "You never know; you might have fun."
He rolls his eyes, taking a long drink. He slowly begins to move a little more. I try not to get too excited about it.
A guy in the year below me wanders past, a camera in his hand. He aims it at us. I fling my arm around Haze, pressing my side to his. He rests his hand on my back. I smile as the guy takes the photo, the bright light blinding me momentarily.
"Great, I love photos," he sarcastically mutters.
I smile at his words and choose not to reply.
Once I finish my drink, and he has finished his, I discard them in the closest bin. When I reach him again, I stand on my tip-toes and snake my arms around his neck. I press my body against his tall, muscular frame.
His eyes almost pop out of his skull when he gazes down at me.
"Ellie, what are you doing?"
"Dancing with you," I say, moving my body against his.
His hands find my hips. His fingers bunch up my dress slightly as his eyes bore into mine, making me almost want to look away. I don't. I inch myself closer and move my body more, interlocking my fingers together, behind his neck.
"Ellie," he says again and I smile, loving the sound of my name on his lips.
"You sure you want to do this?" he asks me.
I cock my head to the side, leaning closer to him, as if he is magnetically drawing me in. I'm beginning to forget that I'm in a room, surrounded by people who are probably watching us. I forget that my friends are close by. I forget that there is anyone else here, apart from him.
"Do what?"
"Be around a guy like me." He murmurs, his voice quiet and even.
"A guy like you?" I repeat innocently.
"I'm a mess. I have a lot of flaws."
"So does everyone," I shrug, grazing my thumbs against the warm skin on his neck.
"Ellie..." he drags out. "Think about it."
"I have."
His thumbs rub circles into my hips and I bite my lip, loving the intimate feel of it.
"I'm not what you want. You deserve better."
I press roughly on his neck, making him bow his head down. I press my jaw to his, my lips brushing his earlobe. I feel him shiver beneath my touch and I grin victoriously.
"Forget it all" I whisper. "Forget everything you're thinking right now."
I draw back and he is staring down at me, looking thoughtful.
The corners of his lips twitch. I'm gazing at them, mesmerised in their colour, shape and how desperately I want to feel them against mine. I'm shocked at how strong and hard these feeling have come on. I've never been like this.
And then we're kissing.
His lips are warm and much softer than I thought they would be. I tilt my head back and tighten my arms around him, crushing my chest to his. The kiss deepens. I have never been kissed with such fierce intensity and passion before.
Fletcher is the only boy I've kissed and it was very soft, held back and gentle. This is hungry and powerful. His lips claim mine with intense dominance that make my knees knock together. I feel his tongue brush mine and my eyes snap open. I've never experienced that sensation before. His tongue rolls against mine possessively and I love every second of it.
I'm completely lost in him.
I have lost all sense of time and surrounding environment. I don't know how long I've been kissing this boy, but I don't want it to stop.
After a long time, he steps back, looking breathless. I gaze up at him, my chest heaving.
"Jesus," I hear him say.
He takes his lip in between his teeth and it sends me over the edge. I drive his lips to mine again and I'm once again, taken back by my confidence.
We stay kissing, his hands exploring my body, skimming over the bare skin of my back, while mine restlessly tug at his hair. It feels soft and light as I tangle my fingers through it. I slip his hair band onto my finger and yank it free. I continue kissing him deeply, my fingers stroking through his shoulder-length hair. I've never found long hair on guys appealing – until now.
He clamps onto my bottom lip suddenly and sucks it hard. I let out a squeak of surprise, the shocked sound being drowned by the loud music around us. He steps back, a lazy smirk on his face, his eyes looking a few shades darker than they usually do.
"Ugh, get a room!" Heidi shouts at us, letting out a loud giggle.
She floats away from us again. My lips are throbbing from the kiss and I trail my fingers over them, peering up at Haze. He looks as out of control as I feel, his long hair framing his face and appearing much messier now, half-looking like a lead singer of a rock band.
"Let's go outside," he says, sliding his fingers between mine.
He carelessly pulls me behind him and I feel giddy and a little overwhelmed.
Eyes watch us as we leave. I don't miss Kai's shocked gaze. I duck my head and let Haze confidently escort me from the hall.
The cool air washes over my flushed skin as we step outside. I let out a nervous bubble of laughter, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. It feels like I just exited a dream and the wind has slapped me back into reality.
"Haze, you make me act very different to how I usually would," I honestly tell him, my voice a little unsteady and highly embarrassed that everyone just witnessed me making out with Haze. It's a small town – people will gossip about this for weeks.
He brushes his dark hair back and quickly ties it into a low bun. I clench my jaw as I watch him, my hormones going into overdrive.
"I must say, Ellie," he smirks devilishly. "You took me by surprise."
"Me too," I mumble, my lips still pulsating.
"Can I have a smoke now?" he asks me sarcastically.
I shrug. "I guess, if you really have to."
He withdraws one from the carton in his pocket. He effortlessly flicks the lighter over the end. He slips it between his lips and inhales, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I hate smoking," I suddenly blurt.
He smirks, slowly exhaling, taking the cigarette between his fingers.
"Now that is unsurprising."
"Why do you do it?"
He takes another drag slowly, before leaning against the building.
"I have always been around it, because of my dad, but being around the other kids in juvie, it just rubbed off on me. Now it helps me relax and calm down. I have some issues."
"What sort of issues?"
"Really bad anger issues." He admits, his usually blank face looking pensive as he gazes up to the sky. "Whatever you think is bad, worse than that."
"Really? You don't seem that angry."
He lets out a dry laugh. "You're the first person to say that to me."
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