《The Innocent Salvatore (Niklaus, Elijah and Kol)》Chapter 9


Damon paces around the house nervously. 'I should of gone to get her myself' Damon thinks to himself angrily. How could he leave such an important task to his brother instead of taking care of it himself. Although Stefan was probably right, he would get to angry and end up dead. If he was dead he wouldn't be able to save his daughter, making the whole thing pointless.

Walking over to his alcohol Damon grabs a bottle of bourbon, forgetting the glass and chugging from the bottle. For every minute that passed Damon grew more and more worried, his thoughts wreaking havoc in his head. Damon was just about to pick up his phone and call his brother again when said man barges through the door.

"Where is she?" Damon asks as soon as he enters the room rushing to meet him. Looking around Damon looks for any sign of his daughter, not finding one. Looking at Stefan he notices the nervousness and guilt covering his features. Not matter how hard Stefan tried to cover it up he was his brother, he knew all of his tells, all of his little nervous ques.

"Stefan." Damon says angrily growing more angry as the time passes. "Where. Is. She?" He asks his brother again more firm and angry this time, the light going out in his eyes replaced by cold darkness.

"He didn't have her, not that I could find out." Stefan tells him trying to keep the guilt out of his tone hoping his brother wouldn't catch it. The more he said the more he regretting his decision, maybe he wanted to get caught. Maybe his conscious was trying to get him discovered, guilty about what had been done.

"Lier!" Damon hisses out angrly catching on to his brothers lie as soon as it spewed out of his mouth. Speeding toward his Damon holds his brother on the wall by his neck, choking him. Damon's eyes were red now, his vampire face out.


"You have 3 seconds to tell me where my daughter is." Damon threatens his younger brother, his daughter being more important to him. When Stefan doesn't answer Damon starts to count.

"1." he says watching Stefan squirming not saying anything yet. "2" Damons says again tighten his hold on his brothers neck. "3!" Damon yells about to snap his neck.

"Wait, wait!" Stefan yells, "I'll tell you!" Stefan tells his brother barely getting the words out because of how tight the hand on his neck is. Removing his hand Damon watches him drop to the floor, coughing loudly while holding a hand to his neck. Growing impatient Damon picks him up again throwing onto the couch.

"Tell. Me. Know." Damon says still seething although his face was back to normal now.

"I made a deal." Stefan tells his brother sitting up on the couch properly trying not to sound as guilty as he was.

"What deal?" Damon asks the blonde Salvatore not believing the words. Out of all the people in his life he wouldn't expect his brother to be the one to betray him.

"I-if I let him k-keep Angel, he'd." Stefan pauses trying to stop the small stutter coming out of his mouth. He had never been this afraid of his brother before, he had never seen his brother that angry before. The only time he had seen his that way was when they first turned.


Damon wakes up with a gasp sitting up on the grass he was laying on. Looking around Damon notices his surroundings a confused look on his face. Damon couldn't remember anything that happened before.

It was all calm for a moment until everything came rushing back. The town finding out about vampires, getting shot while trying to save Katherine, and lastly watching his daughter cry as the life went out of his eyes.


"Stefan!" Damon yells watching his brother run over to his at an incredible speed, one impossible for a normal human. Getting up from the ground Damon stands up, looking his brother in the eye a million questions running through his head only asking the most important one.

"Angel, where is she?" Damon asks Stefan watching as a sad look cover his face.

"I couldn't find her, but I don't think she's alive." Stefan admits as tears come to his eyes about what he saw. "I watched them take all the bodys into the church. They burned them, I watched the fire grow until it covered the whole building." Stefan tells Damon crying now.

As soon as those words come out of his brothers mouth Damon's world crashes in front of him. The most important person in his life was dead. His daughter was dead, never coming back. Dropping to the floor Damon starts to sob into his hands.

"Does that mean we're vampires now?" Damon asks from his spot on the ground, the question so quite Stefan wouldn't be able to hear it if it wasn't for vampire hearing.

"Yes." Stefan says solemnly, he had already fed not wanting to die.

"I'm going." Damon says getting up from his spot on the ground and speeding away before Stefan could stop him. That week Damon had killed everyone involved with his daughters death, including their family. Damon had killed hundreds maybe even thousands under the pretence of revenge.

Stefan had finally found Damon 3 weeks later, following the reports on the 'animal attacks'. When he found him he had never seen someone that angry, but sad at the same time. Although Stefan had managed to calm Damon down they had split soon after. Not being able to stay together, both missing Angel to greatly.

- -

"He'd what?" Damon asks just as angry as he was before snapping Stefan out of his flashback.

"He'd leave me and Elena alone, he's let us have a normal life!" Stefan annonces tired of being treated like what he did was horrible. It may have been selfish, but Damon was always selfish. He deserved to be for once. Damon's blood ran hot as soon as his brother said those words. He was even angrier than before if that was possible.

"You selfish as*hole!" Damon yells flashes tworreds Stefan again this time snapping his neck watching him drop to the floor falling off the couch. Picking him up damon walks down stairs into the basement throwing Stefan in one of the cells down there. Grabbing Stefan's daylight ring off his finger Damon shoves it into his pocket slamming the cell door behind him locking it as well.

Speeding out the house Damon heads towards the Mikaelson residence, only having one thought in his mind. Getting his daughter back no matter what the cost.

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