《Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |》6


Jaehyun and Jungwoo are both confused by Shindong, Eunhyuk and Siwon's action. They were trying to read their minds but the two weren't able to read it sonce the three are rankers.

Heechul came out of the dining room as he finished drinking blood

Shindong asked Heechul

Heechul asked and tried to check the papers

Siwon answered as he crossed his arms, looking at Jungwoo and Jaehyun

Jaehyun asked

Eunhyuk answered

Jungwoo asked

Heechul said and showed them the paper

Jaehyun asked

Shindong stares at them



Jaehyun and Jungwoo finally read the papers. At first the two were confused but they finally realized. Jaehyun automatically smiled as he saw Jieun's name.

Jaehyun asked

Jungwoo put the paper down and his hand turned into a fist as he heard Jieun's name. It was supposed to be him. That was his request bu Jaehyun got it.

Jungwoo said


Jaehyun asked as he finally understood everything

Shindong explained as he drank the blood in front of him

Jungwoo ordered


Jungwoo sighed


Jungwoo said and walked away

Jaehyun sighed

Eunhyuk said as he read the papers again

Heechul said

Jaehyun smiled and can't wait to live in one roof with Jieun soon.


Jieun sighed as he played with her pen, she's not even paying attention to her text book in front of her. She can't forget about what Jaehyun told her.

Jieun whispered

Jisung called and entered her room

Jieun lazily stood and vowed at his brother

Jisung crossed his arm

Jieun shouted and lied down to her bed

Jisung asked and is getting confused about his twin sister who kept talking to her own self

Jieun quickly looked at his brother

Jisung raised his eye brow

Jieun desperately asked

Jisung rolled his eyes and was about to leave but he remembered something


Jieun answered

Jisung sighed and left his twin sister's room and went downstairs. He saw their parents eating already. He sat far from them. Jieun also went to the kitchen and started eating. She also sat far from them.

their Mom smiled at Jieun

Jisung noticed how Jieun's hand started shaking

Jieun answered and continued eating

She knows what will happen when their parents will suddenly call her sweetie or will act sweet to her. There's another problem and they need her help.

their Dad said and started acting nice to Jieun

Jieun shook her head as answer.

Jisung asked as he felt worried about Jieun

their Mom smiled at him

their Dad said and faked a smile at Jisung

Jisung stopped talking when Jieun dropped her spoon that made a loud sound and everyone looked at her

Jieun said

Her Mom gave her a paper

Jisung said

Jieun signed it and gave them the paper

their Dad smiled

Jieun closed her eyes as she finally walked out of the dining room. Her hand tightened into a fist as she realized what she have done.

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