《Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |》1


Third person's POV

Yoonah shouted her best friend's name and rang the door bell a lot of times

Jisung shouted and banged the door a lot of times

Jieun stretched her body as soon as she woke up and opened the door while she's still half asleep, facing her brother who's angry right now

Jisung said while showing his poker face at his twin sister

Jieun yawned and smiled at her angry twin brother

Jisung rolled his eyes

Jieun faked a smile and watched his brother walked away from her, but as soon as Jisung left, she rolled her eyes

She annoyingly went downstairs and saw the maid preparing their food while Jisung is eating while scrolling through his phone. She just rolled her eyed secretly and went to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, Yoonah ran inside.

Yoonah shouted and ran to the kitchen

Jieun whispered and went to the kitchen

She caught Yoonah making some cute yet annoying faces to her twin brother. Jieun sat on the opposite side and started eating with them. She smiled at her brother who's really annoyed right now with Yoonah's face.

Jisung annoyingly said and was about to stand when Yoonah pulled her to sat again

Jieun asked and ate the ham in front of her and smirked at his brother

Jisung rolled his eyes again and stood he said and quickly left the house with his poker face on

The maid made sure Jisung isn't there anymore. She closed the door and ran to the kitchen

Yoonah shouted and stretched her body

Jieun smiled and stood up

Yoonah answered and continued eating

Jieun went straight to her room and get ready for school. She took a bath, wore her uniform and curled her hair as soon as she finished drying it. She ran downstairs carrying her things, and saw her best friend feeling at home, watching some movies.


Jieun told her

They were about to go when the maid stopped Jieun...

the maid told Jieun

Jieun looks confused

Yoonah faked a smiled and dragged the confused Jieun outside of the house

Jieun asked her

Yoonah rolled her eyes

Jieun said and started walking to her school

Yoonah quickly followed her

Jieun asked as she glared at Yoonah

Yoonah stopped talking when Jieun glared at her for the last time

Jieun sighed

Yoonah pouted and clinged her arm onto Jieun's arm

They arrived at the Stonehill University. As expected, there's a lot of new students this year which is not really shocking. It's always like that every year.

Jieun told her best friend gave Yoonah her bag

Yoonah said and left with Jieun's bag

Jieun ran to the rooftop as fast as she can. That's her favorite comfort place, it's her own hideout although everyone knows about the rooftop. She quickly sat at the edge of the rooftop watching every student go back and forth like ants. She was having fun when she suddenly remembered that she needs to call her parents.

she shouted as loud as she can, it doesn't matter, no one care hear her anyway

a guy said while walking towards her

She quickly stood and faced the guy in front of me

he tripped and accidentally landed on top of Jieun

Not just that...

He accidentally kissed her...


Hi, it's me!

This is my very first NCT ff, that was requested by a reader of Vampire Hyunjin ff. I decided to try writing NCT ff although I'm not a fan. Still! I'm trying to write what you guys want to read :))

I hope you like it!

Thank you to for the cover and title of this story❤️

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